
I was thinking of trying the Slimfast plan. Has anyone else tried it? Worth the money? Not the best idea?

Please give me some feedback :)


  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I think I would ask myself what happens after I got back to eating real food. Probably best to just start out with learning how to handle real food in the first place. :wink:
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    i did the special K shakes instead of slim fast and its all good until you stop drinking them then u gain ur weight back. I mean, ur not going to drink it everyday for the rest of your life as a meal replacement. So i stopped doing them. Plus with how many calories they are u could eat something instead that just has the same calories. Like Lean Cusine or somehging like that.
  • btuman43
    My only experience with it was about a year ago I decided to try having one in the morning as a breakfast replacement. It didnt go so well for me. I was very hungry by 10 oclock. Looking back I prolly should have included a piece of fruit or two with it. But other than that not really. The taste wasnt bad. I used the premixed cans.
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    I tried it like 10 years ago when I first tried losing weight. It didn't work for me, I was always hungry. The shakes aren't as filling as they claim to be and I found myself either being always hungry or eating real food on top of the shakes which equaled to way more calories than what I needed to lose weight. Needless to say I didn't last long on that plan and chose to eat more healthy options and exercise more. With that I lost about 55/60lbs and have been able to maintain it.
  • gennybunny
    I have done it in the past and it was ok, it was great to grab a quick shake or a bar but I always felt hungry. I couldn't stick to it long because I was so hungry all the time. Now I just eat whole food and try to balance every meal with protein, carbs and fruits or veggies. I stay fuller longer doing it this way. Hope that helps
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I drink an EAS lite shake for breakfast nearly everyday. With 20 grams of protein, it keeps me full right up until lunch time.
  • workoutqueen628
    I never really did the Slim Fast diet, I just drank the shakes as a meal on-the-go. They are tasty and filling, but I don't know if it's the healthiest protein drink out there, especially if you're going to drink it for every meal. I have had successful weight loss by eating healthy and blending up my own protein shake with fruit, protein powder, and a little bit of greek yogurt. So delicious and filling and no added stuff!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    There's alot of calories in those shakes. Personally, I'd rather eat my calories. Maybe try some protein shakes if you need the convenience? I sometimes use EAS shakes, the low carb ones are good.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I did it YEARS ago and hated every second of it. I was starving because I wanted to eat real food. I didn't have the energy to workout after about 2 weeks of drinking breakfast and lunch. And I found myself gorging on dinner and desserts simply because I was starving in the morning.

    I did it strictly, though, for about 5 weeks. I lost 5 pounds. But, I could have just as easily lost those 5 pounds eating real, whole foods. Plus, afterwards, I gained it all back and a couple of more.

    So in my opinion, Slim Fast is a waste of money!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    i feel like you would be hungry all the time....i have tried having them from breakfast and it seems like i feel more hungry after i have one than before!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I tried using the shakes to replace breakfast but I was always starving about an hour later.

    Meal replacement programs like this may work, but chances are good you're not going to stick to it for the rest of your life and will gain back weight once you return to a normal diet. If you're interested in a meal replacement I'd just go with a traditional protein shake powder that you mix with milk, water or soy/rice/almond milk. I use Bluebonnet soy protein in natural chocolate truffle. It's the only protein shake I've found that doesn't use artificial sweeteners and actually tastes good. I put one scoop into 2 cups of milk. It's less than 400 calories and keeps me full until lunch when I have it for breakfast.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I use one occasionally when I can't be bothered cooking or as a last minute breakfast before heading out the door, can't eat first thing in the morning, have to be up for a couple of hours at least before I eat but I can have a shake without seeing it again. I do find they fill me up and for a decent time. Its not a total food replacement because you are having to make a healthy choice for dinner and for snacks too.

    I think slimfast gets a rough deal to be honest. Yes eating healthy home cooked meals is best but if you simply dont have the time or inclination I think they can be a good starting point, they can certainly be used to ease you in. Some people need a structured plan and slimfast is fairly structured...theyre not a miracle fix, if you dont make the effort to learn what youre putting in your mouth then of course you'll put the weight back on but have a look on here from members saying they lost x amount on here eating healthy last time and this time they really mean will put the weight back on no matter what diet you follow if you don't learn from your previous mistakes.
  • redhair71
    redhair71 Posts: 7 Member
    i did it for a short while done good for the morning part but i just needed to eat food i have been watching what i eat and have been logging it down and thats a first time for me writing what i eat down and i have found that it has helped me more than anthing so far i just need to learn how to exercise beside 10 or 20 mins on treadmill
  • Samantha0905
    wow..thanks for the comments guys.. they were all very helpful!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I tried slimfast an honestly they didn't fill me up, i still had to eat something with it to fill up which made them wasted calories. Slimfast is also like other diets like that, as mentioned already, when you decide to go back to real food the weight just comes back on. If you need to drink a slimfast as a meal on the run to get something at the moment, i guess it might be ok...but for real healthy weight loss, i would skip it.