Bride-to-be & struggling..

Hi there!

My name is Debs and I live in Derbyshire in the UK.
I have been using MyFitnessPal on and off for ages but I need it more than ever right now.
I am getting married on 6th September and I don't want to be a chubby bride. I started my "wedding diet" on 4th January, I cut right back on my calorie consumption and upped my exercise, I started the Couch to 5k running programme (of which i have 2 runs left and then its complete) and I lost 12 pounds in just over 2 months. Unfortunately, I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago and went on a food bender! I am now struggling massively to get back on track and complete my running programme.

I have around 3 months until my wedding dress arrives and I need some motivation and words of wisdom!!!
Any help and adivce will be greatly appreciate!

Nice to meet you all! xxx


  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Debs you can do this!

    Just keep focused and remember between now and the wedding there will by MANY events where you could easily binge so keep it in the front of your mind that this is super important to your health and to have a long life to enjoy love and happiness. and to make sure that dress fits!
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    I am getting married in two months, I have managed to lose 16kgs with MFP the only advice I can offer is keep focused on what you are aiming for but remeber to be yourself while you are doing it :-) you will get there if you count your calories, weigh your food, stay below your allowance and move more.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I am getting married in two months, I have managed to lose 16kgs with MFP the only advice I can offer is keep focused on what you are aiming for but remeber to be yourself while you are doing it :-) you will get there if you count your calories, weigh your food, stay below your allowance and move more.

    This. Keeping your eye on the goal is very important. Clearly define your goal - whatever that is - to fit into your wedding dress etc Then when you are tempted, remind yourself of your goal. Talk to yourself like you are another person that you are responsible for eg. What would you say to another bride to be in your situation? Then say that to yourself. Be your own coach.
  • mrsdebsriley
    mrsdebsriley Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for all your wise and helpful words :)
    Tomorrow is a new day! Focus focus focus!!

  • rubystar2
    Hey Debs, my goal is to get down 26kgs so Im ready for when I get married... only thing is Im not engaged yet! LOL An ongoing joke with my partner... when I get to 70kgs he'll propose! Well Im a very determined girl.. so 70KGs here i come!

    You can do it.....
  • mrsdebsriley
    mrsdebsriley Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Debs, my goal is to get down 26kgs so Im ready for when I get married... only thing is Im not engaged yet! LOL An ongoing joke with my partner... when I get to 70kgs he'll propose! Well Im a very determined girl.. so 70KGs here i come!

    You can do it.....

    Haha excellent :) good luck with it, we can all do this!!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    My advice would be to look at what you are eating - are the foods satisfying your needs? Can you eat similiar to this forever and ever? No? Then this is just a temporary diet and not a change for the future.

    Have you just cut down and out too far? It is ok to eat some of your favourites and still count your calories. Make room in your intake for something you really like. Your eating plan needs to be something you enjoy and can continue when you are in maintenance. You don't suddenly hit goal weight and then you skip off into the sunset.

    Educate yourself on how much of something you can eat and still enjoy the food and the weightloss together. Work out your daily meal plan the day before so there are no surprises by dinner time. So you can enjoy fulfilling meals and a nice little treat.

    and remember: No-one likes a hangry bride-to-be. Everything leading up to your big day will run much more smoothly if you are running smoothly.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    hi Debs,
    you have the kicker to get started, which is getting into the dress.
    now you need the focus; I'd recommend that you pre log each days food to get the macros inside your range & put things in that you enjoy,
    every time you put your hands on something that hasn't been logged say to yourself, 'will this help me get in my dress?'
    it'll soon become a habit,
    good luck x
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Keep your eye on the prize. I know from my experience I didn't want to look back at photos and hate them, or to always think I could have given it a bit more effort.
    Don't end up looking back with regret.
    I wish I had done more to lose weight by my wedding, but I have made peace with that and know that I was well ahead of where I would have been if I sat on my bum and did nothing. Best of luck. xx
  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Debs! We have the same wedding date! I would love to lose 20 pounds by then, but I think that's a little unrealistic... so I'll be happy with 10 :)

    Slow and steady! You can do this!
  • ElyseHerz
    ElyseHerz Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm also a bride to be. I sent you a friend request.

    I finally started my weight loss journey. That was a big step for me. The hard part now is, when should I set a date and start to plan my wedding? I have over 100 lbs still to lose :-(