HELP! Not loosing weight....the way i was

In the past 2 weeks I might have lost 1 pound! I was averaging about 1-1.5 PER WEEK. I am staying under my 1500 calories per day. I do a work out almost every day. Calories burned averages from 200-390 depending on what I am doing. I either jog, go hiking with the family, elliptical, or the planet fitness 30 min workout. I just make sure I do SOMETHING every day.

I also try not to eat junk. Heres my normal:
breakfast: yogurt
snack: fruit
lunch: 4oz grilled chicken with cauliflower and steam carrots OR a subway sandwich which is no more than 370 calories.
snack: fruit and or HEB chocolate fit bar (80 cal)
dinner: random but always chicken, turkey, or fish with veggies. Sometimes I add in baked sweet potato fries with my dinner
snack: fruit or skinny cow ice cream (ice cream is only 1-2 times a week MAX)

Lots of water. The only time I drink some thing else is if we eat out which is usually subway or on the weekends Ill go to this mExican restaurant and get chicken fajitas (has grilled onion and peppers) , corn tortilla, and a tea.

This weekend I had family in town so we ate different than normal but I tried to keep in best as possible. We went out to Willies Ice house for lunch so I got a turkey burger. No cheese, extra tomato lettuce and onion with a side salad no dressing. For dinner I had honey glazed ham (not the best) but with asparagus and fruit salad.

Why am I not loosing weight? I am 5'9. I was at 196 and I am down to 172. I have been working out/eating a lot better for 3.5 months or so. Then all of a sudden it has just stopped. So discouraging =(


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You only have 23 lbs. to go. A healthy loss at your size is .5 lb. per week. Maybe 1 lb., but 1.5 is unrealistic. The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works.

    Read this:
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Stay the course. The closer one gets to goal weight, the more difficult it sometimes becomes to continue to see results on the scale.

    Are you eating back at least half your exercise calories? Are you tracking sodium? Both can impact apparent weight loss rates.
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Stay the course. The closer one gets to goal weight, the more difficult it sometimes becomes to continue to see results on the scale.

    Are you eating back at least half your exercise calories? Are you tracking sodium? Both can impact apparent weight loss rates.

    If I have a big workout I will eat some of those. But if its under 200 I normally do not eat those. Last week we went on a long hike and I burn almost 1000. so I ate more of that .
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First of all, congrats on your loss so far!

    It's very likely that this "slow down" is due to the types of food you've been eating lately. Any prepared food is going to be chock full of sodium so you're probably just retaining water.

    However, let's discuss your goals. Now that you're closer to your goal weight, your weight loss is going to slow down - that's just the way it works. And while this seems like a bad thing, it's not, it's very very good. A smaller deficit will help you do much better once you get to maintenance since there won't be such a huge shift.

    Change your goal to no more than 1 pound per week. And just realize that there are going to be weeks when you won't quite get there. Don't try to eat under your daily goal, try to reach it - the calorie deficit is already included. Eat back at least half of your exercise calories. And use other methods to show success such as body measurements and progress pictures. The scale isn't always the best judge, especially as you get closer to goal and see more fluctuations.

    Deep breaths - you're doing fine!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    In the past 2 weeks I might have lost 1 pound!

    Why am I not loosing weight? I am 5'9. I was at 196 and I am down to 172. I have been working out/eating a lot better for 3.5 months or so. Then all of a sudden it has just stopped. So discouraging =(

    You are contradicting yourself.
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, so I do understand. Hitting a plateau sucks. All I can say is stay the course. Even though the scale is not moving as much as it was (or you want it to) you are making progress. Look for the NSVs (non-scale victories). Are your clothes fitting differently? Are you feeling stronger and has your stamina improved? Are people noticing that you look different? Are you seeing the difference in your body?

    I got back on this ride in mid-January and dropped over 30 pounds fairly quickly. I only get on the scale every two weeks so imagine my shock two weeks ago when I had ZERO weight loss. I was discouraged and angry. But, since I went through this once before I knew I just had to keep plugging away. I did change up my workout routine to give my body a little kick. So, I weighed myself today and was down another four pounds. Not as much as I hoped but better. I am now within 7 pounds of where I was two years ago before health problems forced my to take it easy for a year-and-a-half.

    Anyway, keep your chin up and keep doing what you're doing. You will lose weight.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. Hang in there! I have some up weeks and down weeks but overall the trend is downward. It is slow but you'll get there. Think about mixing up your routine too. For example I started adding in at least one day of running per week and after being stalled for a short time I started losing again. Good luck!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    They're right - you are contradicting yourself - a half pound a week is sweet, especially as close to your goal weight as you are. Also, with all your workouts, you are probably losing inches too, and not just pounds. Do you measure so you can tell? Your calories seem fine and your workouts seem fine, just keep going and have a little more patience. You're in this for the long haul with maintenance anyway so it takes some dedication and hard work. Keep going and don't worry so much.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    As frustrating as it is, at least you are still losing! If your weight comes to a standstill for over three weeks, then it may be time to reassess your plan by adjusting your calorie intake and/or exercise. But you're not there yet! Accept that half a lb a week is a healthy loss and be proud not disappointed when you see it on the scale.
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    Have you readjusted your macros? MFP prompts me to recalculate everything after every 10 lbs I lose. If you haven't you might be eating too many calories for your new weight.

    Even so, losing 1 or even .5 lbs in a week is great. Just keep a deficit, make healthy choices and exercise and you'll get to your goal. GL!
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and was 171.0 yesterday I was that even possible? I have never dropped a pound like that its always a few ounces ..... maybe I have been just stressing to much lately?
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and was 171.0 yesterday I was that even possible? I have never dropped a pound like that its always a few ounces ..... maybe I have been just stressing to much lately?

    You have fluctuations throughout a day. How much water you're carrying (or other waste), your hormone cycles, how much salt you've had, etc. I don't weigh very much and even I can fluctuate 3-5 lbs in a day. I suggest not weighing yourself every single day, or if you absolutely must, track it over a large amount of time like a month to watch the *trends* rather than specific data points like a single day or you'll drive yourself crazy.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and was 171.0 yesterday I was that even possible? I have never dropped a pound like that its always a few ounces ..... maybe I have been just stressing to much lately?
    read this

    then this
    *note this one may offend with language but is full of good information esp for women who freak...
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    I try to only weigh myself once a week. Past 2 weeks has been more as I have been waiting for it to move lol. But I do it when I first wake up. Nothing to drink/eat and no clothes.
    I got on the scale this morning and was 171.0 yesterday I was that even possible? I have never dropped a pound like that its always a few ounces ..... maybe I have been just stressing to much lately?

    You have fluctuations throughout a day. How much water you're carrying (or other waste), your hormone cycles, how much salt you've had, etc. I don't weigh very much and even I can fluctuate 3-5 lbs in a day. I suggest not weighing yourself every single day, or if you absolutely must, track it over a large amount of time like a month to watch the *trends* rather than specific data points like a single day or you'll drive yourself crazy.