I think my scale is broken!

I... Well I had a goal to try to get down to 200 lbs by my birthday, on May 3rd. Today I felt good enough about myself to check the scale. My tummy is (reasonably) flat, I've been doing well in controlling how much I eat. I feel like I'm losing weight. I've topped out around 225 lbs, and the last I checked (some time ago), I was at 215. Today I hopped on my scale in my bikini, getting ready to go out for a swim, and it put me at a whopping 250!! There was crying, some panic, and then the impending "wait, how is that possible?"

My cashmere pants still fit, and they fit comfortably. They were very tight when i bought them, which could just be due to wear, but 35 lbs worth of stretch? I still fit into my shorts. I was feeling damn good about my swimsuit. My ex recently mentioned I looked heavier, but I've mostly learned not to listen to anything he says.... But what if he wasn't just a mega jerk?

Then I weighed my 10 lb dog in at 15 lbs... Small things are usually different on a bathroom scale, though, aren't they?

I just don't see how I could have missed 35 pounds. Do I look like 250 lbs?? I don't feel like I look any different. This is so upsetting. I guess I'm really here for support, and maybe some answers or similar experiences. Something deep inside me says, yeah, you could hit 250 easy. You've got the opposite of anorexia. You just always think you look good, no matter how fat you get.

And then the rest of me prays that my bathroom scale needs to be replaced. There's just no way, 35 lbs... naah.... T~T


  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Do you have a wii? I weigh myself on that.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Have you moved the scale? Is it digital or analog? Does it need new batteries? Do you have something in the house of a known weight (like a dumbbell) that you could try on the scale?

    Scales do break from time to time.
  • Honestgoth
    It is an analog scale. I scooched it around a few times, mebe it was the mat? Hold, I'm going to go check right now.

    OH MY GOD IT WAS THE MAT. I feel like a dummy. Thank goodness. Heh. The scale was adding a ton because I had it set on the mat. *phew* Thank you for giving me my sanity check. -_- I was terrified I'd gained a ton of weight.
  • Honestgoth
    Turns out I was a dunce and set the scale on a mat. *OH THANKGOODNESS*

    You mean the wii fit system? I didn't know it weighed you... I'd love to try one, actually, do you think it's a good work-out program/system/game? Because I definitely have a wii that I should probably stop using for sitting around and wasting my life on netflix.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I've had the same problem. I'm gaining muscle, I know that, but my weight overall has stopped dropping and has increased about 10 pounds over the last month. I'm just trying to keep my head up and keep exercising and eating right. Good Luck and just keep your head up!