Not so healthy low cal snacks

suzcain Posts: 22 Member
So, I know most people here are all about healthy snacking - nuts and yogurt and such. I'm not that person. I like that kind of thing, and I will eat it, but I'm looking for ideas for "junk food" that I can work into my calorie counts. My usual suspects are sugar free Jell-O, sugar free pudding cups and anything gummy. And pickles if I want something not sweet. What are your go to junk food type snacks? I'm especially looking for something crunchy to replace chips (but pretty please don't suggest rice cakes or popcorn cakes - you may love them, but they make my mouth want to spit them out). But any junky type snack suggestions are welcome.


  • jymmeh
    jymmeh Posts: 33 Member
    Fruit Gushers, low in fat, and 90 calories
    Fruit roll ups, low in fat, 50 calories
    Skinny Sticks (My fave are sweet onion ones, taste just like fun-yons) 120 calories for 3 oz I think
    Cant think of anything else at the moment.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Regular popcorn (not popcorn cakes) is good, but I'm a popcorn junkie. I'm a sucker for 100-calorie snack packs because it's junky food but pre-portioned for me. They make pretzel chips in a billion flavors these days, too.
  • jymmeh
    jymmeh Posts: 33 Member
    Skinny pop, I dont remember the calories but its low for like 4 cups, I like original and parmesan garlic.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    they make my mouth want to spit them out

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I like you!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    My big thing lately are these (also in mint flavor):

    I think they're quite good, and for only 150 calories, not too shabby!! Also at Aldi are these orange sorbet bars... sooo good! I would think that if you don't have an Aldi nearby, there are probably similar items at another store too.

    Honestly some chocolate protein bars also help satisfy my chocolate cravings (though that really depends on the brand... some brands are not so tasty).. so maybe something like that would work for you also. I also do like some of the Fiber 1 products (for example, the chocolate chip brownie ones actually do taste good), but they do sometimes wreak havoc on my stomach...
  • jymmeh
    jymmeh Posts: 33 Member
    Skinny cow ice cream bars, sandwichs. They are low calories and really good
    Laughing Cow spreadable cheese, only like 35 calories and wedge
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Skinny pop, I dont remember the calories but its low for like 4 cups, I like original and parmesan garlic.

    I had my heart set on that for an afternoon snack today and the convenience store in my office building had none on the shelves. WHAT?! Unacceptable!
  • budobo
    budobo Posts: 38
    I like toasted seaweed for when I have munchies. You can buy them at Costco, although I buy packs at Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's also has a wasabi coated version which is incredibly spicy but also very satisfying for I think only 60 cal. a pack. Beware the Costco brand because they can be up to 100 cal a pack (they're more oily). Crunchy, salty, and yummy assuming you don't hate seaweed.

    When I have a sweet tooth I like Werther's Hard Candy (caramel). They're 25 cal each but last a long time, and one pretty much satisfies my cravings for the afternoon.

    If I'm looking for something very filling, I go for a nonfat sugar free vanilla latte. They're very filling and ~140 cal for a large. Plus you get to sip it over a long period of time, so I'm full for quite a while!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I really like the Special K cracker chips and Fiber One brownies.
  • MarliQQ
    MarliQQ Posts: 112 Member
    I love the Nabisco 100 cal snack packs, most notably the chocolate covered pretzels. :love:
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Special K multi grain crackers with - salsa or humus or guacamole........ Mmmmmmm....

    Kashi granola bars <--- the chocolate ones are yummy

    Quest Bars

    Celery with peanut butter

    ...... anyting with peanut butter lol
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Slim Jim minis!! Jordan Almonds 180 cals for 15 and you have to eat them slowly or you will damage your teeth...I should know.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    Skinny pop, I dont remember the calories but its low for like 4 cups, I like original and parmesan garlic.

    148 calories for 4 cups of skinnypop.
  • almostplenty
    almostplenty Posts: 43 Member
    Pretzel M&M's 150 calories for the small bag.
    100 Grand bar- 190 calories
    Fruit snacks, usally 80-90 calories per small bag.
    String cheese- 80 calories (not sure if you consider that junkie or not?)
    Caribou Coffee's Iced Northern Lite Lattes- medium is about 50 calories
    Fiber One brownies- 90 cals
    Peanut Butter Crunch cereal- 110 calories
    Snapea Crisps: 110 calories if you can stop yourself from eating the whole bag!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Rice Krispy Treats. 150 cals per bar
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I like:

    -6-8 pepperoncini that I stuff with 1 oz sharp cheddar
    -4-6 jumbo marshmallows, toasted (burnt a bit)
    -homemade potato chips (google microwave potato chips)
    -homemade tortilla chips with lime (I buy extra thin corn tortillas, rub them with a lime wedge, spray with olive oil spray, sprinkle with kosher or sea salt, cut in to 6 pieces each and bake)
    -oven roasted potatoes - new red potatoes, cut in to 1/2" cubes, tossed with a bit of olive oil and seasoning
    -Lance brand cheese and peanut butter crackers
    -flavored hummus with toasted pita bread (or veggies, if you can cut it)
    -homemade guacamole with carrot sticks (generally don't like the idea of veggies + dip, but this one's not bad)

    As you can tell, I generally prefer salty and often crunchy snacks. Most of these you can get a good sized portion for 150 calories or less, if need be.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Chupa cup lollies - 46 cals each, Freddo Frogs chocolate - 95 cals each. LOVE them.