200 and over?



  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Started at 215. Had lost 30, gained it back. I'm over the 200's. My goal is 145.
  • Hi! I am 5'10 and currently 253...with my highest being 267. More than anything...I would like to make it back to "onederland". I would love some support, accountability and encouragement as I attempt the long hard journey l back in that direction! It is so hard to have the conversations with all the women I know that need to lose 10 pounds so they can fit back in their size 4 jeans!

  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member

    When I do break 199, that sound you all hear will not be a sonic boom, it will be me celebrating

    This is just what I was going to say - the day I see a number under 200, I will be a shrieking maniac. It'll be a few more months, but I'm preparing my vocal chords already because I'm going to get there!!!

    SW: 251 (Oct 2013)
    CW: 224
    GW: 175
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    I have been in the 300s for a short time and in the 200s for over twenty years...now back in the 100s...you guys can do it, if I can!!

    As someone who's been 280+ and got down to 190, regained and is now back up to 250 this made my day. It's never over unless you quit.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Started at 248.5, just hit 189 (last time I was down here, Carter was President). You can do it--you just have to want it.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    You'll get there. I started at 239 and just hit 199.8 today. I have never been more excited to see a number on the scale. Perseverance and never give up will get you to where you want to be. Good luck. You can add me if you're looking for more friends.


    I am at 209.7 as of today. I started just a few weeks ago at 216. The last time I was under 200 was last year, shortly after I had my baby, but then I gained a whole lot because I was so sedentary with the newborn. Having a baby is so exhausting, but it doesn't burn enough calories for how tired it makes you!

    My parents and sister are coming for a visit at the end of May and I am hoping to have seen a 1 in the hundreds place by then.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I started at 265 and I'm at 222 now. My goal is 162 or so (I have a big frame). You can add me if you'd like!
  • erzilie
    erzilie Posts: 8 Member
    i'm in this camp. at my heaviest i was over 250. about two years ago i changed my eating habits tremendously and dropped about 30 pounds. of course it was around this time i found out my scale was faulty--see, i thought i was starting at 230, and the scale was finally showing me 199, and i was so stoked! ...and then i weighed myself on two separate scales in friends' homes and discovered that my scale at home was 20 pounds off. i was so dejected that i had to tack 20 more pounds onto my end goal that i literally beat my scale with a bat out in the driveway and went into diet-stasis for awhile. i gained back 10, which is actually kind of a testament to how dramatically i changed my eating habits during the initial weight loss.

    so here i am again! at 230, still 20 pounds down from that initial 250, shooting for 150. 150 is the ~REACH FOR THE STARS~ goal; i will probably relentlessly leak joy-fluids all over friends and family when i hit 170. i haven't been under 200 since high school, and i have never been anything but overweight pretty much since i was born. i am pumped to get to the "slightly above average" category.
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    I was 226 pounds last August. Now, I have gone down to 168. You can do it.
  • Jarahal
    Jarahal Posts: 36 Member
    Started at 213 and am down to 204.4. Hoping to break the 200's soon. As long as you stay dedicated and motivated everyone can break them! :3
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member

    When I do break 199, that sound you all hear will not be a sonic boom, it will be me celebrating

    This is just what I was going to say - the day I see a number under 200, I will be a shrieking maniac. It'll be a few more months, but I'm preparing my vocal chords already because I'm going to get there!!!

    SW: 251 (Oct 2013)
    CW: 224
    GW: 175

    Well then there are going to be at least 3 sonic booms! :drinker:
    GW 150. I am hoping to reach onederland next time I weigh. I only weigh once a month ( last Sunday of each month)
    Add me if you want! :flowerforyou:
  • fyouapp
    fyouapp Posts: 2
    I'm starting at 204lbs and my goal is 125. You can add me if you like :)
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    My highest weight was 218lbs while pregnant (so it totally doesn't count), now I am 204.6. Desperate to be in the 100's. I'll be so happy when I get to the 190's, then my next goal is the 170's (last time I lost weight I quit at 180). My ultimate goal is the 140's. All my fellow 200 pounders can add me and we can go to Onederland together :)
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm starting at 204lbs and my goal is 125. You can add me if you like :)
    Just did :flowerforyou:
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    I started at 285 well that's the weight I'm admitting to but more than likely it was higher than that. But after about 15 months of learning about nutrition, what my body is capable of doing and lots of other fun things, I'm down to 179 as of today.

    So you can do it!

    Saw you on another thread. Just wanted to say.... You. Are. Awesome.
  • I am 236 and would really love some support from those of you who are in the same boat!!!

  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    You're ALL awesome. Thanks for the inspiring posts....

    Right there with ya... Can't wait to get back under 200. Hoping to be well under that by my birthday in August.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Started at 265lbs after baby #2 .247 when she was 3 mon old and I started MFP. Got to 202lbs and kept stalling 15lbs up and down over and over again!! First goal was 199lbs and ultimate was 165lbs at 5'6. Now I am 8 wks pregnant and 220lbs......still logging at maintenance. I don't want to gain 45lbs like last 2 pregnancies! I am constantly up and down....I was 215 last week!! if you log on everyday and are serious about this add me. I am a great supporter and motivator as long as I get it in return!
  • nikkituck56
    nikkituck56 Posts: 31 Member
    I am 238 now, started in March at 250. My highest was 270 but lost down to 250 on my own over a year. I am always looking for new friends!! :)
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I started my journey at 200 pounds, lost about 25 pounds, then put it back on and MORE!
    I would love to have some friends on here with similar goals as me! Back to the 100s! Feel free to add me!
  • Jassaena
    Jassaena Posts: 4 Member
    Started at 255,now down to 223. Add me if you like! :)
  • angrus
    angrus Posts: 1
    I am right there with you. Hit 206 in January. You have a lot going for you; determination, reaching out to a circle of friends and a pretty face that is a positive. I am just getting there a day at a time an looking at the good things I have going for me.
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    I started my journey at 238 lbs, lost about 30 through WW, came to MFP and stopped after I got down to 189- now am back. Once I saw 2** on the scale again I knew I had to come back, so here I am at 196.8 lbs. Feel free to add me as well!
  • redhotsc
    redhotsc Posts: 43 Member
    You may add me if you would like. I started losing weight (unsupported) last June when I weighed in at 236. I joined MFP the beginning of February (after losing 16 pounds) when I weighed 220. I have lost another 16 since then. So, current weight= 204. But I can see that line to get past the 200 mark. I would love to help you stay motivated!
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Not sure if its been mentioned already... and I don't have the time right now to read all the current comments... BUT if you don't already. Go on instagram and follow some people who are currently or already finished their weight loss journeys! THEY motivate my a lot!!
  • chasky
    chasky Posts: 5 Member
    Everybody, please add me as a friend.
  • Panaru
    Panaru Posts: 36 Member
    I started over again after having a bad year last year.. Last year around this time I was 270ish.. I was having a hard time with depression and stress and just went off the wagon with food intake.. In March I had to step on a scale for the first time in almost a year.. It was shocking and made me realize I had to stop the stress eating. I came in at 306. I've been taking things day by day now for about 6 weeks and I'm down 22lbs. I'm still huge and I can hardly tell I've lost anything. But the weekly loss has slowed down now and I'm now in the long road of eating better and playing the waiting game.

    I just try and keep around a 1500cal diet and do meal replacements when I'm feeling blue and don't want to cook. A lot of people don't like things like slimfast but for me it's helpful when I'm feeling depressed and cooking is the last thing I want to do

    I look at other successes stories for a boost, it helps me feel like someday I can get their too. :)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    To get to Onederland throw away hope and try and replace it with will and now. Good luck folks it is a pretty cool land, allows your muscles to recover quicker after a run or swim, your joints will not sound like a Cuban Band or Rice Krispies, and best of all, you sleep better.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I am searching for onederland!!!! I started my journey this time at 249, and I'm down to 236. I would kill for 170 right about now!!! I feel like I could really get there!!!!! All in due time (fingers crossed)!!!!!!!
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    I started at about 210 (I managed to keep at that weight for about 3 years). After 1 month on MFP (and 1 month before of mostly clean eating) I've lost a little over 12 lbs and I'm finally under the 200 mark. I jumped off my scale and did a little dance :)