Ladies what do you do that time of the month?



  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I try my hardest to continue what I normally do, which is exercise 30-90 minutes a day and eat right (I also stick to this philosophy when I get sick). I may not feel like it, but I know once I'm done I will feel much better than before. I also find that exercising helps me with cramps during my cycle.

    As far as cravings go, I snack on what I normally do. Almonds, dark chocolate covered almonds, granola, and 100 calorie popcorn packs (not all in one sitting, lol). Dark chocolate is a not so guilty pleasure of mine, and I find that having a few pieces of it daily doesn't hurt my weight loss in any way. So I can generally get through cravings without a problem because my body is used to that food.

    The worst thing for me is that I get irrationally angry for no reason at the littlest things. Something that I would normally laugh off, awakens the kraken. And that's why I also refuse to skip working out because exercising releases those endorphins that my body and mood desperately need.

    I've also found that I normally still lose during that time.
  • lac925
    lac925 Posts: 12
    I don't get too many food cravings (if any), but I CANNOT work out on those days! I feel soggy and gross enough as it is without adding sweat to the mixture :S YUCK!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I eat a lot of protein to keep full and bump my calories up to close to maintenance. Drink a lot of water and go for a walk.
    If I still crave something sweet I eat dark chocolate or just work some ice-cream or whatever into my calories. It's no big deal.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    I was researching this very subject this weekend, came across these...............

    While the thought of working with your hormones makes sense, it was not a good excuse for the candy free for all that lasted all day on Easter day for me.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    Inositol always helps my cravings, as does keeping plenty of fruit around (as I'm a HUGE sugar junkie around my time of the month). I try to always make sure to take an iron supplement around my time of the month as well, since I tend to lose a lot of blood, which exhausts me and causes me to reach for unhealthy 'quick fixes' for my energy- often things like candy, baked goods, etc.

    I drink a lot of tea and water around my time of the month, including the day or two before hand. If you find yourself really unreasonably bloated dandelion and cranberry tea are good for relieving bloating, but they are not as intense as an OTC diuretic unless you like quadruple steep them. I really don't suggest taking a diuretic (regardless of whether it's an OTC medication, herbal tea, etc.) because it does lead you into the trap of becoming potentially dehydrated (the last thing you want is sodium and potassium out of wack) if you don't drink loads of water to help your body regulate it's water retention. The best thing you can do for bloating is to merely drink more water.

    In all honesty, my menstrual problems got a lot better when I cleaned up my diet. They didn't go away (I still get cysts, horrific cramps from the cysts, headaches, bloating, etc.) but it got a lot better in terms of intensity, and the frequency of such symptoms really did decrease. I hope this is the case for you as well! Exercise, try your best to avoid products high in sodium, drink lots of water and I think you'll be just fine.

    Us woman folk are period warriors, haha. ;)
  • HFreymuth
    HFreymuth Posts: 13 Member
    I skip the gym the day that it is the worst and I'll have a little of something I'm craving. If I'm scheduled for a weight training day I might swap it with my cardio routine since that is easier for me to do when I feel crappy. Sometimes I scale down the time as well. I try to make up for it afterwards. I also agree to drink a lot of extra water. I feel much better skipping the carbs but that seems to be what I crave.
  • ChocolateGoddessV
  • nahslc
    nahslc Posts: 1
    I have found the more I exercise and release stress during the month that I don't get king hit as much as I do when I'm inactive or stressed (my job takes a lot of energy). To date, before I joined up here 2 days ago, I have used this time of the month to rest for the heavy days, take long soaks in the bath, wear my comfortable pants when I get home from work and chill out. Rest, nurture and then carry on. I think it's important to honour this time of the month and look after yourself however you like to do that.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I'm fortunate in that I don't get bad cramping, but I do get super irritable and emotional, I get hungrier, and I retain water, ugh! I've only been logging my food on MFP for a few weeks and am due for TOM soon. My plan is to take walks like I always do and eat back all my exercise calories from the walks if I'm extra hungry (I don't always eat them back). Staying under calorie goals seems to help me be less moody and emotional thank goodness. As for bloating nothing takes it away all together but I do minimize it by drinking dandelion tea - one or two cups a day.
  • NicholeLR
    Us woman folk are period warriors, haha. ;)

    That's what my roommate and I call each other during our TOM's! it helps us deal with it individually because we know we have one another's back.

    I try to eat a bowl of steamer clams around the first or second day because I found they have more iron than red meat and I'm already low on iron. Besides, it's my favorite. As far as sweet cravings, I'll eat a square of dark chocolate if I really want one, but normally I'll try to replace one meal with a chocolate-banana-avocado-spinach smoothie with almond milk and pumpkin protein powder. It tastes like a chocolate banana milkshake so it satisfies my craving and it also keeps me full for most of the day since I can't eat very much during that week. I get super tired and exercise hasn't helped much in the past, so I take one or two days off as long as I know I'll be working out at least four times that week..
    I guess it helps me that I and I'm lactose intolerant so my candy options are pretty slim, but I hate that fact during that week.
    Otherwise, I always have these to help me: hot pack, Netflix and a really understanding fiance who can deal with my irrational neediness and mood swings.
  • maskedshoo
    I take a buttload of midol for the cramps. Skip the first day (heaviest for me) but exercise the rest of them. Allow myself to indulge in chocolate when I crave it. Don't weigh myself or look in the mirror for 5 days.... :l
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I make what I'm eating Priority 1, and exercise secondary. If I am that exhausted I will at minimum try to get out for a walk, but don't push myself too hard. I find that during my TOM I get tired very quickly.

    Also, water is a huge must.
  • strutdivastrut
    strutdivastrut Posts: 105 Member
    Going thru this right now..I ate a carrot cake slice and up late eating a fruit bowl.I can tell when its my time because I crave carbs and sugar..
  • strutdivastrut
    strutdivastrut Posts: 105 Member
    I have plenty of pain the first two days and heavy so I keep in until the pain leaves..exercising doesn't help me anyway.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I become nauseous, so cravings are easy; except sometimes I will crave protein in the form of red meat very bad, I give in to that one. As for working out I switch from lifting to circuit training, cardio with lower weight high rep. Otherwise I get muscle fatigue too quickly and my work out seems like a waste.
  • jesscairney89
    I try to push through it! It actually makes me feel better (physically -it takes the pain away for a good 2-3 hours, and mentally- it distracts me and i don't feel guilty for missing a workout) so i say if you can at least get your workout clothes on, get to the gym, it will be worth it in a weeks time!!! :)
  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    Try and stay the course.
    Don't spiral if I fall a bit short.
    Look forward to two days after when I magically "lose" 3 pounds overnight.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I must be an anomaly. Nothing much happens out of the ordinary for me, except for the slight inconvenience of menstruating. I generally gain a pound or two right before it starts and that goes right away after the first day or two. There may or may not be slight cramping for a little while, but it's not bad enough to even take anything for it. So basically, life carries on much as usual. :ohwell:
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    A few days before I usually want to eat all the carbs in the universe.

    So I do a little more activity than usual- light exercise like walking doesn't make me reach for the fridge the way that more intense cardio or weights does.

    And for a day or two I just switch up my macros so I'm eating more carbs and if I'm still ravenous, I'll reduce my deficit but I'm lucky in that I don't get a lot of pain. Just a very specific sort of hungry- just starchy carbs. So some bread or rice cakes or whatever is all that I need to make me feel better.
  • SarahNicoleW94
    I take a painkiller, tell myself to stop being a baby and make my way to the gym!