420?? legal?



  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    Khat is a mild stimulant, produces similiar effects to meth but more.. random. Some people it hits like coffee, others it's like the just dumped a teaspoon of crystal in their coffee. Iboga is a mild hallucinogen that also has uses in treating opiate addiction. Both grow in africa
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    Doesn't get my vote.

    Personally I think pot is a highly addictive substance that is often times a gateway to harder drugs. Legalizing it sends a message to kids that society condones the usage of drugs for recreational purposes. I also believe that legalizing marijuana will just create a new base of consumers in addition to the ones already using it.

    I don't want to live in a society of people unable to make informed, rational and logical decisions as a result of being under the influence.

    But alcohol and tobacco are ok? These two take the cake for "highly addictive substances." Alcohol is the biggest culprit for producing a society of people unable to make informed, rational and logical decisions as a result of being under the influence. How many deaths have occurred due to marijuana usage, as opposed to alcohol and tobacco?

    As for me? Yes, legalize it.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,761 Member
    The effects are much less harmful to the body and mind than alcohol. So in that perspective who cares if people smoke when they are enjoying their time off. It's enjoyable, but requires balance just like anything else. I have met some fully functional potheads that go to work and are high all day. I've also met people who can't do anything when they are high. All depends on the person. With that being said, I think it should be regulated just like alcohol. There is a time and place. If I go to a business and require assistance I don't want a dear in the headlights look, waiting a couple minutes while the wheels turn for a simple question. Also, many people may disagree with me, but your decision making is much slower when you are high. So I don't think driving stoned should be legal. Now obviously there is no way to test this legally. But people need to use their judgment. And after seeing the prices here in Denver the government is obviously making a fortune taxing pot. I'm talking almost a 30% increase over street value. Pretty absurd to me but hey, to each their own.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i wonder if anyone makes use of those drop boxes at the airport.

    i mean come on, just roll a really fat one before you go lol.

    also wonder what happens with the pot in the drop box
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member

    Exactly, it can be psychologically addictive, as can chocolate, or masturbating, or anything lol but it doesn't produce a chemical addiction the way other things do, like say cigarettes and alcohol. You may kick the sheets a bit after stopping if you're psychologically addicted, but you won't have actual physical withdrawal.

    i don't think people get bed sweats when they stop eating chocolate.

    although i've only heard one other person say that its happend to them.

    i honestly thought i had pissed myself the first time it happend, till i realized my hair was soaking wet too.

    Well then maybe you're the special snowflake that can get physically addicted to it lol...j/k, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but really there's a lot of explanations for bed sweats that might not be directly related to a physical withdrawal from weed. Indirectly even maybe, but one would have to really look at all the variables and science and studies say that pot is not physically addictive.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    Exactly, it can be psychologically addictive, as can chocolate, or masturbating, or anything lol but it doesn't produce a chemical addiction the way other things do, like say cigarettes and alcohol. You may kick the sheets a bit after stopping if you're psychologically addicted, but you won't have actual physical withdrawal.

    i don't think people get bed sweats when they stop eating chocolate.

    although i've only heard one other person say that its happend to them.

    i honestly thought i had pissed myself the first time it happend, till i realized my hair was soaking wet too.

    Well then maybe you're the special snowflake that can get physically addicted to it lol...j/k, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but really there's a lot of explanations for bed sweats that might not be directly related to a physical withdrawal from weed. Indirectly even maybe, but one would have to really look at all the variables and science and studies say that pot is not physically addictive.

    so i've been told since college.

    i think the truth is that any psychoactive drug could result in a physical 'dependancy' given the right circumstances.

    when it first happend i had probably gone about 15 years stright smoking multiple times every day, and then one day off lol. (not something i'm proud of, but not something i'm altogether ashamed of either).

    perhaps its not technically a physical addiction, but once a phsycological addiction begins manifesting itself in physical withdrawal symptoms, the line between the seems very fine to me.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member

    Exactly, it can be psychologically addictive, as can chocolate, or masturbating, or anything lol but it doesn't produce a chemical addiction the way other things do, like say cigarettes and alcohol. You may kick the sheets a bit after stopping if you're psychologically addicted, but you won't have actual physical withdrawal.

    i don't think people get bed sweats when they stop eating chocolate.

    although i've only heard one other person say that its happend to them.

    i honestly thought i had pissed myself the first time it happend, till i realized my hair was soaking wet too.

    Well then maybe you're the special snowflake that can get physically addicted to it lol...j/k, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but really there's a lot of explanations for bed sweats that might not be directly related to a physical withdrawal from weed. Indirectly even maybe, but one would have to really look at all the variables and science and studies say that pot is not physically addictive.

    so i've been told since college.

    i think the truth is that any psychoactive drug could result in a physical 'dependancy' given the right circumstances.

    when it first happend i had probably gone about 15 years stright smoking multiple times every day, and then one day off lol. (not something i'm proud of, but not something i'm altogether ashamed of either).

    perhaps its not technically a physical addiction, but once a phsycological addiction begins manifesting itself in physical withdrawal symptoms, the line between the seems very fine to me.

    Fair enough, I can see what you're saying!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Doesn't get my vote.

    Personally I think pot is a highly addictive substance that is often times a gateway to harder drugs. Legalizing it sends a message to kids that society condones the usage of drugs for recreational purposes. I also believe that legalizing marijuana will just create a new base of consumers in addition to the ones already using it.

    I don't want to live in a society of people unable to make informed, rational and logical decisions as a result of being under the influence.

    It's not addictive. My cousin has been smoking pot every day since he graduated HS in 1975. Can't get a decent job now because he can't pass the drug screening. But he can quit anytime he wants to. Ask his wife. He told her he quit 15 years ago. Still fires up a joint every day. Just doesn't tell her. If you don't get caught, you're not cheating.

    I don't think pot is any worse than alcohol. But it is against company policy. So I doubt I wlill ever smoke again, but, if I do, it won;t be wwhen it might be able to jeopardize the financial security of my family. Until then, I'll have another drink.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    It's not addictive...

    Can't get a decent job now because he can't pass the drug screening. But he can quit anytime he wants to.




    I'm sorry, obviously i'm not anti pot, but if you value drug use above your lively hood, then you're and addict.

    or am in missing the sarcasm?
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    should be nationwide

  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    As a resident of Colorado I must say.... it's flippin' awesome! The tax is the only bad thing about it.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    It should be legal, shouldn't be taxed. Law enforcement should be put to better use.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    dope is for trailer park losers

    im from a trailer park & a loser so give me all your dope please

    no seriously

    i need it right now :ohwell:
  • MCarbary
    MCarbary Posts: 48 Member
    It damn sure should be! I smoke everyday and I am a healthy,educated and successful at what I do for a living. The media demonizes us as lazy,unproductive and un educated. Well I have new for you I'M MIGHT BE STONED BUT I'M NOT STUPID!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the most unhealthy thing about it is that its typically smoked
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    It's not addictive. My cousin has been smoking pot every day since he graduated HS in 1975. Can't get a decent job now because he can't pass the drug screening. But he can quit anytime he wants to. Ask his wife. He told her he quit 15 years ago. Still fires up a joint every day. Just doesn't tell her. If you don't get caught, you're not cheating.

    I don't think pot is any worse than alcohol. But it is against company policy. So I doubt I wlill ever smoke again, but, if I do, it won;t be wwhen it might be able to jeopardize the financial security of my family. Until then, I'll have another drink.

    Nicely done! I know some people that wont try and work for places that test, its a choice. They are usually ready to accept lower paying jobs so they can conitnue to smoke. Not to say that all jobs that don't test are lower paying (before I get killed on here) I'm just speaking of some friends of mine. If my job tested for alcohol, my liver would be very happy!
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    the most unhealthy thing about it is that its typically smoked

    Actually this is interesting....http://pulmccm.org/main/2012/asthma-review/infrequent-pot-smokers-have-better-lung-function-than-non-tokers-jama/

    I know that article is from 2012, I read a more recent one a while ago basically saying the same thing, but I can't find it right now for some reason.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Very sad, but probably literally the only documented death directly linked to marijuana consumption, and even then he fell, he didn't OD or anything. I wonder how many people have fallen to their deaths after drinking too much over the years, especially at colleges/universities.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I don't care really.
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