Cleaning up my act...

Hello all I thought I would introduce myself. I am a Music Producer /DJ from Austin Texas. I have been battling my weight all my life and about 10 years ago added a sizable alcohol addiction to the mix. Well I took my last Drink March 15th have not looked back since. I started Dieting 2 weeks after quitting drinking and found my fitness pal a week or so later so my diary starts about 3 weeks into this change in my life.

So far the results have been amazing I forgot what it felt like to be completely booze free and I don't think I will ever drink again. I start this adventure at somewhere over 350lbs by the time I weighed myself for the website I was 343 and as of the latest I am 331. My goal is to be healthy and not obese and I don't consider myself on a diet more than retraining myself to eat right with proper portions. I do have ambition to be around 210lbs but my main focus is retraining my body and my mind. I am starting an exercise program in the coming week I am super excited about that.

Nice to meet everyone
- Joe

My diary is open to the public
