What is the average biking speed? And how far am I from it?

So, I went for a (to me) long bike ride and tracked my path. I went for 30 km and it took me 3 and a half hours, with some stops along the way, with the average moving speed of 10.72 kph. I have no idea how fast or slow that is and what is the average speed etc etc. Can you guys give me some perspective?!


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Asking what the average biking speed is is akin to asking how long a piece of string is.

    There's no definitive answer, all that really matters is that you were riding your bike at a comfortable pace and, presumably, enjoying yourself.

    If you had a particular goal in mind, eg commuting 10km to work in half an hour , you may have to push yourself harder (which could just be a function of getting out and riding more - you didn't give too much background ie how long you've been riding, type of bike, surface you were riding on).

    Comparing yourself to others isn't necessarily helpful unless you plan on racing. If you want to ride faster work on improving your fitness otherwise just enjoy yourself & ride safely!
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    Asking what the average biking speed is is akin to asking how long a piece of string is.

    There's no definitive answer, all that really matters is that you were riding your bike at a comfortable pace and, presumably, enjoying yourself.

    If you had a particular goal in mind, eg commuting 10km to work in half an hour , you may have to push yourself harder (which could just be a function of getting out and riding more - you didn't give too much background ie how long you've been riding, type of bike, surface you were riding on).

    Comparing yourself to others isn't necessarily helpful unless you plan on racing. If you want to ride faster work on improving your fitness otherwise just enjoy yourself & ride safely!
    this..for me on my mountain bike,,around 13MPH is good,but on my road bike 15MPH is perfect cruising speed.want to ad the mountain bike is on the road also,,I dont trail ride anymore. To each their own,find your zone and go with it.
  • simple82
    simple82 Posts: 23 Member
    I know what you're saying, I just want to have an idea of how much more work I have ahead of me. To give you an idea, I've recently moved to Amsterdam, bought a second hand bike here (no mountain or road bike, just a simple one), and went for a ride in the suburbs. Most of the ride there was no hills, but at times the wind was killing me!
    I'm biking after a long time and want to get an idea of how slow I am.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I know what you're saying, I just want to have an idea of how much more work I have ahead of me. To give you an idea, I've recently moved to Amsterdam, bought a second hand bike here (no mountain or road bike, just a simple one), and went for a ride in the suburbs. Most of the ride there was no hills, but at times the wind was killing me!
    I'm biking after a long time and want to get an idea of how slow I am.

    I'm not fast by any stretch of the imagination but the longest ride I usually do each year is a 100km charity ride and I can usually 25kph over that distance, my commute to work is about 19km each way and I can usually do that in about 45 min (depending on traffic)
  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    I have been asking myself the same question... also what is classed as an easy workout - I only used the stationary bikes at the gym and can manage 24km in a hour on level 4 ..... any one give me a heads up?
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    How long have you been riding for (experience)

    What sort of bike do you have? Road/Urban/Off-Road?

    What sort or terrain are you riding?

    Mine would be one number and your's could/will be totally different.

    P.S I run 10km in an hour so cycling ought to be faster aye?
  • ga3873
    ga3873 Posts: 10 Member
    Start with what ever you are comfortable with and go from there.
    Push yourself just a little bit more each time.
    It won't take long.

    And as above, it all depends on what you ride and where...

    Good luck!

  • Start with what ever you are comfortable with and go from there.
    Push yourself just a little bit more each time.
    It won't take long.

    And as above, it all depends on what you ride and where...

    Good luck!


    I think this is very good advice; especially on the "it won't take long" part.

    I started riding a road bike 3 years ago. I had to stop after 0.75km at first to let my heart and breathing calm back down. 3 years and a loss of over 80lb later, I'm unfulfilled if any ride is less than 50km @ 25kph.. Neither of those two numbers are much for a seasoned rider, but to me, they're something that I spent 30 years of my life believing they were impossible.

    Keep it up, you're doing great. Its very addictive.
  • ga3873
    ga3873 Posts: 10 Member
    believing they were impossible.

    I think this is our biggest problem to start with - believing!

  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    a googolplex times infinity

    youre it. no tag backs!