I cant quit smoking!!! Help!!!!



  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Honestly, those cheesy commercials that talk about how to quit are right. You have to want to do it, seriously. If you are a serious then set a quit date. Don't annouce it to the world. Some people will try to be helpful, but really they are just making you feel bad.

    When your quit date comes make sure you have sugar-free hard candy and gum handy in your purse, office desk drawer, glove box of car, wherever because most people need a replacement during those times they normally would have one. Brush your teeth after eating because no one likes to mess up fresh breath. I also used to bring carrot sticks to work and eat them during breaks while reading a book, when I would have normally been smoking. If you work, take walks during your normal cigarette breaks but avoid the smokers area. You may have to skip going on break with friends who still smoke fotr awhile. For me a big thing was drinking - I stopped drinking for a few weeks because I always seemed to smoke a lot more when I drank and it was big trigger for me.

    This is what I did when I quit smoking in 2006. I had a couple slip-ups when I cheated, but I never actually became a "smoker" again. It was hard, but was the BEST decision I ever made!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I stopped cold turkey.
    It truly takes a made up mind.

    It's tough and sucks and the first 3-5 days are hell!!!

    Careful not to fall into the snacking, junk-out replacement phase.
    The habit of hand to mouth causes this along with boredom.

    Here's some truth for you.
    I could grab a smoke right now and be back at a pack a day.
    Been just over 2 years for me.
    The cravings still come and go.

    So long story short it CAN be done!!
    Stay active.....craving comes....go run, lift, etc.
    Even something as simple as grab a friend and have a conversation for distraction.

    Good luck....just NEVER stop trying and don't give into the urges.
    You can do this!!!
  • timrgraham
    The only thing that worked for me was the e-cig. The flavors are awesome and with different nicotine levels you can wean yourself off.
    Me too! I haven't had a single cigarette since I got an e-cig (Kanger Evod starter kit) four months ago. Now I'm going to start lowering the nicotine levels in the juice I buy to zero, and eventually be nicotine free.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Be careful if you decide to go the Chantix route.
    It changed my whole personality and I was not even aware of it.
    Learned this thru husband and a good friend.
    It probably works well for many , but not for me.
    Chantix is the devil...my husband is lucky I did not murder him when he was on it..I ended up throwing his Chantix out...
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I quit 3 weeks ago, with the help of Chantix. What finally pushed me over the edge was this:

    I started putting the money aside which I would have spent on smokes...$30-50 per week. That's a lot of money to put into something else that I really, really want. I used that money to buy a gym membership, some adjustable dumbbells and bands for home, and now I'm saving up for a new HRM or fitness monitor (it should only take two months of cigarette money to get even the priciest of monitors.)

    When I have a craving, I either brush my teeth or do something physical, like a jog (if I have time) or just pick up some dumbbells and do some quick rows or presses. I try to really think about how a few weeks ago, this thing I'm doing was a lot more difficult. I try to really think, while running or walking, about how my lungs feel.

    Unfortunately, I've also taken to snacking to fill that craving, but I'm trying to do so wisely with low-cal options, preportioned into 50 or 100 calorie baggies, so there's no waiting or guesswork.
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I haven't smoked not even a single hit on 2014 ... still miss it tho ... specially when I'm really stressed out :-(
    since I cant eat my frustration i work out or go for a ride on my motorcycle
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Be careful if you decide to go the Chantix route.
    It changed my whole personality and I was not even aware of it.
    Learned this thru husband and a good friend.
    It probably works well for many , but not for me.
    Chantix is the devil...my husband is lucky I did not murder him when he was on it..I ended up throwing his Chantix out...

    I've never had an issue with Chantix, but many people have. Apparently, if you have any sort of mental or emotional issue, it will exacerbate it. If you get nightmares, it will make those worse, too. I'm pretty lucky that I don't have any of those issues, so the only side effect I've had is occasional nausea if I take it on an empty stomach. And it's working pretty well. I'm not taking the full recommended dosage any more. I'm stretching out my last month, because I just don't feel that I need it.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    how much do you want to quit? If you really wanted to quit, you would.

    The only success stories ive heard of people quitting are the ones that really really want to quit

    i appreciate what you're saying to the OP, but man, smoking is an addiction, both mentally and physically. i know people that haven't smoked in forty years that still jones for one on occasion.

    Yeah theyre jonsing of course, but they dont cave in...I know a lot of people who have quit and who have the intention to quit, the intention stays but the willpower is never there.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I quit 1.5 years ago by switching to an e-cig. I was one of those people who was NEVER going to quit smoking. I got a decent e-cig and never looked back. It was easier than I ever could've imagined. I'm down to 6mg of nicotine (which is very little, a cig has around 20mg I believe) and I have no desire to smoke. It's definitely worth a try if you are struggling to quit (I quit without even meaning to!).

    This is me too, although I've only been using my e-cig for about 3 months. I haven't taken a puff on a real cig since I bought it. I looked into e-cigs for almost 6 months before I finally made the jump. I've only bumped down 1 nicotine level, but I bump down whenever I buy a new bottle (which is in a couple of days lol).

    Yes, you could quit cold turkey, and there are people that succeed that way. But there are other options out there that lead to success as well.
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    I smoked for well over 20 years, This June will be 2 years, I used Chantix for 3 months and chewed alot of sugar free gum. Over the course of the 1st year, I put on 30 of the 60+ pounds I had loss, which I have recently gotten off and feel GREAT!!!

    When your mind is ready to do it for you, you will, be mentally ready for the cravings, possible weight gain, moodiness...etc etc......

    Hows the saying go "If you dont plan then you plan to fail" So plan and you will succed

    Good Luck!
    Smoke Free feels Awesome!!
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was the e-cig. The flavors are awesome and with different nicotine levels you can wean yourself off.

    That's what worked for me too.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I quit about 10 years ago. It was driving me crazy with the stink, the expense and diminished lung capacity for my sport. I HATED it! I was also addicted. So I quit by inconveniencing myself and self-hypnosis. I would only buy cigs one pack at a time and couldn't get a pack unless I was totally out and "joansing" . I got a bit crazy, aggressive and had to up my workout to control my temper by burning off adrenaline from withdrawal. My poor DH and kids! I would meditate 1 hour a night by candle light on how much I hated cigs even while going into withdrawal for one. It took 3 months. I stopped actually smoking 1 month in. It sucked! Good luck!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was the e-cig. The flavors are awesome and with different nicotine levels you can wean yourself off.

    worked for me as well.
    me too - used a Jac vapour e-cig for about 6 months regularly, then occasionally - now I don't use it any more - 18months sinc my last cigarette and no problem.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Be careful if you decide to go the Chantix route.
    It changed my whole personality and I was not even aware of it.
    Learned this thru husband and a good friend.
    It probably works well for many , but not for me.

    Chantix actually did work for me. But not everyone's personality will be affected. The drug's side affects are different for everyone. For me I was the same personality wise. I just had some wicked -wicked dreams. Not scary or nightmarish just weird to the point that I knew that what I was dreaming was impossible and usually laughed at what I was seeing. I woke up countless times laughing my head off.

    I use to smoke 1 pk a day in addition to chewing. Both very bad habits. But the key to it not matter what route you take is that you HAVE to WANT to quit. Until then you have a 50/50 chance of being successful. For me, I was tired of it all. The expense, the side affects and everything else that comes along with it. So I made up my mind that I was going to quit, set a date and stuck with it. I used Chantix and got through the first month and a half then was able to put it all down. That was 4.5 years ago and have not looked back since. To this day, I still do not have the urge to smoke or chew.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    how much do you want to quit? If you really wanted to quit, you would.

    The only success stories ive heard of people quitting are the ones that really really want to quit

    The last time I quit, it wasn't because I wanted to. I was being supportive of my boyfriend (at the time) and I didn't believe he would do it. We had a bet that the first one to smoke would pay the other $20. I was too stubborn to pay, so I quit. That was over three years ago. He has started again, I have not.

    OP, it is a really difficult thing to do. I am a bear for the first three days, then it is a matter of finding a way to fill the space when you used to commonly smoke. My triggers were television commercials, talking on the phone, breaks at work, and long road trips. It takes time to replace those feelings of "I should have a smoke" with something else. You can do it. It won't be easy, but you can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Lots of great advice! One thing that really was hard for me was NOT smoking on the weekends. Pick up a new hobby or pick up an old one. I'm cross stitching again. It really helps to keep my hands and mind busy.

    I walk on my breaks, work out at lunch and just try to stay as busy as possible to avoid any temptations.

    If you slip up - do NOT beat yourself up. Throw your cigarettes away, get back up and try again.

    There are a TON of apps out there you can download that can help you track how many days you've been smoke free.

    I would suggest reading Allan Carr's Easy way to quit smoking. Every time I back slide, I reread the book. It really does help.

    As someone reminded me - tobacco is so ingrained in everything we do, it takes time to change that behavior. Good luck!
  • ncscott11
    ncscott11 Posts: 100 Member
    Vapor worked for me. Now I occosionally ingulge on one here and there (usually with an adult beverage at a softball game) it was the best thing I could do! For me I really didn't WANT to quit, I liked it, but I knew for my health and wallet's sake I needed to. There's tons of flavors and different levels to accomidate all types. Plus it's cheap...like way cheaper!
  • mrodriguez1082
    mrodriguez1082 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! So many replies and awesome tips and advice! Thank you all very much for sharing. Since this was originally posted, I set a quit date of May 12, 2014 (today) Im wearing the patch and I also invested in an e-cig. Hopefully I will do this. I feel horrible though, never really thought about what a horrible addiction this is. Just gotta keep it moving!!!
  • lovelyloola
    lovelyloola Posts: 33 Member
    Ecig worked for me for the past 10 months and counting.