Yoli Better Body System - Success stories??

I've recently been told of the Yoli Better Body System by a former high school classmate. Says she's been on it now for 2 months & has seen significant positive changes in how she feels & looks. Now she's become a rep to sell the products.

I'm trying to find some reviews from people that are using the products & NOT selling them. I have some medical issues that so far haven't found a cause for (possible MS) & I'm wondering if using these products might help with the medical issues as well as losing weight. I weigh more now than what I did full term with my last pregnancy!! :-( I wanna know how much of a lifestyle change Yoli is. How much does it rely on my being consistent? I kinda suck at consistency BUT I can remember take my allergy meds each day. I've read that the products are all natural preservative free stuff, but let's face it - pot is all natural too - doesn't make it good for you. How would these products interact with my allergy meds? Do I have to do the whole trasformational kit or can I just choose one product to try? Not exactly loaded with $$ here.

I'm also a rather picky eater. I can't do something that is only gonna allow me to eat foods that I'd never touch!

Thanks for any help!


  • mrstrivette
    mrstrivette Posts: 21 Member
    So no one's tried this???
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I think people should stay away from "products" that promise magical results. This is especially true for someone who has medical issues. Stay away from it. If you "suck at consistency," I would focus on that first and everything else should fall into place. (calorie deficit=weight loss)
  • Ok i have recently purchase the yoli bbs! I purchased it 3 weeks ago and let me start by saying this i do not sell it i just bought products for myself because i had been seeing at least 3 friends from nursing school use it and all of them had nothing but positive things to say about it. That being said i have been on it for 3 weeks and have lost 19 lbs and 14 inches so far. I feel better than i have felt in years. It supposedly works by both alkalizing your body and turning your body into a fat burning machine by limiting the carbs on certain days and allowing you to have complex carbs on others. I personally have had days where i screw up and the next day i just start the cycle over from the beginning with 2 protein days in a row and it resets itself unlike the atkins diet where if you screw up you lose 2 weeks worth of work trying to get into ketosis. The alkalete they provide helps rid your body of the acidity it creates when breaking down proteins and fats which helps with soreness and muscle fatigue. I suggest if you are going to try it to get the complete kit the first month and then you can choose what you like and what products work best for you. I personally am gonna get the complete system again because i love it!!!! If you have any questions for a user of yoli not a rep feel free to ask me and good luck!!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Ok i have recently purchase the yoli bbs! I purchased it 3 weeks ago and let me start by saying this i do not sell it i just bought products for myself because i had been seeing at least 3 friends from nursing school use it and all of them had nothing but positive things to say about it. That being said i have been on it for 3 weeks and have lost 19 lbs and 14 inches so far. I feel better than i have felt in years. It supposedly works by both alkalizing your body and turning your body into a fat burning machine by limiting the carbs on certain days and allowing you to have complex carbs on others. I personally have had days where i screw up and the next day i just start the cycle over from the beginning with 2 protein days in a row and it resets itself unlike the atkins diet where if you screw up you lose 2 weeks worth of work trying to get into ketosis. The alkalete they provide helps rid your body of the acidity it creates when breaking down proteins and fats which helps with soreness and muscle fatigue. I suggest if you are going to try it to get the complete kit the first month and then you can choose what you like and what products work best for you. I personally am gonna get the complete system again because i love it!!!! If you have any questions for a user of yoli not a rep feel free to ask me and good luck!!!

    This bothers me that anyone would encourage someone with undiagnosed medical conditions to take something without understanding all the potential repercussions.

    OP, please consider that this could also make your symptoms worse as well as interfere with your medications. I agree with nomeejerome that working on your consistency would be a more appropriate place to start. Additionally, speak with your doctor about anything you plan on taking and how it may alter your condition and the meds you are already on. These things are poorly studied and poorly controlled.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think people should stay away from "products" that promise magical results. This is especially true for someone who has medical issues. Stay away from it. If you "suck at consistency," I would focus on that first and everything else should fall into place. (calorie deficit=weight loss)

  • I am not encouraging anybody with undiagnosed medical issues to do anything. I was simply telling her my experience with yoli. She asked a question and i answered it. I do not sell yoli i simply use it and love it!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Make it stoooooooooop.
    Why do people even ask these questions anymore?
    There is virtually nothing you can buy that will truly help you lose weight more than anything you can do on your own, except maybe a gym membership.
    If there was a miracle cure, none of us would be fat.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Ok i have recently purchase the yoli bbs! I purchased it 3 weeks ago and let me start by saying this i do not sell it i just bought products for myself because i had been seeing at least 3 friends from nursing school use it and all of them had nothing but positive things to say about it. That being said i have been on it for 3 weeks and have lost 19 lbs and 14 inches so far. I feel better than i have felt in years. It supposedly works by both alkalizing your body and turning your body into a fat burning machine by limiting the carbs on certain days and allowing you to have complex carbs on others. I personally have had days where i screw up and the next day i just start the cycle over from the beginning with 2 protein days in a row and it resets itself unlike the atkins diet where if you screw up you lose 2 weeks worth of work trying to get into ketosis. The alkalete they provide helps rid your body of the acidity it creates when breaking down proteins and fats which helps with soreness and muscle fatigue. I suggest if you are going to try it to get the complete kit the first month and then you can choose what you like and what products work best for you. I personally am gonna get the complete system again because i love it!!!! If you have any questions for a user of yoli not a rep feel free to ask me and good luck!!!


    The man who pioneered this bunk about needing to alkalize your body has recently been arrested and charged with practicing medicine without a license.

  • I have been on Yoli diet for 12 days and have lost 2.4 pounds. NOT the 7 lbs. that is said that can be lost. I have followed the plan to a T. Even on Easter Sunday, luckily my meal day, I watched it and did well in my estimation. I did not buy the supplements or shakes from Yoli. No need to do so since the plan is on the web and you can buy good protein shakes at Walmart or even through Advocare. So, who has lost 7 or more pounds in the first week, and how? Please don't say I am cheating or not following the plan. My husband has said he gives me 5 stars out of 5 for following the plan and going to the gym at least 4 times a week. Also, I do weights on my protein days and very little cardio. I do my major cardio on my meal days.

    Thanks for any help or kindly advice.
  • I do take alkaline supplements, so that's not the problem either. A gal I know has done the diet on her own and lost 20 lbs. in 2 months!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Just another "you're not like the others" diet program plan.


    Just eat less than you are now. That's what works.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Oh, I know how to eat and I watch caloric intake. Just thought the yoli plan would help kick some weight loss into gear since I've been working out for the last 5 months and haven't lost any. I also know not to eat too little or too much. I stay at the MyFitnessPal suggestion of 1200-1350 cals a day.
    I think I have thyroid issues, but, of course, the blood tests always come back fine. Menopause at an early age is screwing things up as well.
    Don't make judgments. Thanks.
  • Did Atkins for 1 year-lost 45 lbs. Hit a huge stall lasting months-Started Yoli on Monday-in two days I am down 5 lbs. Feel great, easy to follow, but pricey. I really want to continue this. All my friends in area as well are seeing huge results. the good thing is-these are real people I know-not infomercials. Im sticking with it. Just my opinion.
  • I have done Yoli one full month and then did it loosely for the past few months. All I can say is that when i Stopped there was no weight gain . Of course I dont eat as much as I used to. This system is totally different from any other Ive tried and I agree that diets dont work so I was hesitant to start it. It was a challenge at first because you are staying away from certain foods. So for the person who said it's as simple as a calorie deficit...thats not simple for many of us either and neither is "just exercising more" . If you struggle with losing weight, it's a struggle no matter what. For me Yoli made me disciplined. It was a 28 day journey I was willing to stick to. I needed a plan because I had been cutting my calories and the weight wouldnt come off. It comes with products that are all natural and have probiotics and other ingredients to support you as well as digestive enzymes. I don't feel it's a gimmick. I managed to lose 20 lbs and keep it off and I am now doing it for another 2 weeks to continue with my journey. I do it on and off as I feel and overall it has made me mindful of portions, etc. I feel great and i do not feel deprived!! Again controlling what you eat is always a challenge at first but if you can make it past the first few weeks then its smooth sailing and even if you mess up its not a big deal.

    Anyway, theres not much on the internet about Yoli which bothers me because I need support and I like to hear other peoples opinions!
    ANyway, hope this helps anyone who is thinking of trying it.
  • I don't believe that anyone should make judgements over anything unless they have actually tried it no matter how many letters and titles you have after your name. I have had numerous experts treat me for my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, allergies, constipation, acid reflux and constant headaches but all I kept getting was more medication. I have been doing martial arts training all this time so lack of exercise was not the problem. Out of desperation I let my wife talk me into trying Yoli because she knew someone with similar issues. All I can say is that the effects were miraculous and you should try it for yourself.I only tried Yoli to improve my health. The subsequent weight loss was a bonus. And I only lost 12 lbs. after a month but my blood pressure have never been lower and more stable (with medication). Just try it and good luck.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Any time someone asks about a miracle program/shake/supplement/tea, there are a bunch of brand new posters popping into the thread with their miracle success stories.

    ..... It's just a coincidence. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I don't believe that anyone should make judgements over anything unless they have actually tried it no matter how many letters and titles you have after your name. I have had numerous experts treat me for my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, allergies, constipation, acid reflux and constant headaches but all I kept getting was more medication. I have been doing martial arts training all this time so lack of exercise was not the problem. Out of desperation I let my wife talk me into trying Yoli because she knew someone with similar issues. All I can say is that the effects were miraculous and you should try it for yourself.I only tried Yoli to improve my health. The subsequent weight loss was a bonus. And I only lost 12 lbs. after a month but my blood pressure have never been lower and more stable (with medication). Just try it and good luck.

    So even though actual science has proven it to be snake oil, people shouldn't judge? Honestly, I don't need to try cocaine to know it's not good for me. I can look at science and make that assumption.
  • I don't really know anything about the Yoli system in general but I can say that it has peaked my interest. One friend of mine has Chrons disease and had to have a colostomy bag, she was so depressed but somehow got turned onto the program. If I had not have seen this personally I wouldn't believe it, but it has done her a world of good. She just recently was able to get rid of the colostomy bag and is looking better every time I see her. Another friend of mine, a Registered Nurse, was recently looking into a holistic multivitamin and tried a few. She tried the Yoli "multivitamin" and is now a sales representative for Yoli. After hearing such positive things I went to one of the parties and I sampled the drinks, which were all actually pretty tasty. I tried their chocolate shake with coconut milk (a pretty tasty chocolate shake), the passion in berry (tasted like Crystal Light) and the truth in citrus (an orange flavored drink). All of which, I could easily stick with on a daily basis. Now, I can say what I did learn was this is not a weight loss program. The purpose of Yoli is to be healthy. They provide products (such as multivitamins and protein shakes) to deliver amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, enzymes, fiber, nutrients and sleeping aids. It also balances the alkalinity levels in your system, aids in acidic waste removal and stimulates healthy digestion. With that said, they do have a diet plan that you can follow that will increase your chances at weight loss. However, if you are looking strictly for weight loss, then Yoli is basically like an alkaline diet which you can do without paying the $280 for the kit. If you are looking to gain energy, better digestion, etc. then this could be a great product for you. I myself am still looking for answers and reviews, so if you hear anything else, please share.
  • psulemon wrote: »
    I don't believe that anyone should make judgements over anything unless they have actually tried it no matter how many letters and titles you have after your name. I have had numerous experts treat me for my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, allergies, constipation, acid reflux and constant headaches but all I kept getting was more medication. I have been doing martial arts training all this time so lack of exercise was not the problem. Out of desperation I let my wife talk me into trying Yoli because she knew someone with similar issues. All I can say is that the effects were miraculous and you should try it for yourself.I only tried Yoli to improve my health. The subsequent weight loss was a bonus. And I only lost 12 lbs. after a month but my blood pressure have never been lower and more stable (with medication). Just try it and good luck.

    So even though actual science has proven it to be snake oil, people shouldn't judge? Honestly, I don't need to try cocaine to know it's not good for me. I can look at science and make that assumption.

  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Fascinating how these randos who've never posted before always crop up talking about how their "friends" use ::insert magical diet/product here:: and have had "amazing/miraculous/awesome/magical/epic/etc" results.

    But I'm sure it's totally legitimate and just one of those weird coincidences that happen in life.

    I see a lot of people on here who somehow manage to circumvent the laws of physics and "can't" lose weight by monitoring their food intake and increasing their exercise (within medically appropriate limits). Barring medical conditions that would interfere, what else could it be? Denial? Human error? Worm holes?

    The world may never know.