New friends please

I am a long time MFP user. I have a 3 year old and zumba is my exercise of choice! I go to class 3 times a week plus I am always doing monthly challenges. Please add me!


  • povic1705
    povic1705 Posts: 44 Member

    feel free to add me

    PS Im sorry for my English, im from Russia. 
    I would be glad to communicate in English
  • I'll add you. I'm working out at the gym 5-6 days a week hoping to lose 30#. Good luck to you!
  • DCarney
    DCarney Posts: 38 Member
    I'll add you! I workout at home 5-6 days per week, close to goal but have some toning to do!
  • SherryIsRunner5
    SherryIsRunner5 Posts: 74 Member
    Of course! Always looking for supportive friends :)
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, sending you a friend request :)
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Perfect Zumba buddies :)
  • oreoelle
    oreoelle Posts: 17 Member
    I love Zumba too, but I have been trying to focus for on toning the last month or so. I still go at least one a week. I'll send you a friend request!
  • craftydoll
    craftydoll Posts: 17 Member
    Sending you a FR. I'm a mother also, and work out 4-6 days per week. Looking for more fitness friends on this site. :)
  • ryantrimble12
    ryantrimble12 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm sending you a FR. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm on here everyday and love getting the extra motivation/seeing what kind of exercises people are doing etc.

    I was working out 4-5 days/week but I've recently started taking an organic chemistry class on top of working full time so that has dropped to 2-3 days/week :)
  • AllieCat1981
    AllieCat1981 Posts: 5 Member
    Adding. Mom f a 3.5 year old. Never tried Zumba ;-) Love my AM power walks with my 6 yr old Bloodhound, she drags my butt out of bed every AM! Also play baseball and basketball!!
    HRGRACIA Posts: 1 Member
    3 years into recovering from major heart surgery. I need to get my "fitness" level up. No more being scared that I might throw a wrench into the repairs.

    Looking for some cool people to connect with on my new goals.

  • Jarahal
    Jarahal Posts: 36 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me too :3
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Always happy to add a new friend...request away!
  • Twignasty
    Twignasty Posts: 80 Member
    Hello there. Glad to meet you! Please feel free to add me! Getting back into tracking everything I do. Lost 44lbs doing so, but gained a few back. Getting back my motivation for a strong and healthy life. Need all the inspiration from others that I can get!
  • danyellegbaker
    danyellegbaker Posts: 9 Member
    Sending you a friend request now:)
  • fitfor26
    fitfor26 Posts: 28 Member
    Added you! :)
  • New here also looking for others to tackle this process with. Working on making it to the gym at 5 days week; so far so good! Anyone please add me if you like.
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    always looking for active fitness friends too!
  • I always see people doing Zumba at the gym, but I've never had the courage to join in!
    The more friends to be accountable to, the better!
  • vaninay
    vaninay Posts: 47
    Hi! Feel free to add me!
    I've lost some of my MFP friends because they are now inactive.
    Lets help and encourage each other! :)
