150 lbs to lose. Need some support!

Hello! My name is Callie and I'm 24 years old. I weigh 266 lbs and I want to lose 116 lbs to be at my goal weight of 150. I've already lost around 15 but its tough. Most of my friends are in shape and my husband isn't into doing this with me. I work and have a little girl and my job and my hobbies are all very sedentary.

I need some supportive friends that I can encourage and that will encourage me to keep going. This struggle is tough but I'm willing to do it. I would also LOVE easy peasy recipes that are healthy and quick to make. By the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is a make a big production out of dinner.

I'm also battling a sugar addiction. Every day I feel the longing for ice cream or cake or a brownie, cookie, etc. If anyone has information or is willing to add me, Please do :D


  • PhotoGraphicGirl
    PhotoGraphicGirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - add me if you want! I have a friend who lost a lot of weight, it can be done. :smile:
  • Jewels_xo
    Hi Callie, I sent you a friend request.

    Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to easy, healthier recipes. My vice is chocolate. I have completely cut it out until I can get
    a handle on it and only eat it in moderation. I'm not at that point yet lol.

    Good luck with your goals, I am sure you will do great!
  • MrsHuffmanNC
    MrsHuffmanNC Posts: 43 Member
    Sent you a friends request!
  • incanto50
    incanto50 Posts: 6 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have lost 30 pounds.
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello :) I've just sent you a friend request. The key to this weight loss malarkey (as far as I can tell so far) is logging honestly and accurately, and being patient. Eventually the cravings will hopefully reduce, I found like jewels that total avoidance was the only way to go to start with, but now I can have one piece of chocolate without eating the whole box ;) best of luck :)
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    Hi - you can add me as a friend if you like. I have a little less than you to lose and also battle a sugar/carb addiction. If you are interested just send me a friend request and I'll reply! Good luck...you can do it and are lucky enough to be catching it young! Trust me, it is easier to lose weight the younger you are! Not only is your metabolism still relatively high....you have the energy to do it. Even if you don't feel you have the energy now, trust me, once you get into the habit of moving you will not want to stop! Good luck.
  • 197Kiki
    197Kiki Posts: 129
    Feel free to add me! :) I could use more support too! You'll do great just stay positive and dont let anyone talk ya out of what you want to do to better yourself! :)
  • rubyredargyle
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
    I have quite a bit to lose as well, and I've found that the support of others like me helps a lot.

    congrats on your first 15 pounds!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs and am not too far away from my goal weight. Feel free to add me if you're interested
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me hun!
  • asanchez0829
    hey! Im also looking for people to get me motivated and keep me motivated to lose my 40 lbs. Callie I have sent you a friend request hope everyone can send me their love and support as well!! Thanks!


  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    I will add you, I started at 268, and need to lose another 100+lbs. I am VERY motivated and love to encourage others.

    "I would also LOVE easy peasy recipes that are healthy and quick to make." Check out a recipe I just posted the other day for Cookie Dough Baked Oatmeal. 5 min prep, 25 min in the oven. Easy, healthy, and yum!

  • ashliij
    ashliij Posts: 54
    Feel free to add me and I'll be willing to help in whatever way I can. Good on you for taking this upon yourself! I'm sorry your hubby isn't doing it with you :( partners are the best for weight loss. Maybe a friend can help you out instead?
  • gothdaisy
    Hi Callie! Congrats on starting! You can add me if you want to. I'm about half way to my goal right now (65.5lbs down in 8 months) and the FitnessPal has been a life saver! I've never had success with anything like I have with this! I know you can do it too! I'm not much for cooking recipes... but I can still inspire and chat! LOL! My success has come mainly from keeping my daily calorie intake under control and walking on my treadmill as much as possible! Good luck to you and hope to chat soon!
  • ElyseHerz
    ElyseHerz Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Callie! I'm adding you as a friend. I also have 100+ lbs still to lose. It's hard for me too as my life is pretty sedentary. I try to get active by joining a bowling league and taking walks. Try to start a new hobby that gets you moving! My fiance is a chef and he helps me prepare my meals, so feel free to look at my diary for recipe ideas. I also love sweets and have needed to cut them out, as I can't just have one. However I eat greek yogurt and fruit as a dessert, as well as drink sweet seltzer, and that has reduced my cravings considerably. I'd love to join you on your (and my) weight loss journey! Anyone else, feel free to add me as well!
  • LifeAsMrsA
    LifeAsMrsA Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Callie!, I'm always looking for fitness support buddies! I added you as a friend I hope you'll accept my request :)
  • mandy5135
    mandy5135 Posts: 67 Member
    I have 140lbs to lose and would love to join you on your journey:)
  • SpamLamb
    SpamLamb Posts: 36 Member
    I'm down 30 but I still need to lose about 100 or so. I'll send you a request as soon as I finish this post! Hope I can be of use!!!
  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    I too have over a hundred pounds to lose. It is going to be a long road, but I wish you the best of luck at a smooth ride! :smile: