MP3/Itunes question

Okay for my music experts out there...

I have a very old mp3 player so I'll probably replace it (not sure with what yet, so any advice there would be great, too). However hubby and my daughter have newer players. We were using Walmart for music but they no longer do discount cards.

We have PCs. Does ITunes now work for PC? Do they load okay on regular mp3 players or do you have to have an apple player?

What services do you use for music purchases? Hated Rhapsody because we'd be billed for stuff that didn't download. Yahoo music was great then disappeared.

Any help is great! Thanks!


  • nubreeze33
    Yes you can use your pc to download music through Itunes it's how I do it as well, I also back up the music I download to a cd as well as a file on my pc, this allows you to download music and add to any mp3 you have not just your itunes. No it doesn't have to be an apple comp to download the music.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I think you can purchase mp3s through Amazon now also... ?? (I've never tried it)
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I think you can purchase mp3s through Amazon now also... ?? (I've never tried it)

    Amazon does do MP3 downloads AND the Amazon downloader will drop the music into iTunes for you. I will use both iTunes and Amazon for my iPod. Sometimes Amazon is cheaper than iTunes, but if they are the same then I go with iTunes because when you do an iTunes back up, it doesn't include the Amazon MP3s.
  • cinrod312
    I have an MP3 player and I have found that works great. Each song is $0.99 or you can download an entire album. It's great! You just download it to your PC and then onto your player.