Other Parts of Your Life Getting Better?

Happy Monday everyone! I was just thinking about how other aspects of my life are getting healthier as my body is.

My house is so much cleaner
I'm drinking less alcohol
I'm waking up earlier
I drink more water
I drink less coffee
I'm outside more
I spend less money
I watch less TV

Overall I'm just happier. Anyone else?


  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    That's great!!!! I'm certainly feeling more positive overall! I'm enjoying being outside and being active, i've been drinking more water than ever before, i'm able to push my self control boundaries and my sleep schedule is balancing out for the most part.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Sex is better.
  • pdxvintagette
    pdxvintagette Posts: 10 Member
    I'm just at the start, but it's interesting to see how fast other things change. I am drinking WAY less coffee, far more water and my sleep schedule seems more healthy as well. I got a spring cold and normally I'd be a big baby, watch movies on my laptop and do nothing. I'm still getting through my workouts now though, although at a lower intensity and I feel it helping me recover faster. Addressing the above, I will definitely say that I'm more "in the mood" too - the workout high is great for that.

    My house is not cleaner, but at least I think about getting to it. My fridge is FULL of good food.

    I'm generally more optimistic, too
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I love my relationship even more! :) I have a very supportive fiancé who has been there with me, supporting me and my choices the entire way :) One of my happiest moments was when he picked me up to carry me into the bedroom cause I was sleepy... and I was light enough for him to do it without struggling :) It felt so great to be in his arms without worrying about hurting his back or something like that.

    Also since I've been running these past few months, my asthma has been basically under control :) I did c25k and although some days were rough, overall it's much easier to breath :)
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    Gotta love all of those life improvements!

    Hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I haven't gotten sick recently! I always get sick this time of year. Here in Utah we go from cold winter to 70s-80s in a very short time. I always catch a cold or strep or worse during the temperature change. Not so far this year.