When to workout? Help.


I am actually asking a question on my friend's behalf. He is actually very self-conscious about his weight (5'5 and about 155lbs, used to be low 140's), and doesn't want to talk to anyone else about it.

There are two issues actually: when to workout, and what to do.

One of his biggest concern is when to actually work out. He typically works 8-4 or 9-5 (M-F). He has to be up by 7 to get his son ready for school, and he doesn't have time for himself until his son falls asleep at 9. Is his only option to workout before work? Or is there some other way he can sneak a workout?

Second issue, he currently jogs one mile and does pushups, but he feels that is not enough. What other exercises can he do given his time constraints? I guess specifically at home because he doesn't want to be far from his son when he works out, so a gym is somewhat out of reach for him at the moment. (FYI: his son is 7)

I would appreciate any advice, links to pages, or any feedback! Thank you!


  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    Tell your friend to try T25 (Shaun T at BeachBody). Its 25 minutes of intense cardio 6 days per week.

    Really easy to fit into a busy schedule.

    T25 + calorie deficit = guaranteed weight loss
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    When he can is the best time.

    As for what to do I suggest weight lifting, find a program to follow easy peasy.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I'd suggest sneaking in a little morning workout, even if he can only do 15 or 20 minutes. Pass him along this website: http://hasfit.com/30-day-fitness-challenge-exercise-program-workout-plan-to-get-in-shape/

    In addition to the 30 Day Challenge link I provided, there are a ton of free workouts, many which are short and give you a huge calorie burn. They are focused on all levels of experience from beginner to advanced.

    At work lunch or other breaks, he could sneak in a brisk walk.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The best time to work out is the time that is most convenient for him.

    In general, especially for beginners, time of day is incredibly insignificant when compared to routine and compliance. If working out at 11 AM is slightly better than doing it at 8 PM, that won't matter if he never wants to go to the gym by the time 8 PM rolls around.

    Can he get to a gym? If not, I agree with the morning workout. Pushups, pullups, stiff-legged deadlifts, and some plyo box work 3 times a week (after a solid 5-10 minute warmup) would do wonders.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Where there's a will there IS a way... I get up at 4 at work by 7 Home around 5:30... after a shower I take the dogs for a walk (20 minutes or so) while I walk them I complete 3 sets of lunges in various configurations do some stretching... 3 days a week I hit the gym at lunch for some Cardio typically on an elliptical until I lose about 40 lbs.... a small quick lunch at my desk...

    I see this lifestyle change a a necessity... like eating, sleeping, working, breathing... it isn't an option if your friend approaches his exercise regime the same way he won't find the time... he will make the time.

    that being said... IT requires will and determination.

    Best of luck!!!
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    What 7 year old boy would not love the opportunity to work out with his Dad? I suggest a few work out videos or dance games geared to both. Also with a "strength" run some mini-weights. Most kids love Zumba, and it's free on you tube, and just tossing the ball around the yard is free anytime.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    Your friend sounds like he has a pretty full plate. Does he really want to add to it by fitting in a workout? You didn't mention any other support (spouse/other half/family) so I'm guessing he's flying solo with his son? Given what you said, I wouldn't recommend early AM workouts for him. He'll be wiped out by the time he puts his son to bed for the nite.

    Does he ever throw a ball around with his son or do they have a wii or something else they can "play" so burn some calories? Those things kill several birds with one stone.

    People underestimate how important it is to just take some time for YOU. We don't need to be superheroes. If he wants to lose weight and set a good example for his son, eating healthy and at a deficit is a good start.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I have 3 children and I am single so I get him wanting to spend the time with his son. I work pretty much same hours as he does and for me I go during lunch, granted I get usually 30 min at the gym but I am doing something. And then when I go home if it's nice out I'll take my kids with me for a walk around the neighborhood and my kids are 13, 7, and 1.5. It's a good way to get more exercise and spending time with his son.

    Good luck to your friend!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Your friend sounds like he has a pretty full plate. Does he really want to add to it by fitting in a workout? You didn't mention any other support (spouse/other half/family) so I'm guessing he's flying solo with his son? Given what you said, I wouldn't recommend early AM workouts for him. He'll be wiped out by the time he puts his son to bed for the nite.

    Does he ever throw a ball around with his son or do they have a wii or something else they can "play" so burn some calories? Those things kill several birds with one stone.

    People underestimate how important it is to just take some time for YOU. We don't need to be superheroes. If he wants to lose weight and set a good example for his son, eating healthy and at a deficit is a good start.

    I get up at 4:15 M-Th to get in my workout before I get up my boys at 6:30. Your body adjusts and you're not wiped out by the time they go to bed, unless the kid is up until 10.

    More info is needed here, is he alone with his son?
  • littl3xlion
    littl3xlion Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the input so far! Really appreciate it! Definitely forwarding the tips to him!

    As far as for his living situation, he lives with his son and his mother, but truth be told their relationship can be rocky sometimes. IE: If he asks to her to watch his son sometimes, she would get snarky and guilt him to stay home instead.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thanks for the input so far! Really appreciate it! Definitely forwarding the tips to him!

    As far as for his living situation, he lives with his son and his mother, but truth be told their relationship can be rocky sometimes. IE: If he asks to her to watch his son sometimes, she would get snarky and guilt him to stay home instead.

    IMHO, as long as she's in the house, he could get up and get a good workout whether at the gym or somewhere in the house.