tea addiction

i drink tea 10 times a day and sometimes don't feel hungry at all, will it help me loose weight?


  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    calorie deficit <> weight loss

    whether it makes any difference will depend on what you are eating and also how you drink your tea
    make usre you track and log any cream/milk/sugar that you put in yout tea as these can add up really quickly

    the only way you will understand your deficit/surplus is to log accurately (including weighing everything that you consume)
    and tracking you excercise
  • shweta_dhruv
    tea don't have much calories, so it will be low calories only
  • Archanasatyam
    Archanasatyam Posts: 28 Member
    what asc said
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    If that is your diet plan, reconsider. It is fine to drink tea but using that as a means to not eat is not very smart and also wont last because you are still going to get hungry and then likely eat too much/wrong things.

    The reason you joined this site was to use the tools it offers you, right? So, count your calories, log your exercise, use the forums and you will find boat loads of useful information from very smart people who have met their goals or are currently on their way to meeting them.

    Dont resort to tricks like drinking tea all day, that isnt going to get you where you want to be.

    Good luck.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    I am a tea addict too but trust me tea is no solution to weight loss. I guess you drink the usual Indian tea with milk and sugar.

    You can enjoy maximum 3-4 cups (lot of people say, even this is too much) considering everything else you are doing is right. Your diet and workout matter the most.

    If you are drinking tea with milk and sugar that is no less calories. White sugar is nt very good for weight loss. Instead you can drink 1-2 cups of green tea. Tea curbs your hunger and when you are not eating right, you gain weight. You need to eat nutritious food which will benefit your body and mind. Drinking tea doesn't help much. It is more of a relaxing mechanism which you would have developed for yourself (for others it could be walking, listening to music etc).

    Tea increases metabolism but green tea which is higher in antioxidants is beneficial than the usual Indian milk tea.

    May be you can try reducing the amount of tea you drink gradually and restrict yourself to 1-2 cups per day and start taking green tea 1-2cups.
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Depends if you like biscuits with it. Or cake! ;)
  • Fit_Lean_Priya
    Fit_Lean_Priya Posts: 164 Member
    No, that's wrong, log on everything, so much tea is not good for you
  • abhishekbansalin
    abhishekbansalin Posts: 2 Member
    Well well well.. thats another version of me 2 years back... i use to drink 10 ups of tea.. now i manage with just 2... tea in this quantity is no good for you.. think about the sugar intake every tea spoon of sugar is 17 cals.. i am sure u must be taking minimum 2 tea spoon.. tea spoons are really small.. and milk full fat...... try replacing with green tea or warm water...
  • Ritesh_Pandey
    Ritesh_Pandey Posts: 25 Member
    I second to shalini's reply
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    tea don't have much calories, so it will be low calories only

    tea (alone) does indeed contain very few calories

    but if you have either sugar and or milk/cream in your tea then you would be supprised how many calories you may be consuming

    tea does however contain lots of caffein - so you may not want to have too much for other reasons

    drinking lots of liquids whatever they are to avoid eating is not a sustainable form of weightloss

    eat healthily, log accurately and lose weight for hte long term

    good luck with your journey
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What is loose weight?
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    In the ER for the second time with kidney stones, my husband asked them why he kept getting them. The first question they asked him … "Do you drink Mountain Dew" … to which he said no. Second question they asked him "Do you drink tea?" … which he said yes. In the summer time he expects an unending supply of ice tea (thankfully he likes it unsweetened or that would be another problem). The doctor told him to cut back to a couple glasses a day that there is a correlation between tea and the formation of kidney stones. He said in his practice the people who return repeatedly with kidney stones are generally heavy Mountain Dew drinkers or heavy Tea drinkers. Weather or not this is true … I don't know. However, watching the level of my husband's pain makes me want to drink tea in moderation, I've never went in for Mountain Dew … too sweet for my tastebuds.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I drink a lot of weak tea (I reuse the same leaves over the day), with a splash of milk. I hate drinking water straight particularly in winter so it helps me stay hydrated, but I don't use it as a weight loss tool exactly. When I went through a phase of wanting snacks, making it and getting it helped to distract me while I questioned what I was doing getting a snack I didn't really want.

    I figure it's probably no worse than those water flavoring things, and it means I don't overload of coffee.

    Didn't know that about kidney stones though. I'll have to have more herbal teas..