Calling All IIFYMers/Flexible Dieters!!

Hey! I am starting to get into iifym because I am beginning to have a bad relationship with food which shouldn't be the case. I find myself more and more depressed because I feel so deprived and that's not the point of this journey. I did this to become happier and more confident and that is not the case. I've been on this journey for 7 months, taking a 1 month break during the new year. I have lost about 15 lbs in total and went from 29% bf to 21.7% bf. Now I have a new trainer who is a very "bro-dieting" advocate and it's honestly sucking the life out of me even when he allows me a cheat meal once a week. My meal plan sucks and I find myself on the brink of binging and I'm still not seeing the progress I'd like. So to all you healthy happy flexible dieters, I would love some help! I don't have enough money to pay for a new coach at the moment (I've taken some time off work because I'm pre-med and it's finals season). If anyone who is knowledgeable in this field can help me calculate my macros and calories I'd really appreciate it.

I am 5ft, 119 lbs. I workout 6 days a week (lifting 5 of those days and no more than 30 min of HIIT/intervals all 6 days). I am pretty petite and have leaned out everywhere EXCEPT my stomach. It won't go, and that's a problem with body composition I'm pretty sure and my macros. I don't lose or gain weight easily necessarily. I feel my metabolism is a bit on the slower side (not totally sure, could just be all in my head).

Thank you to whoever responds to this in advance!


  • jhinds88
    jhinds88 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girl!

    I'm fairly new to IIFYM but I used this link to calculate my macros --->

    I input your info and this is what I got for your maintenance.

    Consume 1856 cals per day broken down as follows : 237.9g carbs/119g protein/47.6g fat/24-30gfiber

    These are actually pretty dang close to my maintenance macros a couple weeks ago so it looks legit to me. If you want to give a go a dropping some fat, recalculate using your desired rate.

    I have never had a trainer partly because I'm too cheap but also because the internet is full of so many resources anyone that is dedicated enough can find what they're looking for. This is my 5th week in a calorie deficit and I've seen progress in the mirror and on the scale.

    My diary is open to friends, especially IIFYM gals =)

    Hope this helps you!! Good luck!
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    I've been reading a lot about IIFYM and just like anything reasonable, it will work if you apply and practice it! As far as your stomach, I have the same problem, but I've been noticing that my stomach is flatter and I think it's because of the amount of water I'm consuming. I've up'd my daily intake to 100 ounces a day (about 3 liters.) Not sure if that's it, but worth a try, maybe?

    Good luck and keep us posted! PS - Are you able to switch trainers at the gym you are at? If you are not seeing eye-to-eye with him on your diet, it is completely legitimate to ask for a new trainer, I mean, YOU'RE paying for a service!