Does Herbalife work??



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You can't make it at home, you can try other meal shakes or make smoothies but I can tell you right now from personal experience when I was making smoothies with the same calorie count as herbalife shakes twice a day I wasn't losing any weight like I am now with herbalife.

    Then you're doing something else that limits your calories now more than when you were making shakes at home. Likely you were underestimating calories in the homemade shakes, or eat more some other way.

    Weight loss happens when you eat at a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter where the calories come from. Herbalife is not so magical that it defies the laws of physics and makes calories disappear into the ether from your fat stores.

    I didn't realize you were in my kitchen with me...I thought I kept the doors locked. Apparently not.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    You can't make it at home, you can try other meal shakes or make smoothies but I can tell you right now from personal experience when I was making smoothies with the same calorie count as herbalife shakes twice a day I wasn't losing any weight like I am now with herbalife.

    Then you're doing something else that limits your calories now more than when you were making shakes at home. Likely you were underestimating calories in the homemade shakes, or eat more some other way.

    Weight loss happens when you eat at a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter where the calories come from. Herbalife is not so magical that it defies the laws of physics and makes calories disappear into the ether from your fat stores.

    I didn't realize you were in my kitchen with me...I thought I kept the doors locked. Apparently not.
    It's just basic deductive reasoning. It isn't scientifically possible be eating the same amount of calories in 2 different foods and gain weight with one and lose weight with the other, so something else must be at work, and the only something else possible per the laws of physics is that you weren't eating the same number of calories.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You can't make it at home, you can try other meal shakes or make smoothies but I can tell you right now from personal experience when I was making smoothies with the same calorie count as herbalife shakes twice a day I wasn't losing any weight like I am now with herbalife.

    Then you're doing something else that limits your calories now more than when you were making shakes at home. Likely you were underestimating calories in the homemade shakes, or eat more some other way.

    Weight loss happens when you eat at a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter where the calories come from. Herbalife is not so magical that it defies the laws of physics and makes calories disappear into the ether from your fat stores.

    I didn't realize you were in my kitchen with me...I thought I kept the doors locked. Apparently not.
    It's just basic deductive reasoning. It isn't scientifically possible be eating the same amount of calories in 2 different foods and gain weight with one and lose weight with the other, so something else must be at work, and the only something else possible per the laws of physics is that you weren't eating the same number of calories.

    I used to be a believer of that "a calorie is just a calorie" junk too. Turns out eating alot of fruit was pretty high in carbs and sugar so my macros are completely different now at the same caloric intake than they were then which was higher in carbs, lower in protein and fat. :) but we are all here finding what works for us. If you are happy eating 1600 calories of cookies and losing weight that's great and more power to you if thats what works for you. But I have a feeling that most people here aren't eating 1600 calories of cookies and sodas and losing weight.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I used to be a believer of that "a calorie is just a calorie" junk too.

    It is not junk, it is thermodynamics. Your body cannot magically create a unit of energy out of nothing, nor can it make it disappear out of nothing.
    Turns out eating alot of fruit was pretty high in carbs and sugar so my macros are completely different now at the same caloric intake than they were then which was higher in carbs, lower in protein and fat. :)

    I'm sure that's true, but your macros aren't responsible for weight loss, but for body composition. A calorie deficit is responsible for weight loss.
    but we are all here finding what works for us.

    Calorie deficits work for everyone. This is not an opinion.
    If you are happy eating 1600 calories of cookies and losing weight that's great and more power to you if thats what works for you. But I have a feeling that most people here aren't eating 1600 calories of cookies and sodas and losing weight.
    I literally have dozens of people on my friendslist who eat fast food and candy every day and have lost tons of weight. Because weight loss is about creating a calorie deficit.

    You can do this with Herbalife. But its calories are not magic and 300 calories is 300 calories no matter where it comes from.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm not saying it's magic hun. I'm just yelling you what worked and didn't work for me. For some reason you are obsessed with trying to tell me otherwise. Your problem not mine. Why can't we just be happy someone found something that's works for them and move on rather than petty arguing or the whole "my way is the only way" or "clearly your stupid because I was in your kitchen with you and watched you prepare your food" posts and move on?
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    the shakes are soy, inulin and a multi mineral and vitamin complex.... the supplements you can get cheaper in other shops, and with higher dosages for less money if you wanted.
  • cmstirp
    cmstirp Posts: 51 Member
    Please don't anyone ever listen to the nutrition advice of an herbalife 'wellness coach'. If you like the shakes that's fine, but taking their nutrition advice is like taking physical therapy advice from someone who sells ace bandages. They are not qualified to do nutritional counseling.

    And I would look up the ingredients and nutrition facts of the shakes before deciding whether or not to buy them.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Didn't do Herbalife but did Cambridge diet and lost 14 lbs in the first month of my diet- worked for me, didn't feel hungry and left me motivated to carry on dieting using restricted calories. 44 lbs lighter now I've been maintaining for nearly 3 months eating sensibly and exercising to stay within my chosen weight range and keeping my BMI a healthy 23.5ish. I think that these diets do work, they re-educated my diet in that I learnt not to give in to craving food, learning coping strategies to deal with this.Everyone to themselves really - find out what works for you and go for it. I wouldn't hesitate to resort to this again should I ever need to ( hopefully not!), you are monitored while you are on the VLCD and seems to me to be a safe way to bump start to diet or lose weight. x
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Don't do it. just educate yourself to eat healthy and do some exercise.
    Whatever you do to lose weight you need to be able to continue, to keep it off. 90% of people who lose weight on meal replacements put it back on and then some. Including me, several times.
    I am currently the lightest I have ever been in my adult life, I am maintaining, and I did it all by eating well and exercising.
    My friend sells Herbalife. She received all her "training" over Skype. To be honest I think I actually know more about nutrition than she does. Her hubby lost a few kilos using the programme, quite quickly too, but after 3 months he put it all back on.
  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    my cousin sells herbalife, but I personally don't use it. you can achieve better results by eating nutritious meals and exercising. it's another money generating scheme for someone else. don't do it.
  • everyones body is different - The first day I took it, I had the tea at the end of my work day and it gave me the jitters. Apparently it was too much caffeine for my body. Others that i know that are on this didnt feel anything. Its just like any other diet - it works for some and not others.

    But yes, research the products before you try. I gave it a shot because everyone that i know who is on it has lost weight from it. What I really like about it is that it keeps me hungry throughout the day, so I take snacks into work now, and I eat that every 2 hrs. So shake in the morning, then 2 hrs later, a snack. then 2 hrs later, a shake, then 2 hrs later a snack then i eat dinner by the time i get home and i feel good!! im not sleepy anymore at work, i dont feel groggy or bored! im alert all the time and even my bowel movements are better and regular!

    You have to be educated in this as well, meaning you have to know how to eat. Even if herballife might not teach you, you have to do it on your own, regardless of the diet. Ive learned by reading and researching and asking questions. Ive learned how to eat, but because of my tough work day, its hard to get good meals in. Now i dont have to worry! Shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and then dinner. Prep time is EASY!

    OH! and the best part.... im saving money on lunch and gas from going out during lunch time!! its awesome!!

    if you dont have the money dont do it. We have the money, and so far so good!
  • KirstinCloutier
    KirstinCloutier Posts: 2 Member
    I've actually gained weight. I bought enough to mix for two shakes a day. Im also doing a bootcamp so I could jst be retaining water from that. Really I like having the shake in the morning, makes me feel good and is so delicious. But I dnt really care for the other. Im hungrier in the evenings and lunch and I don't feel satisfied with the shake, I'd rather jst make a low calorie meal for lunch and dinner. I would say try it if u have a nutrional bar around you. You can go in there and order just one shake. If you like it and you feel good, go for it. I think I will be doing just one from here on out in the mornings. I wouldn't order through anyone. They got me to sign up to sell so I could get discounts (u have to pay 60$ membership fee), it's as cheap on amazon and shipping is free via amazon. One last thing. I've tried different protein shakes and this tasted the best to me. So yeah it stinks I've invested all this money, but I found a protein shake I could drink and enjoy and doesn't make me feel shakey or weird afterwards.
  • tattoogal77
    tattoogal77 Posts: 72 Member
    I have been using Herbalife since January and have lost weight, but am now reading and learning about clean eating and learning how to enjoy real food again. Herbalife is a great way to get a jumpstart on your weight loss and nutrition but it's not for long term use, in my opinion. I know for me having to cook for a family, its hard to cook them food and me drink a shake for lunch or dinner. If it is working for you that is awesome, but while working the Herbalife plan, learn about real food again and how to incorporate that into your daily life.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    In terms of working for weight loss, probably not. In terms of working as something other than a pyramid scheme? Good question... I hear there are people trying to figure that out.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have done Herbalife, and I did lose weight, and if I'm honest, I never felt really hungry. However, about 2 weeks in I started to feel very lethargic and downright miserable.

    The shakes aren't really that high in protein (18g, if I remember correctly), and they taste grainy. Eat some real food and learn how to eat for life. If you just want the convenience of a shake, make your own with protein powder and fresh ingredients.
  • I started Herbalife almost 2 months ago and honestly, I love it. People criticize it saying it is a "liquid diet" and that it is not for the long term but it's all about what YOU do with it! When I first began, I immediately joined an 8-week weight loss challenge local to me. I bought my shakes, some bars for snacks and some tea. I hesitated to go "all in" right away because I didn't want to waste my money. My coach made a very good point that if I calculated that I'll spend $100-150 a month in Herbalife products, compared to what I had been spending on meals out (I added up ONE WEEK of "regular" eating, and it was well over $80 for JUST lunches. I can't imagine what the total was including the breakfasts and dinners I dined out). So, just by buying my healthy snacks for in between my shakes, I am saving a TON of money.

    If you're going to invest in shakes and still eat out and buy junk to eat at home... you're gonna find it to be expensive. If you do it the correct way, you will save money.

    As far as the "liquid diet" claim goes - YES, at first the shakes are a shock to your system and you'll drop some weight fast. I dropped 5 lbs in my first week and then only about 1 lb the second week once my body adjusted. But since then, with a bit of working out (2-3 times a week), I have programmed my system to work so well with the help of Herbalife that I just returned home from an 8 day trip in Hawaii where I ate ANYTHING I WANTED - didn't even have a single shake - and I STILL lost 0.7 lbs when I weighed in with my coach at my weight loss challenge! The muscle and metabolism I've improved helps me to burn fat even when I'm not being so disciplined. But I definitely got right back on track since I've been back. I feel great, I'm about 7 lbs down so far, and I'm ecstatic.

    Back to the liquid diet claim. One of my coaches had used Herbalife for 16 years. For the first year, she did 2 shakes a day, 2 healthy snacks and one healthy meal. She went from a size 8-9 to a size 2-4. After the first year of using Herbalife, she went into "maintenance mode" because she had reached her goal weight, and began having only one shake a day. For 16 years, she hasn't had to worry about her weight, even through two pregnancies. That's with ONE shake a day. How much is that costing you, really?

    It may not be for everyone, but it's worked for me.
  • JDKB81
    JDKB81 Posts: 1 Member
    I have used herbalife for over a year. It does cause a calorie deficit which is why it works, but what all the critics on here are leaving out is that you can do this the healthy way because it gives you all the nutrition that your body needs. If you go to the grocery store and buy enough food to get all the nutrition your body needs for a meal you would spend 10x as much and still not get it. Our food is grown in other countries and picked early before all the nutrients get in it so that it does not spoil till we receive it. Then it is gassed so it doesn't lose its color. So it is just bad for you. Herbalife has a seed to feed program in place. We know where all our food is grown and it is tested to make sure it is perfect. If it is not 100% then we dont use it.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I have used herbalife for over a year. It does cause a calorie deficit which is why it works, but what all the critics on here are leaving out is that you can do this the healthy way because it gives you all the nutrition that your body needs. If you go to the grocery store and buy enough food to get all the nutrition your body needs for a meal you would spend 10x as much and still not get it. Our food is grown in other countries and picked early before all the nutrients get in it so that it does not spoil till we receive it. Then it is gassed so it doesn't lose its color. So it is just bad for you. Herbalife has a seed to feed program in place. We know where all our food is grown and it is tested to make sure it is perfect. If it is not 100% then we dont use it. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

    Complete nonsense.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    FAD!!! You need to live on real food not shakes
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    As a Herbalife distributor I am often asked the question ‘Does Herbalife Work?’ Or another variation on that is the question ‘Tell me how Herbalife works to improve health.’

    Yes Herbalife does work.

    Get started on your health today with herbalife.

    Not a place to be pushing product. Especially a fad!