New member with 150 lbs to lose.

Hi, everyone. My name is Megan and I'm a 22 year old NYC girl. After weeks/months of dragging my feet I finally decided to start my journey. I intend to complete my (public) food diary every day, and I hope that will hold me accountable.

I'm a major recluse. I can't even remember the last time I left my apartment...maybe two months ago? Three? Anyway, you get my dilemma. I have pretty bad anxiety issues and mild agoraphobia, so leaving my house and being around people is hard. Because I don't have exercise equipment at home (or the funds to join a gym at the moment), and I dislike exercising at home (oh, the irony) my choice of exercise for the time being is walking. My goal is to walk 3 miles a day 5x a week in the wee hours of the morning when there's not many people around. *crosses fingers*

Food-wise, I'm just going to eat healthier, cut back on the foods/drinks I know are bad for me, and drink more water.

I hope to find friends with similar weight loss goals (80lbs+) so we can motivate each other.

(Also, in addition to walking I'm going to be learning the 'Bad Apple' dance (Touhou), which is a Japanese pop dance). That, or 'Luka Luka', another Jpop dance. It would be awesome if I could find people who are also interested in learning such dances to lose weight!


  • megsterella
    To those who are interested in the dances, here they are:

    Bad Apple:
    Luka Luka Night Fever:

    There are step-by-step tutorials and slow-motion tutorials on youtube, as well.
  • hlb86
    hlb86 Posts: 2 Member
    I see that you have anxiety issues around people, but if you're just starting out you should probably start with a smaller goal. Not to discourage you, but if you're just starting out 3 miles 5 x a week is a BIG goal! Start out with 1 mile every other day. Then the next week increase your days or something. Its a lifestyle change and you don't want to get bored with it, so keep it interesting and start out small. :) I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not a discouragement.

    Ps, I have 80+ lbs to lose. If you'd like to be friends im looking for more friends on here to keep me motivated as well! Lets motivate each other! :)
  • Igasparini
    Igasparini Posts: 5 Member
    What a great decision for you!!! I don't have 80+ to lose, I have lost 170 Lbs starting 7 years ago and over the last couple of years some of that weight started to creep up on me so I am working to lose 36 or so lbs now.

    It took me about 2 years to lose all that weight and it was after my Gallbladder removal surgery that it all started.

    If I can be a pal to keep you motivated, and proof that with perseverance, forgiveness and kindness to yourself, this could really work for you, count on me...

    I live in Western Canada but coincidently the picture I have on my profile is when I went to NYC with girlfriends and had a great weight at that time. I turned 47 yesterday and don't look good skinny, I like curves and want to be healthy so would like to go back to that weight of the pic... That's my inspiration. I want to fit into that outfit - it made me feel fabulous...

    Wishing you well!!
  • wildgoat
    wildgoat Posts: 11 Member
    I really applaud your determination and your ability to face DMSSV issues. Just to share, I find that going to the ymca with my mp3 player strapped on my ears makes all other people all away. i have a terrible time being in close proximity to others. I'm excited for your decision. Enjoy the challenge.
  • Drezgirl
    Drezgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Add me if you want! :wink:
  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    Wishing you the best, Good job on deciding to start your journey!! I know you can do it!! Feel free to add me for support if you would like :)
  • megsterella
    I see that you have anxiety issues around people, but if you're just starting out you should probably start with a smaller goal. Not to discourage you, but if you're just starting out 3 miles 5 x a week is a BIG goal! Start out with 1 mile every other day. Then the next week increase your days or something. Its a lifestyle change and you don't want to get bored with it, so keep it interesting and start out small. :) I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not a discouragement.

    Ps, I have 80+ lbs to lose. If you'd like to be friends im looking for more friends on here to keep me motivated as well! Lets motivate each other! :)

    Honestly, you're probably right. I'm going to aim for 2 miles instead, since I already have a destination in mind that's about 1 mile away from my house (and then there's the mile back). I don't do much at all during the day (understatement) and spend most of it sitting, so I'm worried that it won't be enough if that's the only exercise I'm actually getting. Anyway, if 2 miles proves to be too much the first time around I'll lower it to 1 mile and then gradually increase the distance.

    Thanks so much for the advice.
  • megsterella
    I really applaud your determination and your ability to face DMSSV issues. Just to share, I find that going to the ymca with my mp3 player strapped on my ears makes all other people all away. i have a terrible time being in close proximity to others. I'm excited for your decision. Enjoy the challenge.

    Thank you. That really means a lot.

    There's a Planet Fitness approx. 1.5 miles away that I could probably afford ($10-ish/month), I just have to muster up the courage to get there (it's in an extremely populated area) and work out with actual people around me. I'm hoping that I'll gain a bit of endurance by walking/dancing and that it will give me the confidence to go for it. *crosses fingers*

    I'll definitely take your suggestion, though. It will probably be a good idea to load up my ipod with energetic music so that I can ignore my surroundings when I walk.

    Thank you for the advice.
  • megsterella
    What a great decision for you!!! I don't have 80+ to lose, I have lost 170 Lbs starting 7 years ago and over the last couple of years some of that weight started to creep up on me so I am working to lose 36 or so lbs now.

    It took me about 2 years to lose all that weight and it was after my Gallbladder removal surgery that it all started.

    If I can be a pal to keep you motivated, and proof that with perseverance, forgiveness and kindness to yourself, this could really work for you, count on me...

    I live in Western Canada but coincidently the picture I have on my profile is when I went to NYC with girlfriends and had a great weight at that time. I turned 47 yesterday and don't look good skinny, I like curves and want to be healthy so would like to go back to that weight of the pic... That's my inspiration. I want to fit into that outfit - it made me feel fabulous...

    Wishing you well!!

    170 lbs lost is an absolute incredible achievement, and the fact that you've kept the vast majority of the weight off all these years? Consider my mind blown. Thank you for your offer of encouragement, and I hope I can offer the same in exchange. Good luck with your goals.
  • megsterella
    @Drezgirl & @AshleySDJ: Thanks you! *Adds*
  • carvajaldiez
    Hi Megan! I just joined today too. I'm 23 and from Miami, and I have 120 pounds to lose! I decided to make it a "yearly" goal, and have made a spreadsheet so I can calculate how many pounds it is I'm losing monthly. I also hung up a chart in my room with every pound I intend to lose and am gonna scratch it off as I do so.

    I'm in the same boat you are. I don't go out with my friends anymore because I feel so embarrassed that I've allowed myself to reach this point. At least we're starting a new chapter! If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to email me! Maybe we can swap recipes and such :) Good luck on your journey!
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I just started here two weeks ago, I've lost 4 pounds and would like to lose 100 pounds. It's overwhelming so I'm trying to set smaller goals instead of looking at the big number.

    I'm telling myself that time is going to pass by whether I make healthier choices or not, so why not use that time to make healthier choices? Next year at this time I will be SO happy I did! Even if I don't lose weight as quickly as I want to, in 6 months, 9 months, or 12 months it does really add up. :)

    I have a friend who reminds me a bit of you - she works night shift and rarely leaves her apartment due to anxiety issues. Grocery shopping and doing laundry is difficult sometimes. I do think that losing weight and feeling healthier will help with that although I'm sure there are other underlying issues as well.

    Feel free to add me if you like! I'm on MFP a lot throughout the day.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I've never thought of learning those complex dances as a form of exercise, that's a great idea! You can add me if you want, I have 89lbs to lose, +/- 10lbs, and I'm getting pretty close! Walking is a good way to start, and early mornings are soooo calming. Add me if you want, and good luck!

    ETA - I also deal with anxiety, though not agoraphobia (anymore).
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Add me if you like :)!!!,

    I have anxiety issues as well but I can leave my house and do some things. But I have anxiety fear of something bad always happening when I leave the house. Which I had a SERIOUS car accident 3 years ago which kind of made this issue WORSE!!

    But as I started exercising outside and making new friends, I have gotten into classes with riding horses with other people and doing health classes with all sorts of people. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Start out with what your comfortable with and work on up :)
  • terra_lynne07
    I literally just joined! I'm in the same boat. I hardly go out anymore and whenever someone even so much as brings up the word "weight" in front of me I get majorly uncomfortable. I've been wanting to start losing weight for months-well, it's always been a goal of mine. Chubby childhood!-but I seem to be content staying in the same slump. It's gotten so bad I am starting to think I'm depressed.

    No more! Hopefully this group of lovely people will help me achieve my goal. Please, if any of you wanna add me, feel free! I'll do the same :love: