confused about my flabby legs :(

Hi guys,

Okay so I turned 20 last Jan and I've realised that this is the time that I really want to become fit and healthy and lead a good lifestyle so that I understand nutrients and all that jazz and can set a good example to my children in the future.

My only problem is, I'm so discouraged.. and I think its because I just don't understand. I'm 90% sure I'm a pear shape, I have much bigger bottom half than top but I do have bingo wings although a flat stomach too however when I stand up straight my shoulders are fairly in line with my hips which makes me doubt the pear shape.. but I'm a size 12/14 on the bottom and 10/12 on top..(brand dependant!!)

What I really want help with is my ridiculously flabby legs!! I got bullied at school for having 'tree trunk' legs and honestly every last fat cell I produced since I was five are on my cankles, calves, thighs and bum!! I have stopped eating processed meat and am trying to eat as healthily as I can but its hard when you still live with your parents and you eat with them every night the same things, they aren't unhealthy its things like bolognase, chili con carne, sheperds pie etc and my parents never eat out.. my main realisation that my legs were big (because I didn't let the bullies get to me!) was about 5 years ago when I got with my boyfriend and I didnt like wearing skirts and shorts as very self-concious and I still don't like wearing them now.. and even more recently, as my boyfriend rides a motorbike I cant find any boots that fit round my calves (they are 16") and pretty much mostly flab, I would like to think they are relatively muscular as I grew up doing hockey, football and other school sports.. but there is limited definition so deffo flab..I recently joined the gym and am going 5 days a week and do weight training 2-3 times a week targeting all the major muscle groups, but the leg flab does NOT want to go - I really need some help please please please!!


  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Most likely what you see is not what others see, we can have a very distorted view of ourselves. Living at home you can still lose weight, it is not the food that you eat (for nutrition it matters) but for weight it is calorie in vs calorie out. You can track your calories and eat at a deficient and you will lose weight. Smaller portions and control would be the best way to deal with meals at home.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Yes, eat at a calorie deficit, your flab will decrease in size. In addition to your weight training (good work there!) perhaps add biking to the mix. Bicycling will really tone up those legs. You need muscle to have a nice shape.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Body shape doesn't dictate how to go about losing weight, so don't think about it so much. Everyone loses weight when they eat less calories than they burn in a day. Body type will dictate where you lose first, but you can't do anything to change that so again there's no point worrying over it.

    My opinion, which also doesn't matter at all, is that one size difference between top and bottom isn't that big of a difference, and you are probably relatively evenly proportioned ("straight" or "hourglass" body type, depending on waist size).
  • Thanks guys you've all helped me loads! I will try to track my calories as well as possible but as mums dinners are ready before in home from work it could be a little tricky there! I would love shrink just so i can find some nice motorbike boots that will fit haha!

    Thanks thanks thanks!