is walking enough?



  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I lost pretty much all my weight walking. It was on a treadmill. Use a fast pace and put up the incline.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    Calorie deficit to lose weight.
    Exercise for health.

    If you don't keep track of your calories, it's all too easy to eat away the extra calories burned by exercise.

    thanks. im loggin every single morsel ! im motivated and i dont want to cheat myself. its a long journey but im on it til the end x
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    weight loss is all about calorie deficit, you can get all or some or none of that from exerise it's up to you

    if your goal is fitness too, then some excercise is better than nothing

    me, i plan my weight loss using hte mfp method and log my exercise calories for "extra credit" otherwise known as treats

    good luck with your journey
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Calorie deficit to lose weight.
    Exercise for health.

    If you don't keep track of your calories, it's all too easy to eat away the extra calories burned by exercise.

    This - and I have mostly walked since January and dropped 25 so far so it does help. The comment about getting your heart rate up is true, so if you can at least walk where there are some challenging hills. You can also find workouts online using just your own body weight and dumb bells or resistant bands - strength training will really help - build your muscles your body will burn the calories more efficiently. Try fitnessblender or check out youtube for some workouts that require none or very little as far as equipment - you won't be sorry :flowerforyou:
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    I lost pretty much all my weight walking. It was on a treadmill. Use a fast pace and put up the incline.

    you lost all that weight!! wow. what an inspiration! my treadmill doesnt do incline, but my mums does. its a big fancy gym type machine that i have access to weekdays when shes at work and the kids are at school so i will go for the incline walks then! starting tommorrow x
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Of course it's enough. Weight loss is simple - calories in, calories out. If you want to go to the gym or out on the track and burn 1000 calories, that's just more calories you can eat back and still lose weight. Walking will burn less calories, so you won't be able to eat as much over your daily limit, but you can still lose weight. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Eat at a deficit and you'll lose. Exercise is for your health. It's great to do it in any way you can, but it's not necessary for weight loss. Your body will look better with exercise, especially lifting, but once again it's not necessary for weight loss.
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    to lose weight.... is walking enough exercise?

    This is pretty simple mummma. Walking burns calories.

    If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. See...?
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    Of course it's enough. Weight loss is simple - calories in, calories out. If you want to go to the gym or out on the track and burn 1000 calories, that's just more calories you can eat back and still lose weight. Walking will burn less calories, so you won't be able to eat as much over your daily limit, but you can still lose weight. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Eat at a deficit and you'll lose. Exercise is for your health. It's great to do it in any way you can, but it's not necessary for weight loss. Your body will look better with exercise, especially lifting, but once again it's not necessary for weight loss.

    thanks :)
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    to lose weight.... is walking enough exercise?

    This is pretty simple mummma. Walking burns calories.

    If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. See...?

    i see ;) x
  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    I love walking! On the treadmill or in the neighborhood or Leslie Sansone. I heard that walking is often the exercise that is used in health studies, and that there have been many studies on the benefits of walking as an exercise.
  • goldie21047
    goldie21047 Posts: 13 Member
    As I know it can be enough but your heart rate is crucial. You will only burn fat at the certain rate. So get a hrm and a personal trainer for a start to help you.

    This is a myth. There are quite a few articles about it. Here's one . . .

    That said, walking is fine for weight loss. You really don't have to do any exercise to lose weight as long as you eat less than you burn. But if you're going to exercise, the best exercise is one that you will do. If walking fits your needs, go for it.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Walking is my primary exercise. I am a single mom, too, and currently unemployed. There will be no gym membership, no personal trainer, and no purchasing of equipment. Walk when ever you can. Park in the space furthest from the entrance. Walk up and down the stairs in your home. Walk in shopping malls. It is good for you and it is free. Other calorie burns that you will find in the database include cooking / preparing food, cleaning, raking the lawn, mowing, painting the house, all kinds of things that don't involve gyms.

    When I walk a hiking trail near my home I use a free app on my phone called RunKeeper that syncs to my MFP account and tracks my calories, etc. The app covers lots of different kinds of activities and also tracks my progress. It's really helpful.

    You can do this!
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    I love walking! On the treadmill or in the neighborhood or Leslie Sansone. I heard that walking is often the exercise that is used in health studies, and that there have been many studies on the benefits of walking as an exercise.

    thanks :) im hoping to get out more not just on the treadmill. but until im comfortable im happy that i have the tools needed to do it in my home x
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    As I know it can be enough but your heart rate is crucial. You will only burn fat at the certain rate. So get a hrm and a personal trainer for a start to help you.

    This is a myth. There are quite a few articles about it. Here's one . . .

    That said, walking is fine for weight loss. You really don't have to do any exercise to lose weight as long as you eat less than you burn. But if you're going to exercise, the best exercise is one that you will do. If walking fits your needs, go for it.

    thankyou x
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    Walking is my primary exercise. I am a single mom, too, and currently unemployed. There will be no gym membership, no personal trainer, and no purchasing of equipment. Walk when ever you can. Park in the space furthest from the entrance. Walk up and down the stairs in your home. Walk in shopping malls. It is good for you and it is free. Other calorie burns that you will find in the database include cooking / preparing food, cleaning, raking the lawn, mowing, painting the house, all kinds of things that don't involve gyms.

    When I walk a hiking trail near my home I use a free app on my phone called RunKeeper that syncs to my MFP account and tracks my calories, etc. The app covers lots of different kinds of activities and also tracks my progress. It's really helpful.

    You can do this!

    that app sounds great i will check it out! thankyou x
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    41.2lbs lost with walking as my primary exercise. 2-3miles day and 6-8miles on the weekend.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    41.2lbs lost with walking as my primary exercise. 2-3miles day and 6-8miles on the weekend.

    great loss! thanks for sharing
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    If you can raise your level of activity all day long, then I'm sure it can work.

    If you're limited to a desk for most of the day due to a desk job and can only have 45 minutes a day to exercise, then at some point you'll outgrow walking. You'll need to find other ways of challenging your body.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    ahh i wish i could afford a personal trainer :( im a single mum to 3 children under the age of 7. so theres not much room in the budget for that. maybe one day. i'll definitely look into the heart rate monitor. my mum gave me a treadmill and that does heart rate too... maybe ill use that for now?

    thanks for your reply :)

    A treadmill is will help you build speed.

    Re: strength training. You can always start with body weight exercises first. This will get you ready for the gym. Tons of those.....push ups, planks, squats, etc. Resistance training will help you keep muscle mass while losing weight.