Looking for friends who do Crossfit

I'm really in to Crossfit and have been doing the sport for a year now. Would like to have some friends on here who also loves the sport like i do. Feel free to add me:wink:


  • vlcampbell
    Wow! No one on here does Crossfit?!:noway:
  • edeonline
    edeonline Posts: 8 Member
    I didn't even know it's a sport?
  • Fit_Lean_Priya
    Fit_Lean_Priya Posts: 164 Member
    adding you as a friend
  • vlcampbell
    @edeonline It is indeed my friend. Crossfit is the sport of fitness. It's constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. Check it out man!
  • vlcampbell
    @healthy_priya I received your friend request. I so happy to meet other Crossfitters on here. We have to share WODs some day?
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Hey, I do CrossFit (only 2.5months in) check out this group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/116-crossfit-love
  • vlcampbell
    @sarahxApple There's nothing greater in the fitness community than the Crossfit community.
  • eiz3r
    eiz3r Posts: 2 Member
    I do Crossfit! Just hit my 1 yr last month. I LOVE it! nothing has ever made me want to get off my butt like CF does:)
  • Desireec11
    Love CF & everything it has taught me...lifts, techniques, the experience of a community, and of course that it's ok to sweat & girls with calloused hands are amazing because it means that I'm putting in some work :)
  • eabate217
    Hi everyone - I am a certified crossfit trainer.. and absolutely LOVE it!!!.. i just signed up on this site, and curious to see how everyone who does crossfit measures their calories burned on here.... i dont keep track of that, nor do i care... i just want to lift heavy and fast haha... let me know :) thanks!
  • jvsghost
    jvsghost Posts: 11 Member
    @edeonline It is indeed my friend. Crossfit is the sport of fitness. It's constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. Check it out man!

    Also a form metabolic conditioning. I do not compete in Crossfit or train specifically for it, but I do have metabolic conditioning written into my current plan and have on occasion done some of the Crossfit workouts.
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    I love cross fit!!!!!!
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Hi everyone - I am a certified crossfit trainer.. and absolutely LOVE it!!!.. i just signed up on this site, and curious to see how everyone who does crossfit measures their calories burned on here.... i dont keep track of that, nor do i care... i just want to lift heavy and fast haha... let me know :) thanks!

    I wear a bodybugg. I'm typically burn around 350 per cf class
  • sydneytomunich
    sydneytomunich Posts: 25 Member
    I've just started crossfit (literally just 4 sessions in). Please tell me you all felt stupid and inept when first starting?!
  • bmfarrow1114
    I just started Crossfit and yes I feel stupid lol! I'm 85 pounds overweight and I'm the only girl in my class so far because it is new! I've only done 4 classes but so far I love the challenge it gives me! I just hope that I start shedding weight soon!
  • vlcampbell
    I've just started crossfit (literally just 4 sessions in). Please tell me you all felt stupid and inept when first starting?!

    There is no reason to feel stupid when choosing to better your health. Trust me when i say, if you stick with crossfit you will see gains in strength, endurance, mobility, etc....you'll be drinking the Kool-aid as most crossfiters would say
  • vlcampbell
    Hi everyone - I am a certified crossfit trainer.. and absolutely LOVE it!!!.. i just signed up on this site, and curious to see how everyone who does crossfit measures their calories burned on here.... i dont keep track of that, nor do i care... i just want to lift heavy and fast haha... let me know :) thanks!

    I have a fitbit flex which is inaccurate when it come to cals. burned in crossfit. Although the flex does count my movement as steps that i take throughout the day it will not accurately track every movement with the right amount of cals burned in crossfit. For example, I run 3 miles and the flex will track cals burned because it is a pedometer but when it come to a squat, push, pull movement it will not be tracked as cals burned, only as steps. the only close to accurate way to track what you burn in crossfit would be a HR monitor but no one wants to where one whit all the movements we have to do. Hope this helped.
  • moosekrause
    A girl in my box has a monitor and she says she hits between 500 and 1000 calories. She really awesome however and is one of the top performers at our box. I put down 500 calories as I think that is fair guesstimate considering I sometimes knock out 100 calories on the row or aerodyne. I think the woman who said 350 is totally in the safe range as well. When I see the 1,000 calorie number I kind of call BS except for a true athlete. Being you are a trainer however you are certainly in the elite range and well above me. My two cents.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,721 Member
    . the only close to accurate way to track what you burn in crossfit would be a HR monitor but no one wants to where one whit all the movements we have to do.
    HRM's are also inaccurate ate reading strength training. Crossfit is still more anaerobic than aerobic (think sprinting here), and HRM's are designed to read and calculate steady state aerobic exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I just started myself..as in just had my intro class yesterday and today will be my first actual workout. Looking for crossfit friends as well!