Pregnant and hungry ALL THE TIME....Help?!



  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Eat if you are hungry. Eat good food. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor about how many calories you should be consuming.

    I agree with eating more protein and adding water. But I don't think that you should drink protein shakes and stuff like that. There have been many studies and findings of banned substances in over the counter "protein shakes" and supplements (things like anabolic steroids and stuff like that)

    Eat real food. (You are growing a human!!) and talk to your doctor about it if you are worried. A lot of plans offer a nutritionist to help with eating during pregnancy.

  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Don't "just eat" Gaining a ton of weight really isn't healthy either. I would say your cravings are directly due to not getting enough protein. Set yourself up for success. Plan for well balanced meals with plenty of healthy fats and proteins.. and a few 100 calories over your daily maintanence needs. You really aren't doing your baby any favors having that extra helping of cookies.

    and do you know how hard it is to lose weight after pregnancy. You are tired ALL THE TIME, and carrying for a baby, which take up ALL YOUR FREE TIME (esp if you work).

    Do not use pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and everything. I did and gained 100lbs the first time. While I was very healthy and we suffered no complications, it isn't that way for everyone, and gaining that much weight does things to your body that you just can't undo with diet and exercise later. I know and have to live with the consequences.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    Not trying to play devils advocate, but all of the people saying just eat....her doctor will tell her otherwise. Gaining too much in pregnancy can cause many issues and complications with the pregnancy, gestational diabetes is just one issue that can put mom and baby at risk and is common. I am with everyone that the OP should not worry about the work after the baby is born, that is irrelevant and there is also no better diet than breast feeding. The OP does need to figure out why she has gained so much this early on and why she is constantly hungry and craving things. The best thing she can do is talk to her OB as soon as possible and get their advise.

    ^So this. With the exception of the lack of protein, which you REALLY need, follow ^her advice and talk to your OB. Woman has some sense.
  • laurawiggs74
    laurawiggs74 Posts: 25 Member
    Try and add more high volume, low calorie foods to help you fill up. Fats and proteins take up less room in your belly than carbs, although they do take longer to digest. Try to put your proteins and fats on a big pile of greens and other veggies. keep baggies of veggies and fruit handy and ready for when you get cravings. I also loved this book while I was pregnant:

    I also highly recommend you meet with your doctor to get more input about foods, quantity and weight. It's important to make sure the advice you get is medically sound when you're worrying just about yourself. But right now, you have TWO humans to sustain and nourish. Congrats. mama. Happy human-growing!
  • edisonsbulb
    edisonsbulb Posts: 93 Member
    You're supposed to be hungry all the time at 14 weeks pregnant. Make nutrient-dense choices, not garbage. Go for walks every day if you're feeling all right. Ask your OB about gestational diabetes or the possibility of twins.
  • RobsGirl_lds
    Please don't eat for two! At 14 weeks your little one needs nothing more than you would eat to maintain your weight. It isn't till the third trimester that you need to consume~300 cals more. Keep protein high make sure you are getting enough fats to sustain healthy hormone production(.45g per lb of TOTAL body weight) and eat carbs mindfully. Take your prenatal pill and consume enough water.

  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 14 weeks and have now gained almost 20 pounds. ........

    ........My belly is already big, but I do have big babies and I stick out early. It's big and hard, more like I'm 18-20 weeks instead of 14. People won't shut up about how huge I am either, and it's upsetting me.


    First of all....... congrats!!!!! :)

    I just wanted to say " big babies"...does this mean you are having two (twins)? Congrats again if so! (Congrants anyway either way :) )

    I would defiantly ask your doctor about food/ hunger and what kind weight gain to expect with (multiples-if that is what you meant- or single) pregnancy.

    As for people being rude....You are a beautiful pregnant woman....people have NO business speaking to you like that...

    Feel empowered to call people out. You have more than enough right to put people in their place. It may sound rude at first but people need to learn your personal boundaries....even loved ones need to be reminded.

    ...they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Take care!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Not trying to play devils advocate, but all of the people saying just eat....her doctor will tell her otherwise. Gaining too much in pregnancy can cause many issues and complications with the pregnancy, gestational diabetes is just one issue that can put mom and baby at risk and is common. I am with everyone that the OP should not worry about the work after the baby is born, that is irrelevant and there is also no better diet than breast feeding. The OP does need to figure out why she has gained so much this early on and why she is constantly hungry and craving things. The best thing she can do is talk to her OB as soon as possible and get their advise.

    I do breastfeed my babies for at least a year each. With my 1st, I gained 60 and lost 70 within 6 months from just breastfeeding. With my 2nd, breastfeeding didn't make me lose squat, but my circumstances were MUCH different than now (was super stressed in a bad marriage and eating to soothe myself). Now I've been exercising for years and have a different, wonderful husband, so I'm hoping the weight will fly off like it did before. Of course, I'm much older now (38 compared to 28), but I still think it will be better.

    Honestly you should not worry about body or weight post baby, when that times comes you are in a great place in your life to take care of it. Personally I am 37 if I was to become pregnant I would have a complete blood panel done with the increase in age and prior dieting you could be lacking a nutrient that the baby needs to grow. Also 20lbs in 14 weeks is a lot, that alone would cause most doctors to schedule an appointment. You are already in the higher risk category due to age (sorry, right there with you:sad: ) it would be wise to not increase risks. I would actually not count calories, I would just eat healthy foods and remove that stress from my life, address the cravings and hunger with your OB and listen to them.

    Maybe you gained it in your breasts I had a girl friend that went from a c-cup to something like triple D at the beginning of her pregnancy, she didn't show but looked like she got a massive boob job, those suckers had to weigh near 20 lbs. :ohwell:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Stop trying to lose weight while you are pregnant right flipping now.

    Call your doctor.


    ETA: Seriously. Chat with your doctor about the appropriate number of calories you and your child need to be healthy.

    Just wanted to say that I wasn't trying to lose weight, just was trying to not gain a ton.

    Still, talk to your doctor about what calorie intake is appropriate for you. You actually don't need to eat much more than maintenance, maybe 200-300 calories. But if you are hungry, you are hungry and restricting when you are hungry and pregnant isn't the way to go.

    Try not to worry about people who make stupid comments. In fact, I would suggest point blank asking them why they are saying rude things about your body,. While you shouldn't "eat for two" just because "Whoohooo pregnant and I can!" you shouldn't be concerned with how many calories you are eating if you are genuinely hungry and making the best food choices possible.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    If you are hungry, eat. Try to make healthy choices. Fill up on protein first.

    I'm a mom of three (between 8 lbs 7 oz and 9 lbs 6 oz) and I gained between 40-70. I was starving with my third. I would be golden if I was able to lose like after my 1st & 2nd. :/ i'm still up 20 pounds and he is two. My doc never said a word to me about it.
  • fitfoutch
    fitfoutch Posts: 25 Member
    I glanced at your diary, girl you need some PROTEIN and VEGGIES asap!!!!!! The protein will help you not feel so starving, and vegetables offer the most nutrient dense calories. 20 lbs in 14 weeks is not what the doctor ordered!

    I know most people will say "just eat" but what they don't realize is that your baby needs quality, not quantity. Are you drinking enough water? Of course nobody is suggesting that you should starve yourself, but a moderate calorie count is plenty for mama and baby to be healthy.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I'm in the don't "eat for two" camp. But I'm also in the "don't diet" camp. I would suggest that you eat as if you had gestational diabetes, even if you don't. I had it with both of my babies and both my OB and my nutritionist told me that really that's the way everyone should eat, all of the time. Basically you eat to make sure that your blood sugar never peaks or dips too much. To do this, count your carbs and proteins and eat every couple of hours.

    1 carb = 15 grams
    1 protein = 7 grams

    Make sure you are eating at least as many proteins as carbs.

    Breakfast - 3 carbs
    Snack - 1-2 carbs
    Lunch - 2-3 carbs
    Snack 1-2 carbs
    Dinner - 3 carbs
    Snack - 1-2 carbs

    I personally never counted non-starchy veggies towards my carbs because they didn't affect my blood sugar. Obviously try to aim for mostly complex carbohydrates and lean proteins.

    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, whole wheat english muffin with a dab of butter, slice of melon
    Snack 1: raisins and almonds
    Lunch - Sandwich on whole wheat bread, cup of baby carrots and hummus
    Snack 2 - small apple with 2 TBSP peanut butter
    Dinner - Grilled chicken breast, medium sweet potato with butter, salad with dressing and croutons
    Snack 3 - Luna bar

    I ate like this for both of my pregnancies and gained 19 lbs for my first and 6 lbs for my second. I was also below my start weight at my 6 week check up after each pregnancy.

    I also think that you should talk to your doctor, of course. Good luck, and congrats!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    eat well your baby needs it. dont go hungry pls
    i was hungry all the time and ate small amounts very often.
    consultant said my baby was massive. people asked if i was having twins. its annoying but thats what people do. you might even have strangers prediciting the sex of your baby by your shape.
    i cried watching soaps on telly felt like a right wally but could not help it

    enjoy your pregnancy and be proud of your bump. x
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I would add more protein. Also you will need more healthy fats than normal, it's vitally important for brain development. So make sure you are getting enough healthy fats.
  • rachaelbmh
    I'm 26 weeks right now and often find that I'm eating FAR more than I used to... I've upped my snacks throughout the day - eating about 2 to 3 extra snacks in between meals. I also have found that by having a decent amount of protein in the morning has REALLY helped to satiate me. When I have something like oatmeal, I'll be hungry within about an hour - but if I eat eggs or add some nuts/nut butter to my oatmeal, I'm satisfied for quite a while longer. I've also found that I eat a lot more meat than I used to - because baby is asking for it.

    I also wanted to say that I've been worried about gaining too much/too little throughout my pregnancy too - and if I've learned anything so far, it's that your body is going to do what it's going to do - regardless of how little or how much you eat. Your baby needs the nutrients, so just try to keep healthy options around and don't worry too much. If it becomes an issue that your doctor/midwife brings up, then ask them for some specific actions you can take. Otherwise, just keep on keepin' on, mama! Don't beat yourself up about your weight right now - it's not the time to be focused on that - just growing a healthy little baby inside of you.

    And finally - CONGRATS to you!!! Pregnancy is tough and you're going to do GREAT, mama!!
  • eks1208
    eks1208 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm pregnant too and what I have done is started to eat much larger breakfasts:-) I'll have greek yogurt with granola and bacon on the side or three scrambled eggs with cheese and toast. I used to have a boiled egg and some fruit. I've found that as long as I do moderate exercise and drink a lot of water, I don't gain too fast!