Had a horrible run - please cheer me up!

I am fat ... yep I said it... and yet I am a runner... ok a run/walk intervaler, but stil.
Thanksgiving I did my first 5 miler after running since June of this year.
I have been training for a half marathon, which is on January 30th... and plagged with a R quad strain and recurrent blisters.
2 weeks ago I did my first 10 miler and felt great -- last week I ran a 6 miler and a 10K...... felt fabulous!

Today ... just felt like crap! Nothing felt right... usually after 2miles I settle in, but today it just didnt happen...
I gave up after 3.5 miles even though I was supposed to go 7 miles.
I just felt horrible... and now I am sooo mad at myself...

And then the negative thoughts start ... why did I think I could do this? Fat people cannot be runners? Who was a fooling?
Ok I know I need to think positive... just soo upset.

Friday afternoon is my first 12 miler... I was looking forward and now I am dreading it...


  • Fat2FitArmyWifey
    First don't be so hard on yourself! At least you got up & ran!! Try again & soon it'll come back to you hun!!:flowerforyou:
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    you can do this! don't be so hard on yourself! look at what you have accomplished already girl! high 5 on what you have already done! look at you! you are woman I can hear you ROAR :D
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    So, you had a horrible run - but guess what: YOU HAD A RUN!!! :bigsmile:
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    Keep your chin up. I have off days while working out too. For whatever reason, it happens. Just go for your run on Friday determined as heck to do it. Good luck!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    ok dude you need to relax. You've had a hard go of it with the blisters and then the rest. So I think that it was lofty of you to think you could just jump back into 7 miles. Give yourself a break and your body a break. Somedays are better than others. I find as I am also just starting to run and am quite large, that some days I'm meant to run and other days I'm not. If I can hit a decent stride and fall into a groove awesome. If I can't then my body is telling me it's just not my day.

    Relax tomorrow is another day! Hang in there and remember that at least you went out there and gave it a shot!
  • SweetPea120
    SweetPea120 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! You're amazing!! Focus on your accomplishments, and ignore the messages that threaten to stall or stop your progress. You are an inspiration to me!! My goal is to do my first 5K in March. I HATE running and don't know if I can do it. I've been fretting about it all day. And then I read that you are getting ready to do a 12 mile run. WOOT! You can do it! I'll be watching to see how you do!
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    yeh, i couldnt even run 2 blocks. be happy bc u did very good.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am fat ... yep I said it... and yet I am a runner... ok a run/walk intervaler, but stil.
    Thanksgiving I did my first 5 miler after running since June of this year.
    I have been training for a half marathon, which is on January 30th... and plagged with a R quad strain and recurrent blisters.
    2 weeks ago I did my first 10 miler and felt great -- last week I ran a 6 miler and a 10K...... felt fabulous!

    Today ... just felt like crap! Nothing felt right... usually after 2miles I settle in, but today it just didnt happen...
    I gave up after 3.5 miles even though I was supposed to go 7 miles.
    I just felt horrible... and now I am sooo mad at myself...

    And then the negative thoughts start ... why did I think I could do this? Fat people cannot be runners? Who was a fooling?
    Ok I know I need to think positive... just soo upset.

    Friday afternoon is my first 12 miler... I was looking forward and now I am dreading it...

    Anyone can be a runner...a friend of mine, who lost over 100 lbs over the last few years but is still about 195 lbs ran the Chicago marathon with me this Oct. With that said...even super skinny runner have craptastic runs. When I did my 14 miler in my marathon training I had the worst run of my life...My knee hurt, I dehydrated, it was opressively hot, I tried a gel and puked, I did an out and back and thus had to make back to my car but it sucked..the next weekend I had a tremendous run...next weekend will be much much much better
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    We all have them. It's ok. You got it out of the way. Now it frees you to have good runs moving forward including race day.
    Part of what I love about running is that it is for everyone. We all have in us the spirit of our childhood where running came naturally to us. People of all shapes, sizes and abilities run in races and it is a beautiful sight to see. Stay positive. You will do this.
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    Geese I am very impressed. I dont even know if I can run a half a mile let a lone 12. WOW you keep your head up your amazing. That is one of my goals is to run and I am terrified of it not sure why but like you said can Fat people run ? You are going to run 12 miles. You can do this and who says Fat people cant run only ourselves right? AMAZING I can do this too. I just need to do it. Good luck!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the love.
    I dont think I have ever heard that I was anyone's "inspiration" a day in my life.
    You guys brought tears to my eyes.. good tears today though!
    Thanks again... oh and for those of you who said you couldnt do it... you could. I started running at 275 pounds... you can do it, you just have to encorporate walking into the running!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Please don't be hard on yourself! You have accomplished so much so soon! Don't be like me and injury yourself for doing to much. (P.S. I just posted my topic on "Running with bone spurs")

    From March to July I did not loose any weight from running until someone told me about this web site, MFP. Then I lost 5 lbs the month of August and its been slowly creeping down since then! Even tho I am not running now, I still watch my food diary and exercise burns. I do go over my calorie goals very often, but not by much. The kind of food you eat make a difference. I am totally against going under 1200 calories. When I reach my ultimate weight goal, I will not be eating 1200 calories a day for the rest of my life -that is joke.

    Most importantly, make this a fun thing. Lay off the running before you burn yourself out. You don't want to quit a good thing. Make sure you cross train and strengthen those leg muscles and core to provide support for the ligaments and joints that get stressed from the impact of running.

    Hang in there! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • roderick_stacey
    roderick_stacey Posts: 20 Member
    wow I would die after 1 mile you are doing great!! Keep running and you will be tiny and you have lost 27 lbs that is great!:bigsmile:
  • CarolHudson11
    I used to run 6-8 miles a day - it was 20 years ago, but I did. There were days when the run felt like nothing, and there were days when I couldn't go 3 without crying and quitting. And I ran for YEARS. It's not about your size. And it's not about your motivation. Sometimes running sucks. Sometimes it's just a bad day. You're doing great - just keep it up! You got out there and DID something. That's HUGE!!! You go, girl! :)
  • classyleo77
    classyleo77 Posts: 98 Member
    We all have crappy runs. Not every run is going to be prefect. And you ran 3.5 miles before you stopped today. That is about all the distance I can run so far. Tomorrow's another day and it will be better! :)
  • SandraMay1982
    I was thinking of getting under 100kgs (220lbs) before I started running. I want to be a runner. I am just hesitant for wobbly bits. Plus I am in the gym and the treadmill scares me if i let go. hahaha.

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I used to run 6-8 miles a day - it was 20 years ago, but I did. There were days when the run felt like nothing, and there were days when I couldn't go 3 without crying and quitting. And I ran for YEARS. It's not about your size. And it's not about your motivation. Sometimes running sucks. Sometimes it's just a bad day. You're doing great - just keep it up! You got out there and DID something. That's HUGE!!! You go, girl! :)

    Miss Carol - well put indeed!
    I love that you said its not about your size... or your motivation!
    Thank you so much ... you made me smile quite a bit!
    I think sometimes its easy to use the excuse of the weight and think that thin runners live in this dream world where they feel great all of the time... and so if I just would lose weight I would be part of that imaginary world.But thats just it, its imaginary isnt it!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I was thinking of getting under 100kgs (220lbs) before I started running. I want to be a runner. I am just hesitant for wobbly bits. Plus I am in the gym and the treadmill scares me if i let go. hahaha.


    Sandra, no need to wait! Get going girl... dont let your weight stop you!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    First let me begin by say WOW--you go girl! You are doing a great job! You have accomplished what many can only dream about! I wish I could run but it is just not in me, and Ive tried trust me!
    Don't be so hard on yourself--you are my idol!!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Let me be the first to say...Great Run. I wish I could run, but my body will not let me. When I get on the treadmill, I try to run, but can only do it for a few seconds. My legs are so bad, and the rest of my body will not let me. Do not be so hard on yourself. We all have bad days. YOU CAN DO THIS. Tomorrow is another day. Good luck on it.