After all of my hard work, I gained 3 pounds :(

After reaching my goal of 133 pounds, I was thrilled, and though I could relax over spring break last week. I went through some binges, are lots of junk, and got on the scale tonight only to see that my weight is teetering around 135-136. This may not seem like a big deal to you guys, but it hurts. I put in so much work, and just like that it's ruined. I cannot eliminate sweets from my diet. I LOVE cookies, cupcakes, and cakes, (and Reese's), but they have contributed to these 3 pounds I've gained, but I enjoy them so much. What should I do? I'm so distressed and disappointed in myself. It's seems like I'm on my way back to 150 pounds :(


  • sklocker
    sklocker Posts: 11
    I have been there. My sweet tooth is HUGE! Drink extra water the next couple of days and keep eating healthy and exercising- it will come off. Your body needs to flush it out. A weekend of treats is killer- try to keep it to just 1 day. How did you lose the weight? Way to go! That is a big accomplishment.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Does 3 pounds really define you? 3 pounds is water weight. You ate junk for a week. Big deal. You probably replenished your glycogen stores. Go back to doing your "hard work" for a couple of weeks and go about 5 lbs below your goal weight. Then your glycogen stores can be replenished and you"ll be right around your goal weight.

    As for your love of sweets, that's fine. But everything in moderation. Work those treats into your daily calorie allotment if you MUST have them. Do some extra time on your workout if you eat too much. But ultimately, most importantly, work on accepting yourself when you "mess up". Then get back down to business. Don't be a self defeatist. You're only hurting yourself by doing that.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    To lose the weight, I ultimately cut out a lot of the foods I loved to eat, and kept a very large deficit. I did exercise some (walking), but mainly I upped my water intake, ate healthier, and had a large deficit. The problem was, I deprived myself, and now I crave things like Oreos, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and candies! Ugh I feel awful
  • mistiblake08
    mistiblake08 Posts: 80 Member
    To lose the weight, I ultimately cut out a lot of the foods I loved to eat, and kept a very large deficit. I did exercise some (walking), but mainly I upped my water intake, ate healthier, and had a large deficit. The problem was, I deprived myself, and now I crave things like Oreos, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and candies! Ugh I feel awful

    There's your problem. This is why you binged on sweets like that. You didn't allow yourself to have these things while you lost the weight and your self-control waivered. You fit these foods into your calories allowed or work a little harder to have them. You take it out and create a huge deficit, you falter like this.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    To lose the weight, I ultimately cut out a lot of the foods I loved to eat, and kept a very large deficit. I did exercise some (walking), but mainly I upped my water intake, ate healthier, and had a large deficit. The problem was, I deprived myself, and now I crave things like Oreos, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and candies! Ugh I feel awful

    You didn't eat at a deficit, you gained weight. Eat in moderation, weigh your food, be honest. Next caller...
  • LosingLaurensWay
    LosingLaurensWay Posts: 86 Member
    Don't worry about 3 pounds. If you gain close to 10 then I would be concerned. Just refocus yourself.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Honestly, 3 pounds is not that big a deal (to me)

    But it seems like it is a big deal to YOU. So that's what matters.
    You said you know the weigh gain is due to overindulging in sweets.

    So, my questions is "what is MOST important to you: the 3 pounds or overindulging your sweet tooth?"

    Pick the answer that feels right to you and make your peace. There's no point in regret. All that matters is how you approach the future.