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rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Last night after I read this post I went to bed actually thinking of all the time kids got on to me about my weight.
    So much of it I had blocked out over the years.

    Oofy. I just remembered another one. When I was in 5th grade I was a couple inches below the 'normal' height percentile, and very obviously under weight. I was also battling level 3/4 Kidney Reflux in both kidneys, hence the small stature and low weight. Right after lunch one day at recess a 'friend' of mine told me I was "fat" and needed to 'suck in my stomach.'
    Anything I ate made it look like I had a distended stomach simply because I was so tiny. Had noticed it in the past, but never thought anything of it.
    Know what? I unconsciously flexed my stomach every day after that for close to ten years.

    Right before that (HA) I had a 'friends' mom exclaim that I had 'put on weight!' and then go on to look me in the eye and say 'thats a good thing, Honey! Right?' Uh... I was like eight. So. Lol. Plus my parents were trying not to give my condition any power, so I could at least try to have a normal childhood amid tests, medications, and doctors visits. Way to project your insecurities onto someone else, 'Honey.'

    People are just mean. It isn't just kids, it's in general.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    Worst I got was in high school the snooty girls asking if I was pregnant. I was only 135 and even then a lot of that was boobs. Since graduating I'm glad to not be stuck around people like that. All of my friends and family are super awesome. My hubby NEVER comments one way or the other, treats me like I'm gorgeous no matter what and I've even had people say how good I looked after I gained a few lbs back! o_O That's a mind-blower.

    Try to remember that people who throw negativity your way only do so because they feel so badly about themselves. If they matter so little to themselves then they shouldn't matter at all to you. I know it's hard, but that's what I got.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    "You've just always been tiny, you don't get it."

    I may have a small frame but I've not always been fit. Comments like this always undermine the fact that I work really hard to be healthy and be fit and it is a conscious choice I make at every meal, at every chance I have to work out. People assume the way you look right now, whether big or small, is the way you've always been.

    So this.
    Or when you carry your weight proportionally and YOU know your measurements and weight and people don't believe you, or agree with your opinion, or think your feelings are valid because you're not them, because you're YOU.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    I always remember a doctor who I had never seen before went

    'Just forget it, you're way to fat to even bother losing weight, you won't do it without surgery. Let's face it, you're already fat, miserable and going to be a very lonely woman, that I can gurantee'

    Well doc, this first 10kg is for you..... and the last 10kg will be for you too :P

    Good lord, I'd find something weighing 65kg to smack them round the head with it when you've finished.

    Ugh. What a tosser.

    I may just do that :P along with my after pictures :)

    Nab his little reflex testing thing and get creative with it! :D
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    \Funny ones: My 5 yr old son told me mom I found some sunglasses I think there yours. I said no those are guy sunglasses I like the bigger, round glasses. He said mom when your face was skinny they would of fit you lol. Best one ever: Mom your so lucky your butt is so big because you never fall in the toilet.... I love my little big mouth kid lol

    But seriously the toilet one! So precious! I love kids and their brutal honestly. I had my older nephew tell my younger one that oreos would "make my butt fat!" when I bit into one (cookies, chocolate, brownies, and devils food cake are my WEAKNESS. Ugh.) I just laughed and shrugged. They're my brothers boys. This is the same brother that "Mooed" at me in a previous post.
    Brothers wife is a professional model. So, I'm usually not surprised when one of them tries to make me feel bad about my weight.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    I used to be 355... and when I started working out, I would get stares from people at the gym.

    Once, when I was doing a core workout, I had a trainer come over and stare at me, arms crossed, hip cocked to one side.

    After watching me for a few minutes, she responded with "Wow, you must have some muscle under there somewhere."

    She then offered to train me. I declined. Hmmm, I wonder why?

    I respect anyone at the Gym!
  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    Once when I was younger, maybe 13 or so, I was going for a walk on the beach and someone drove by and yelled out "Keep walking, fat *kitten*!"

    I have a theory that this same car of guys just travels the countryside yelling this.

    LOL this made me remember something. About fifteen years ago I lived in an apartment and there were these four guys in the unit just above me. We pretty much never spoke to each other beyond the occasional mumbled "hey" when passing by on the stairwell. Well one day I'm coming home from work, million degrees outside and my car didn't have air conditioning. To make things worse, heat was just boiling off the motor through the floorboards, so I'm just sitting there sweating and wondering how much a/c would cost to install. I come up on a stoplight and am sitting there minding my own business, when I hear "hey fat b$I#(, fat b*(#*& fatty fatty fat bi$(#!" I look over, and it's the jerks from upstairs, and one is leaning out of the window just screaming "hey fat b$*#" over and over. I didn't say a word, just returned my gaze to the bumper in front of me. Light changes and I punch it, hoping to get well away from them before the next light.... turned red. Stuck again, and them right next to me, yelling like a stuck record. Now my temper is starting to rise almost as much as the mercury. Hot car, hot day, crap day at work, and now these jackholes won't STFU. Even worse, we're going to the same place so every stop light there they are, and most of the way home they managed to stay right beside me, except for when I pulled in to park. Then they decided to take off, not coming back until late that night.

    Oddly enough, every tire on their car was flat the next morning when I came out to go to work.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I have to say, I never really went through a lot of teasing growing up. I'm from a small tight-knit community, anything said always got back to the parents and that was the end of that.

    My parents were fairly supportive, and then my mom would go shopping.

    She would be so proud of herself as she handed me the elastic waisted 4XL pants. I was a size 14 at the time. We seriously fit me and 4 of my girlfriends into those damned pants!
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    Wow, let's see.

    Was it the man in line behind me at Target that told my father it was a shame I was so chubby because I had a beautiful face.
    Or was it the girl in my middle school gym class who constantly made fun of me with remarks about my weight
    Or was it my husband who told me that I looked like the ham-burglar?

    There are a million and one who have made fun of me about my size for one reason or another but those are the ones that really stick out. The look on my fathers face at the store when that man said that broke my heart. He was mad, sad, and didn't know what to say. So he put his hand on my shoulder and just told the man that yes, I was beautiful.

    The girl from middle school is now even bigger than I am and has been divorced 4 times (we are in our mid twenties) so I feel bad for her now I guess.

    And well, my husband says stuff all the time, maybe accidentally or to hurt my feelings... I'm not sure.
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    I think the worst thing anyone's ever said about my weight was actually directed to my boyfriend while I was standing there next to him. Someone asked him if he had to roll me in flour to find the wet spot....needless to say, that brought on a richly deserved verbal beat down.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Someone "joked" about me being slim because i vomit all my food back up. First off, i don't. Second, why joke about bulimia or anorexia.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    This *kitten* on the school bus always called me "Shallow Hal". Didn't really make sense since he was talking about Gwyneth Paltrow's character in the movie....

    It was weird because all of the other kids went along with it, even though this kid was bigger than I was. I had blonde hair which I guess, paired with me being overweight, reminded him of Shallow Hal. I dyed my hair for years after that. Just recently I went back to blonde because...eff that kid!
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    I'm 4'11". At my heaviest I was 132 lbs.

    My own father was responsible for the rudest thing ever said about my weight. I went for a visit. I walk in the door, and the first thing he sais (literally, first thing - not 'hello' or anything) was "So 200 pounds?"
    "Oh, only 175?"

    And let me add, he has been overweight as long as I've been alive, and judging from pictures for years before that....
  • kajasc22
    kajasc22 Posts: 5
    I would get asked when my baby is due but I wasn’t pregnant. The lady sounds insensitive and rude and needs some manners taught to her. Also…maybe she used to be overweight and was made fun of and in her own insecurity she makes fun of you too??
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Wow, let's see.

    Was it the man in line behind me at Target that told my father it was a shame I was so chubby because I had a beautiful face.
    Or was it the girl in my middle school gym class who constantly made fun of me with remarks about my weight
    Or was it my husband who told me that I looked like the ham-burglar?

    There are a million and one who have made fun of me about my size for one reason or another but those are the ones that really stick out. The look on my fathers face at the store when that man said that broke my heart. He was mad, sad, and didn't know what to say. So he put his hand on my shoulder and just told the man that yes, I was beautiful.

    The girl from middle school is now even bigger than I am and has been divorced 4 times (we are in our mid twenties) so I feel bad for her now I guess.

    And well, my husband says stuff all the time, maybe accidentally or to hurt my feelings... I'm not sure.

    Bunch of d-nozzles. Even if your husband is Adonis, he should keep it to himself.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    Wow, let's see.

    Was it the man in line behind me at Target that told my father it was a shame I was so chubby because I had a beautiful face.
    Or was it the girl in my middle school gym class who constantly made fun of me with remarks about my weight
    Or was it my husband who told me that I looked like the ham-burglar?

    There are a million and one who have made fun of me about my size for one reason or another but those are the ones that really stick out. The look on my fathers face at the store when that man said that broke my heart. He was mad, sad, and didn't know what to say. So he put his hand on my shoulder and just told the man that yes, I was beautiful.

    The girl from middle school is now even bigger than I am and has been divorced 4 times (we are in our mid twenties) so I feel bad for her now I guess.

    And well, my husband says stuff all the time, maybe accidentally or to hurt my feelings... I'm not sure.

    Bunch of d-nozzles. Even if your husband is Adonis, he should keep it to himself.

    well he's not.
    I don't know if hes really that inconsiderate or if he means to be hurtful
  • sparkly187
    sparkly187 Posts: 40 Member
    My mother..."Nobody is ever going to love you because you are too fat. I'm so embarrassed by you".....I was 12.

    omg, that is horrible! I'm sorry you have to hear that, but I'm sure something is going on with her to say that to her daughter.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Time I'll never forget...I was walking down the aisle at a grocery store, and some little puke, looked to be in the late teens was walking down the aisle in the opposite direction...and just as he passed he leaned over very slightly, and very softly whispered "So fat!". It was barely audible, he never made eye contact or broke his stride...just kept going as if nothing had happened.

    At first I thought I must've imagined it...but no, it was real. And I'm left standing there, like, wtf am I supposed to do about this? Do I shout an insult at him? Do I assault a minor...maybe crack him in the head with a can of soup or something? What can possibly be done? Do I just have to take it?

    That little episode was on my mind for a solid week after that, and its always stuck with me. More than any little comment or dirty look or failure to make eye contact. Amazing how its often the little things.
  • sparkly187
    sparkly187 Posts: 40 Member
    My bf told me that I have to lose weight. It came out so rude, which of course was followed by "it's not about image, it's you health" hmm
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    My dad was huge and put me on a the Adkin's diet, by force, when I was 15. My mom found out and made him stop. (They were divorced I was visiting for the summer). My poor, goofy *kitten* dad was morbidly obese after having been skinny in his younger years. He was convinced puberty weight was "fat". I was 5'8" and a rangy, muscular 140 lbs. My sister also called my change in puberty "fat". She was obese too. My mom, a more normal weight, was irritated as hell at both of them. It was very strange.

    Later, my jerk , now ex-husband, told me I was overweight. I wasn't . So he switched over to calling me "skinny fat". I wasn't. Our marriage was very brief. He was looking for an excuse to cheat. I told him off both times. He is now obese.

    My current DH struggles a bit with his weight but is not obese and does't have serious food issues. He works out and looks good. He says I'm beautiful all the time. Surround yourself with nice people!

    Moral of the story. Damn people like to put their own self-image issues off on others! It's scary when they do it with kids!