Butter and Margarine



  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    I grew up eating margarine because I believe my parent's thought it was healthier. Now that I'm an adult I cannot stand it-- it's tastes like chemical to me. I only use a pat of butter if I'm eating it-- unless a special recipe calls for more. I don't use fat free anything either-- I try to stick with full fat foods and eat less in portion size.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I grew up on margarine and to me it tastes WAY better than butter. My husband is the opposite, like most people here. He prefers the taste of butter. However, we use it so rarely - really just in baking, and on the occasional slice of toast - that we just pick up margarine with no trans fats (Move Over Butter with sweet cream buttermilk is currently in our fridge). Works fine.
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    Seems like the consensus is that butter is the better tasting. I agree that the more ingredients are in something, the worse it may be for you.

    Butter and margarine, to me, is like comparing water brands. To me, I will drink water out of the tap just as easy as drinking water out of a bottle if it is based on taste. My girlfriend dislikes Phoenix tap water, so she cant drink it, and can even distinguish the taste between Glacier water dispensers and the water you get at Winco. Guess my tongue never made it to the harbor for that ship.

    When Trans Fat is take out of the margarine, polyunsaturated fats are prominent, and according to the AHA, it helps with heart health better than saturated.....in moderation of course. I think fat has gotten a bad rap recently, because every fast food chain cooks with it and stuffs it in your face. The hard part with fats, in my opinion, is the calories that come with it. 2.25 more calories per gram is a big increase from 4, and taste is a big motivator in our lives. Because fat tastes so good, and because it is easier to prepare, it is hard to control. That is the control factor.

    But back to the butter/margarine thing....my girlfriend believes it is pretty much a toss up. With margarine, you get better fats, less calories, and cheaper price. With butter, you get a more natural, basic product that has better taste.

    It is unfortunate that olive oil doesn't influence taste as much as butter/margarine do.
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    I just threw 2 tbsp of Country Crock original in a pan, and sauteed some mushrooms, fresh baby spinach, and roma tomatoes. The taste is phenomenal! Almost night and day compared to using Olive oil. Man!

    Dude, I grew up eating Country Crock...yuck.

    Taste is a subjective characteristic. Some people like onions on their burger, some don't. I don't. I bet you do! :-)
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    I only started cooking with butter in the last 3-4 years and am seriously PISSED that I missed a couple of decades of cooking using only margarine and olive oil. I believe butter does taste better than margarine. However, margarine has a place in my kitchen, too. And even though the OP believes they are irrelevant, olive oil, veggie oil, coconut oil and spray oil all have their uses.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    Maybe we use it too quickly, but I'd say now we go through maybe a stick of butter every two weeks, sometimes it takes even longer. There has never been mold on my butter, throughout my entire life.

    I am sorry to have to admit this, but I forgot about some butter at work and it got moldy. Not a pretty picture.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    When I am cooking and am need of some fat, I use a combination of olive oil and butter. Otherwise I use Country Crock on my toast or whatever else I feel like.
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    I only started cooking with butter in the last 3-4 years and am seriously PISSED that I missed a couple of decades of cooking using only margarine and olive oil. I believe butter does taste better than margarine. However, margarine has a place in my kitchen, too. And even though the OP believes they are irrelevant, olive oil, veggie oil, coconut oil and spray oil all have their uses.

    To clarify...they are not irrelevant in general, but irrelevant to this topic. I do use olive oil and spray oil too, to a lesser extent. But those are pretty much absolutes. Pure oils are healthiest and most calorie dense, sprays are calorie free and more chemical-based. Butter and margarine fall into a middle ground. That is what I mean when I say they are irrelevant.
  • CatyaKiller
    CatyaKiller Posts: 10 Member
    My Fiance and I both prefer butter... Mainly for the taste, but also because margarine give me terrible stomach issues... I think it might be a soy thing. Off to the doctor!
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I only started cooking with butter in the last 3-4 years and am seriously PISSED that I missed a couple of decades of cooking using only margarine and olive oil. I believe butter does taste better than margarine. However, margarine has a place in my kitchen, too. And even though the OP believes they are irrelevant, olive oil, veggie oil, coconut oil and spray oil all have their uses.

    To clarify...they are not irrelevant in general, but irrelevant to this topic. I do use olive oil and spray oil too, to a lesser extent. But those are pretty much absolutes. Pure oils are healthiest, and sprays are calorie free and more chemical. Butter and margarine fall into a middle ground. That is what I mean when I say they are irrelevant.

    Sprays are not calorie free. The label even indicates how many calories or in a certain duration of spray. If you drank a can of that stuff, I guarantee you'd go over your calorie goals, assuming you could keep it down.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I only started cooking with butter in the last 3-4 years and am seriously PISSED that I missed a couple of decades of cooking using only margarine and olive oil. I believe butter does taste better than margarine. However, margarine has a place in my kitchen, too. And even though the OP believes they are irrelevant, olive oil, veggie oil, coconut oil and spray oil all have their uses.

    To clarify...they are not irrelevant in general, but irrelevant to this topic. I do use olive oil and spray oil too, to a lesser extent. But those are pretty much absolutes. Pure oils are healthiest, and sprays are calorie free and more chemical. Butter and margarine fall into a middle ground. That is what I mean when I say they are irrelevant.

    Most sprays are not calorie free. They may be labelled calorie free (< 0.5 calories) per serving. The serving is usually one spray. If the ingredients list any type of oil, it has calories.

    If you want a pure oil spray, just buy a Misto or similar type pump sprayer.
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    Margarine is actually a carbohydrate not a fat, which is why it works so well on bread
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    Butter for sure...margarine is not food it's plastic! lol
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    I use butter, olive oil, or coconut oil. No sprays, and definitely no margarine.

    ETA: We also use lard (pig fat, called schmaltz in Germany) sometimes. That's mostly for cooking Mexican food (refrying beans in particular), though.
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    0.5 calories x 470 servings (1/4 sec spray)= 235 calories divided by 15-20 uses per can = 11-15 calories per pan minus what isn't absorbed by the food.

    I correct myself....sprays are "relatively" calorie free.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I only like Country Crock, when I say I need butter, I mean Country Crock. It tastes better and is easier to work with. Someone handed me a stick of what I'm assuming was butter and I couldnt do anything with it. Where's my tub?
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Cows over science...all day, every day
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I use butter and olive oil for cooking. Margarine for spreading on things. There are some margarine brands that just taste like oil to me, but I really like the taste of the brand I buy. No transfats in it either.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Margarine is actually a carbohydrate not a fat, which is why it works so well on bread

    Geez, where do you all get this stuff? Plastic? Carbs? Nonsense!!

    Ingredients from the margarine I buy: Butter (sweet cream, salt), canola oil, water, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, plant sterols, and salt.

    11g fat, 0g carbohydrates.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Margarine is actually a carbohydrate not a fat, which is why it works so well on bread

    Geez, where do you all get this stuff? Plastic? Carbs? Nonsense!!

    Ingredients from the margarine I buy: Butter (sweet cream, salt), canola oil, water, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, plant sterols, and salt.

    11g fat, 0g carbohydrates.

    I'm detecting sarcasm in the last post but only because I've seen other posts by that user. A jokester if you will.