New to dieting and obviously doing it wrong


I'm Bill and I am a big guy (350) and have always loved eating and going out to eat. I recently went to the doctor and he was concerned that my sugar was around 130 on my lab work, which scared me, so I started MyFitnessPal on my phone, and started logging my meals and trying to eat smart. After a week of averaging 2000 calories total intake (one day I was up to 3000 but most days has been 1500-2000 not counting calories burned) I went to the doctor again to weigh myself and see how much weight I had lost. Amazingly I gained weight which has me very frustrated. Not sure if I am not eating the right foods, or eating enough food (My wife says I am not eating enough) and also am very confused about the Nutrition info on my app, as it says I should be getting 3500 potassium per day and I rarely get even half of that (I eat bananas & fruit a LOT since starting, and today I ate a bowl of total cereal with a banana cut up in it) and todays potassium number is 1500/3500 :(. I have tried to not eat any breads this week but I have eaten 4 slices on sandwiches throughout the week, my only bread this week... I also am trying to not eat potatoes as I typically have potatoes with about every dinner. I have eaten vegetables every dinner this week, fruit through the day and snacks, snacking on carrots and celery, once wiht peanut butter but mostly raw and by itself.

I just dont know what I am doing wrong. I am considering signing up for weight watchers for the "guidance" aspect of it, but I hesitate to get into a monthly bill when there is so much info for free online.

So thats me, and it is nice to have this forum to vent on, sorry for going a little over board.


  • dwbotti
    dwbotti Posts: 29
    Hey Bill, good to meet you. I was at 230 at my largest and have kept 60+ off for a while now. I am glad to hear you've made the first positive steps. Look forward to talking more. Send me a friend request if you like!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Here is a very helpful link. I am trying to find the one that talk specifically about tracking. I will post it for you when I find it unless someone else does
  • Tigercrum
    Tigercrum Posts: 7 Member
    I appologize, I was more venting than offering useful information in my previous post. I will add some detailed information and I also made my diary public to.

    To start off, I was injured on the job in 2011 (its been 3 years and a couple months) and after that point in time my activity was very very low. For the first two years I would say seriously sedintary, rarely even leaving the house. It hit me emotionally very badly, and I know that isnt an excuse but I really got bad. Over the past year I have been a little more active, but nothing regular. I do a little yard work (in very short segments, when I say a little I mean a little), or I take my son to the YMCA and I use the treadmill.... but that is few and far between. I really am being honest here, I have been lazy and unmotivated since my injury, and before that I was a very active (but still a big guy) person who although I was big, 310-320, I was in great shape and in pretty good health. Ive never had a high blood pressure reading, I can usually predict it within 3-4 points by saying 115/75. I have had borderline high colesterol the last couple years, but it did not scare me enough to change my eating habits, but other than that no health problems.

    Now, last Summer I quit chewing tobacco which I had done for over 35 years. After my injury my weight went from 310-320 up to 330-335 from not working and not doing anything for exercise.... but after I quit tobacco my weight shot up FAST to around 360-370. I dont know a high weight for sure because my doctor only has 350 lb scales, but I did weight at the YMCA at 362 one time, so I know I was over 360. I have maintained that range since quitting.

    Last week was my doctors appointment, and like I said in my previous post, my Cholesterol went down to 100, but my sugar on my labs was 133, and he mentioned it. Now I am very scared of diabetes, I know folks who suffer from it, and that is what got me to decide to diet and improve my activities to improve my lifestyle. So on Tuesday 4/14/2014 I started logging my calories, every meal, as best I could. I started using the Samsung S Health on my phone, which is fine but didnt have the barcode scanner, so I downloaded MFP on Wednesday and started using that.

    I have been using my Samsung Pedometer to measure my steps per day, and entering that data on my diary (as normal pace walking). I have not invested in anything else, but after reading some info from these forums, I think I will be this week.... food scale, a tape measure to take measurements of myself, and if I can afford it some type of heart rate monitor which monitors calories burned.

    Over this past week I have greatly increased my activity, and when I say greatly I mean it as I was so inactive before. I go to walmart just to walk thru the store, I been taking my son to parks, or to somewhere else, just so I am out for a couple hours and getting some walk on. Today I went golfing for the first time since I hurt my back in 2011, and had a great time... and was amazed when I entered golf, with el;electric cart for activity, and 2 hours for time, and saw it burnt over 1000 calories. This new activity is what I suspect caused me to gain weight this week rather than lose. I ate VERY good this week save for a midnight snack and a Saturday night out with friends at a new German restaurant where I had schnitzel and a dark beer, but even with those meals I have been WAY under my suggested calorie intake. I have logged everything very honestly, frankly I dont see the point of logging dishonestly, but had to say that.

    Now my intimate details:
    Age: 44
    Height: 6 foot 1/2 inch... or 72.5 inches
    Weight: was 348 Last Tuesday, but today the 350 lb scale couldn't weigh me :(.
    Waste Size: 55.5
    Neck Size: 22.5

    I can not remember what other info can be helpful, let me know if I missed anything!