Had a horrible run - please cheer me up!



  • teddyann
    teddyann Posts: 60 Member
    All I can say is you are awesome!!! I think I would love to run...don't know what makes me think that....just this weird thought in my head when I am walking....anyway at this point all I can do it walk a mile.....but I keep working on it and you are an inspiration!!!!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Holy cow I am impressed with how much you have accomplished already!! I'm in the "healthy" BMI and I'm trying to be a runner, but so far the farthest I've run is 5.25 miles. I see you've done 6 miles, a 10k and a 10 miler, training for a HALF MARATHON?!?!? that is incredible in itself. If anything, you have just proven that you CAN run even if you aren't stick thin - you sure as heck would beat me. Congrats on your past accomplishments and good luck on the inevitable future ones! Everyone has off days, no need to worry. You already KNOW you can run 10 miles, the last 3 will be on adrenaline anyways, so I'd say you are close to golden for you race! So excited for you!! Keep your chin up, you really ARE an inspiration!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Even skinny runners who do it every single day have bad runs. I used to run 3-5 miles every day when I was training for my track meets, and there were days I could barely make it. Don't sweat it. Let your body rest. Relax. Get your head centered, and hit it again. :) Obviously you can do it because you are doing it :)
  • Godsflower1789
    actually, being overweight and running makes you THAT MUCH MORE of a runner....because it is that much harder on you.
    and we all have our bad runs (trust me, i know)... you just have to to the same thing you do when you have a bad food day, start up on the right foot the next day. You can do anything, and be proud that your "sucky run" was 3 miles....some people can't even walk that.
    Keep up the good work girl, stay strong, and keep pushing forward
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Some days the exercise mojo just leaves the building - regardless of what you're doing (running, weights, rowing, biking)... it will come back. When you find you're having a bad run day, I say put on the tunes and dance around the house... who doesn't love to shake their groove thing! It can't fail to cheer you up. :bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Even the most seasoned marathoner has had a "horrible" run. You are being very hard on yourself. Anyone who puts their mind to it can be an athlete. I was 185 lbs when I ran a marathon. I started with 0 miles as my base and followed a beginner program and I did it. I was 215 lbs (my highest) when I swam (relay team) in a Half Ironman and later did a half marathon. I'm currently down to 168 and am preparing to train for another half Ironman. This time I'm doing the whole thing.

    There are days when I get in the pool or on my bike and I hate every minute of it. We all have those days. Maybe take a rest day tomorrow and go out again the next day. I bet you'll have a great run! You've certainly come to the right place for motivation and support. Good luck!!! :drinker:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    This reminds me of a run I had about 2 months ago..for some reason things were just not there for me that day..I could barely run a mile! Then I turned back and managed to barely walk/run (most of it was walk) back to get to my car and just a week before I had run 10miles non stop? Go figure!! :noway: Boy did It crushed me too - but I rested for like 3 days and the next time I went out there I did a 3mile run in my fastest time ever! Really weird how that happens..truly it is. But you must learn from it - know that it will happen and ITS OKAY just do what you can..go home and shower, be glad you got out there and rest - then try again another day (after resting properly). Make sure you fuel up properly before your run too. I eat a pack of instant flavored oatmeal made with water for my 3 mile runs..anything further I try and have 2 packets and a banana. I also carry gu's in my hydration belt and hydrate (fuel up) along the run about every 20mins.

    Make sure you fuel up properly! Rest and chin up and try again another day!
  • I am also a runner. Marathons, tris, you name it. I am constantly passed by bigger runners. YOU ARE A RUNNER! If you want to know the difference between a runner and non runner, it's revealed at 5a.m. in July. The one that gets up and runs, is the runner. ;) It can be frustrating. With that said.... Quad strains are tricky. Make sure to keep icing, and lower the mileage and build back up slowly. Blisters/Quad strains.....I am willing to bet my own home you are wearing the wrong shoes. They should be at least a half if not full size larger than your regular size. Socks, as much as I hate to waste money, you know those $9 jobs you've probably scoffed at in the Sports Authority? Yeah, you want those. Also, try an actual running store, and have one of their employees fit you and watch you run. I'm honestly willing to bet your shoes are wrong. Don't forget to ice that quad. Ibuprofen is your friend as a runner! Running is cheap, so splurge on $100+ shoes. A piece of workout equipment is thousands!

    Now go get 'em Boss!
  • clownfish
    I have good runs and bad runs. The important thing is you ran. I know exactly how you feel but remember, such a SMALL TINY percentage of people run. You are strong and powerful just to get out there at all. Great job, every run makes strides!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am also a runner. Marathons, tris, you name it. I am constantly passed by bigger runners. YOU ARE A RUNNER! If you want to know the difference between a runner and non runner, it's revealed at 5a.m. in July. The one that gets up and runs, is the runner. ;) It can be frustrating. With that said.... Quad strains are tricky. Make sure to keep icing, and lower the mileage and build back up slowly. Blisters/Quad strains.....I am willing to bet my own home you are wearing the wrong shoes. They should be at least a half if not full size larger than your regular size. Socks, as much as I hate to waste money, you know those $9 jobs you've probably scoffed at in the Sports Authority? Yeah, you want those. Also, try an actual running store, and have one of their employees fit you and watch you run. I'm honestly willing to bet your shoes are wrong. Don't forget to ice that quad. Ibuprofen is your friend as a runner! Running is cheap, so splurge on $100+ shoes. A piece of workout equipment is thousands!

    Now go get 'em Boss!

    Loved your post, it made me smile.
    My shoes are Saucony motion control shoes which were fit by the shoe store... they are 1/2 size larger, when they put the even larger size I had too much heel slippage...
    My socks are Baleuga ... and werent cheap ...

    I dont think there is much I can do before the race... but since I have only ever ran in Saucony's, do you think I should force myself to try something different?

    I never had blisters until early Nov when a friend convinced me that I should try a run without my insoles... blister ensued... and since that time it has been a continuous battle.

    The quad strain... it was better for a while, just hurt alot today. I figured why push it ... the whole run just sucked! :)
  • pamelagail
    You can do it just keep your head up maybe tomorrow you will run 10 miles. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I will second everything everyone else has said (i.e. YOU ROCK!!!), but I'd like to offer a little advice too. It takes me a good five miles to settle into a run, which means I am uncomfortable (at best) for a lot of my runs. So here are a few tricks I've come to rely on:

    1. Make it an out-and-back. Park your car (or start from your house), go out half your distance and come back. For me this is a clever head game as I tell myself "you only have to go 4 miles" when in reality it's 4 miles before I head back. The trick is, I can handle 4 and after that point I have no choice but to run the last 4 if I want to get home!

    2. Just can't run as long between intervals? Make the intervals shorter. For instance, today was supposed to be a "tempo" run (which I suck at), and I just didn't have the juice to make it happen so I cut it into one mile segments and my tempo became an interval. The bonus here? Interval training burns more fat and increases cardiovascular fitness better than just about anything out there.

    3. Tune out! I have always run with music but eventually I got bored with my mixes or frustrated myself with skipping ahead to songs that I needed to hear. I have solved this nicely by using Podrunner: a free download (new mixes about twice a month) of mixed music that was MADE for runners...it's awesome, you can even pick your mix by beats-per-minute to suit your running style.

    4. Accept that it's all in your head. Running is a mind game. I have seen incredibly fit people poop out at mile 11 of a marathon and incredibly UNfit people outlast a wildland firefighter from our hotshot crew. It's a matter of believing in yourself and not getting wrapped up in the here and now. I've done all sorts of things (in my head) while I ran: redecorated my house, written books, organized the garage, etc. Sometimes its better to think about ANYTHING but the run.

    You are doing awesome! I look for your posts every day and when I find them they make me smile and inspire me not to give up. :flowerforyou:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I will second everything everyone else has said (i.e. YOU ROCK!!!), but I'd like to offer a little advice too. It takes me a good five miles to settle into a run, which means I am uncomfortable (at best) for a lot of my runs. So here are a few tricks I've come to rely on:

    1. Make it an out-and-back. Park your car (or start from your house), go out half your distance and come back. For me this is a clever head game as I tell myself "you only have to go 4 miles" when in reality it's 4 miles before I head back. The trick is, I can handle 4 and after that point I have no choice but to run the last 4 if I want to get home!

    2. Just can't run as long between intervals? Make the intervals shorter. For instance, today was supposed to be a "tempo" run (which I suck at), and I just didn't have the juice to make it happen so I cut it into one mile segments and my tempo became an interval. The bonus here? Interval training burns more fat and increases cardiovascular fitness better than just about anything out there.

    3. Tune out! I have always run with music but eventually I got bored with my mixes or frustrated myself with skipping ahead to songs that I needed to hear. I have solved this nicely by using Podrunner: a free download (new mixes about twice a month) of mixed music that was MADE for runners...it's awesome, you can even pick your mix by beats-per-minute to suit your running style.

    4. Accept that it's all in your head. Running is a mind game. I have seen incredibly fit people poop out at mile 11 of a marathon and incredibly UNfit people outlast a wildland firefighter from our hotshot crew. It's a matter of believing in yourself and not getting wrapped up in the here and now. I've done all sorts of things (in my head) while I ran: redecorated my house, written books, organized the garage, etc. Sometimes its better to think about ANYTHING but the run.

    You are doing awesome! I look for your posts every day and when I find them they make me smile and inspire me not to give up. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much for the love and encouragement. As I was reading your post I was nodding along, because you have alot of good advice. Here are my replies..
    1. All of my long runs are out and backs... once you get out you have no choice to come back. My shorter runs in the winter are track runs... around and around and around... LOL!
    2. Tell me more about these tempo runs? After my race I am going to work on my speed a bit more and drop my run durations in order to hopefully go a bit faster!
    3. Love the idea of the Podrunner... I havent looked into that but might have to now. For the last month or so, I paacked my Ipod with songs from Pitbull and LMFAO because they are both from Miami and talk about Miami (and that is where the race is) so when I want to quit I just hear that and smile!
    4. Love the idea its all in my head... and it is you know. That last run didnt feel good from the beginning... and I couldnt get into my zone where i didnt think about it. But you know I realize this morning... I stopped because I wanted to .. not because I HAD to ... and that alone is a victory!

    Well, Thanks to the weather my next long run will be Friday afternoon (tomorrow) instead of Saturday. Saturday it was supposed to be below zero wnd chill, so I changed it... and I am confident I am going to rock it!!
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    Those days TOTALLY happen. I am also training for a half marathon and I have had at least 2 long runs where I just wasn't settling in. You know how there is that wall that you hit at 2-4 miles and once you get past it you feel like you can run forever? Well for those 2 runs I was at the wall the WHOLE time. It was miserable, but I got it done, just like you did! Those days happen with runners... everyone experiences them. The most important thing is to not let it get you down and to keep it up! :)

    And yes, you WILL rock it tomorrow afternoon!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    1. Make it an out-and-back. Park your car (or start from your house), go out half your distance and come back. For me this is a clever head game as I tell myself "you only have to go 4 miles" when in reality it's 4 miles before I head back. The trick is, I can handle 4 and after that point I have no choice but to run the last 4 if I want to get home!
    I do exactly the same thing! It's amazing what you can "fool" yourself into doing. :laugh:
  • nitaneat
    wow-i NEVER ran that much in 1 period of time.! wow u inspire me to get on the treadmill right now. maybe next time u feel this way u should get on ur treadmill to complete ur goal. isn't ok to take a break?! hey ive only lost 2 pounds so i have a long way 2 go...but just know u r an inspiration even if u didn't meet ur goal for the day:flowerforyou:
  • You can change your shoes at this point. If you think you'll get more than 25 miles in them, I'd say no harm in trying. Keep your other shoes as back up, since they are broken in. How many miles do you have on your shoes? Since you had no problems before, maybe you've hit the expiration on those shoes. A lot of people will tell you that you can get 400-500 miles out of a pair. But I'll tell you, that is diminished for bigger runners. Like 300 is pushing it. Maybe try the Asics line. I see more of them than anything else at races.

    If you've stated getting blisters that you didn't before (btw, Bolega's are my fave!) maybe try double socking. My sis has trouble with blisters, and someone told her to try it. It worked like a charm.

    Worst case scenario, you are walking a little more than you'd like for the half. But either way, you'll complete it. Running or walking. The accomplishment is no less. You heard that right? :) NO LESS!!!!!
  • skinnyack
  • Manda1987
    Just so you know, you're the reason why I'm starting C25K... I've never been able to run well, being overweight and asthmatic my whole life. It was when I saw someone my weight who was running that I became determined to do it too!

    Remember, even your bad day is someone else's good day!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hon. You have to mind trick the *kitten* out of yourself to complete that type of stuff. If I can find the article, I'll give it to you, but it teaches you how to trick your mind into thinking that you have not much to go when in fact, you are only half way. The thing about it is not to be technical. I get through my runs by when I will speed up a bit more. If it's a half mile until I will speed up, I will CONVINCE myself that I only have half a mile to go. It's all in your mind. DO NOT attach todays events with the rest of your running, because that 3.5 mile mark will be the point you falter. Stay confident and just rest. Practice tricking your mind a bit especially at the points that you had trouble, like when you stopped at 3.5 miles. BUT, if you are physically feeling pain....STOP!!!! I hope that helped some. xxxxxxxx