I just want to feel & look good

Looking for advice, suggestions....support... ! I am 28 yrs old, 5ft 7in and weigh 277lbs ( fluctuate between 270-280lbs) I have three beauitful kiddos who mean the world to me. :love: I find it hard to keep up with them sometimes, always full of energy lol. I had big babies so that alone done a toll on my body. I guess you would say that I am big framed...I am just having a really hard time with trying to lose weight ! I am in the process of changing my eating habits, which for me is a biggie. I tend to be an emotional eater & a late night snacker. I am trying to cut back on my soda intake and drink more water also going to try and control my portion sizes. I usually get my exercise by chasing my kids and household chores. I have been having back pains & joint pains alot lately & was wondering if anyone had suggestions on some workouts.
I know I need to get healthy for my kids, I want to be around for a long long time! I have always been a bigger girl and I just want to feel better mentally & physically. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself, tired of the hurt....I want to do this for my kids & for myself. I don't want to be the fat girl anymore :sad: Anyone who is kind enough to take time out of their day to leave some positive feedback...I would really appreciate it!


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great place to help you on your weight loss journey. I know for me making friends on here was a great way to keep me accountable and motivated. I still have a little ways to go on my journey. I have sent you a friend request so we can help support each other. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Not sure how much pain you are having, or if its an ache that can be fought through...but I love zumba, I love it because it is so much fun it kind of takes your mind off the aches and pains, and leaves you with the good fatigued muscle feeling. I've also had luck w/ recumbent bicyling..it helps to lessen the pressure traditional bicycling puts on your lower back, and it seemed a little easier on the knees as well. If you have access to a gym that has water aerobics, as those tend to be pretty low impact. And my final recommendation is Yoga. Good Luck! I hope you find something the helps to get you moving!!
  • jessmello03
    jessmello03 Posts: 15 Member
    Best of luck to you!! I'll add you. A lot of what you were saying sounds so familiar. I only have 1 little man and his energy level makes mine look like I'm snail sitting still. I used to suffer from muscle aches and pains but I have found the more I move the better I feel. Of course now I have different types of aches and pains but they just let me know I'm doing a good job. Yoga always makes me feel better too.
  • NichelleHall
    NichelleHall Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Honey!

    Do not fat shame yourself, that will only make you feel worse. Start with your tweaks like you have and then start swapping bad foods out with good replacements.

    There is a great free app you can download called Sworkit which has difference exercises you can do. They show you a video clip of how to do the exercises. They also have exercises for areas you'd like to target. And you can do a workout for as little as 5 minutes. Start off slow and work your way up! Good luck!
  • pr1nc3ss_xo
    pr1nc3ss_xo Posts: 5 Member
    Don't get yourself down!
    I don't have kids but I can relate about emotional eating and late night snacker. Huge food obsession over here. I'm getting better, slowly.
    Here are a few suggestions that were huge for me:

    1. Start with walking. It doesn't seem like much but it really makes a difference. Last summer I started going for walks whenever I could fit it in and my body responded. I was so used to being sedentary that even without changing my eating habits, I dropped weight.
    2. Try your best to cut out one major negative part of your diet. For me it was fast food and junk food. I focused on cutting those out before I focused on actually counting calories. I needed time to adjust to the change and to stop having huge cravings for that kind of food. I honestly ate McDonalds twice a day a lot of the time and cutting it out of my diet was a serious challenge. It's made a huge difference though - I feel better, I don't crave that food all of the time, and I'm spending less on food.
    3. Don't permanently cut out things that give you enjoyment. For example, I still incorporate chocolate into my diet all of the time. But instead of eating a bar or two, I'll have one square after a meal or a tablespoon of chocolate chips in my oatmeal or stuffed inside raspberries (favourite snack!) I did cut out fast food because that was a big change that needed to happen and that I can survive with long-term, but try to make changes that you can live with in the future.
    4. Don't beat yourself up. Working out is HARD, some people make it look really easy and I'm not sure how, but every second that I work out I want to cry and give up. Changing your diet is HARD, I literally had a break down and cried over having butter on my popcorn at the movies. It won't be easy. You will have bad days. But there will also be good days, when you feel like you nailed it. And you know what? The popcorn really wasn't awful without getting the extra butter.

    Good luck!!
    You can do this!