What do you use in place of syrup on your french toast?!



  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    sliced bananas, cinnamon and a little drizzle of honey
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    We love applesauce on our french toast! Even my kids ask for applesauce...

    Good ideaaaaaaa!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Ready4change, Well, I didn't really follow a recipe. I just sliced up enough apple to fill up my crockpot. I poured in a little 100% apple juice so the apples on the bottom wouldn't burn. I added approximately 2 tsp each of ground cloves, ground all spice & nutmeg and about 4 Tbsp of cinammon. I have a large crockpot that fis about 15-16 apples. You may want to start with less spice and taste after it's cooked some then add more. ANyway, just turn the crockpot on low for 10-12 hours. Then open the lid and stir it. Keep it on low for 4 more hours. Leave the lid off so it can start to thicken. A couple of hours later, blend it with a stick blender to smooth it up. If you like it chunkier, you may not need to do that since the apples will fall apart as you stir them with a spoon. Once it reaches the consistency you like, turn off the crockpot. If you want to can it, proccess them in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. I'm not sure how long it lasts in the fridge since I finish off a jar before it has a chance to go bad.
  • buy apple cyder and then boil the cyder and add a little bit of cinamon and some whole wheeth flower then you will have such good sauce to go on top of the french toast.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    ED Smith Sugar-Free Syrup is what I use; it's the best-tasting sugar-free one that I've come across, and it's not as watery as some of the other ones. Sugar-Free Jam is always a great option too (Smucker's Sugar-Free Squeezables!), and, of course, fruit.

    To make french toast healthier altogether, just use EggBeaters instead of real eggs!
  • cinn - applesauce, with or without bananas!!b yum!
  • elfinsnow
    elfinsnow Posts: 15 Member
    Fresh or frozen berries and a squirt of whipped cream- yum!
    Or 1 tsp real maple syrup- or fruit syrup. (I use berries, a little apple juice, and a squirt of honey- boil)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'd use the real stuff - Pure maple syrup - if that's the flavour I was going for. A little goes a long way.

    Usually, I have 1 tbsp fruit preserves and 1/2 tbsp of organic honey. Super sweet and delicious. Not too bad on cals, either. You can also make an easy compote out of frozen fruit with some kind of sweetener (natural or artificial, if you are that concerned about calories). Nut/apple butter is also an awesome option - I love natural PB on my french toast and pancakes -- I know that probably seems wrong, but I love PB on EVERYTHING! hahah

    Add some plain yogurt or cottage cheese on top with fresh fruit and eat one less piece of french toast. It'll be just as filling, a more balanced meal, and around the same calories. If you're only focusing on calories without focusing on the QUALITY of calories, you're going to have a really hard time developing healthy eating habits to sustain you during maintenance. Just my $0.02!

    Enjoy your breakfast!
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Natural peanut butter or all fruit spread (Polaner makes a good one). Or warm up some blueberries in the microwave until they get kind of saucy and add some cinnamon.
  • amathwills
    amathwills Posts: 28 Member
    no salt and pepper which = no extra calories:)
  • I use Honey.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I don't really eat French toast, but anything that calls for syrup on top, I usually just use plain old maple syrup and watch my portion. I put about a tablespoon of syrup in a little microwaveable dish and heat it up for 15 seconds so it pours more easily. Fruit preserves would be a good alternative, I put that on my oatmeal sometimes in lieu of syrup for a little touch of sweetness.
  • You should totaly put apple butter on it its realy good. TRY IT!!
  • I use Adams PeanutButter, and i use that PB only. unless you have a peanut allergy, don't use it!
    Also, there is Guava Syrup its a natural sugar extract from the Guava Plants, and of course i'd imagine its
    de-alcoholized. Low sodium, low fat skim milk Cottage Cheese with some berries on top may just
    intise you!!
    PS Try applesauce (unsweetened, and add cinamon, or make your own as i do)
  • Mtarbarnes
    Mtarbarnes Posts: 8
    just plain old powdered sugar ...a very light dusting. No butter or syrup...it doesnt need it once you go awhile without its naturally sweet.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    try honey and sliced banana
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I found a low calorie recipe for blueberry soup. It was great over pancakes and ice cream. I assume it would be great over french toast also. Little goes a long way. I froze the excess soup to use later.
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