Help! Hit plateau and now gaining weight:(

Hi guys! I'm Heather. I have gained 8lbs snce October of last year. I know there is "winter weight" so they say, but I have a hard time with things i am not suppose to eat such as gluten and peanut butter. I know they are bad for me because I swell up and retain at least 5lbs of water from being swollen for several days til teh histamine drops. Self control is hard for me going through stressful time. I work full-time, have four kids ages 4,6,11, and 13 and am taking two classes a semster for a Bachelor degree. I also volunteer two times a week for my 6 yr olds swim team. I have tried journaling and distraction, but have a hard time with night eating. That eing said, I have to say I do try to eat very healthy and really do. I track my calories through a fitbit and I run 4 times a week and exercise ervy moring as well. What can I do to de-stress besides yoga and get my mind and body back on track. I feel UGH and overwhelemed with life in general. I would like otlose 10-15lbs and tone up. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you:)


  • jesca02
    jesca02 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Heather, I just read an article about a study an new facts for women. Strength training is extremely important for women in particular, it suggest for women at least 2-3 times a week. I you tube alot for workouts you can even find workouts just for women. I hope this helps. I am having alot of problem with the mid section and my thunder thighs but I haven't given up. Well good luck it sounds like you have alot on your plate.
  • fasy1
    fasy1 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Heather,

    Take a deep breath and relax :) Looks like you are eating healthy so stress is your worse enemy when you are trying to lose weight , it increases the amount of cortisol your body produces, and limits ur body's ability to convert sugars into energy. Give yourself time to unplug and unwind every day. If you don't take time to handle your stress, your cortisol levels will remain high. What activities do you enjoy? Even if it is taking a long bath at the end of the day, that will help! How about working out? Do you get enough sleep? You can't burn fat efficiently if you don't get enough sleep and your body doesn't recover because the fat burning process starts in your sleep. So take a deep breath, relax, get some sleep, stay active and keep eating healthy :)
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hi Heather,

    Thanks for posting your challenges. The important thing is to keep on doing what is right for you and your family. It is so important to set the right example for health and fitness. The birth of my son is what inspired me to change, and I've never looked back. Plateaus happen. There are a few things to think about. First, what is your calorie goal for the day? You can still eat too much to lose weight, even with healthy food. You can also under-eat as well. Your body needs fuel to function, so you have to be eating at the correct calorie level. Also, in addition to running, what type of exercise are you doing every day?

    We need some more information to really help you break through this barrier.

  • Heather81378
    Heather81378 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone. Usually every morning I do anything from Moms into Fitness (which is like a girl P90x), kickboxing, Jillian Micheals's videos, P90x, Insanity, T-25. I mix things up. I know I probably don't eat enough during the day and then end up binging at night:( I love Yoga and running as well, which I know I need to do more Yoga to stretch and unwind. I knwo I also don't get enough sleep. I usually am in bed by 11-11:30pm and get up at 4:30. Doing this post, I hope holds more accountability for me, so thank you everyone. I also am doing a 5K in June and want to get ready for that as well.

    That being said, I do strength training 3xs/ week, run 4xs/week, and do cardio 5xs a week in the morning. Along with the running, two of those days I add circuit training in between my runs at the park. (Run, then stop and do a couple circuits, then run, etc.)