That time of the month and wanting to eat fatty, sugary food

Calling all ladies!

I think I am due to start my period soon and am constantly hungry.

Yesterday I thought I would listen to my body and eat but stop when I'm full.... I was 600 calories over.

I am again feeling like this today...but I can't do this for the whole week of my period. So what do you girls who also are constantly hungry at this time of the month to combat the cravings and hunger?



  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    this is me today

    have a hot drink (black unsweetened tea or coffee, fruit tea, green tea, or plain hot water) before you snack
    drink the whole hot drink and you may find the craving's gone

    start your meals with a whole pile of green veggies (I snack on 100g of sugarsnap peas, just raw) it's only a few calories, sweet in the mouth and really quite satisfying and filling

    and then if you still crave the sweet/fatty stuff

    eat it > log it > and move on
    don't force yourself not to have it, but do force yourself to be really accountable for it

    i always stop losing or gain during my period, but i find the weight comes off quite suddently afterwards
    try not to stress the scale
  • Mummysskinnymission
    Yesss i totally agree i have a sugar addiction and the only thing getting me through it is unsweetened tea! Im in my 6th cup this morning but im not craving sugar xxxxx
  • Mummysskinnymission
    Aldo i gain 10lb during mytime within a week an lose it the next week its just water retention xxxx
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Im due on any minute, and I want to eat the whole fridge, All the chocolate, crisps, bread, rubbish you name it!!!!

    But....... I am trying to be good, I am also drinking lots of water to keep me hydrated.

    Nibble on fruit and veggies and lots of protein

    I had peanut butter on seeded wholegrain bread this morning... : )

    I also have a salmon veggie lunch (Last nights dinner) with me... If I had some yoghurts for that after taste I would have them too.

    Get some greek yoghurt with berries/peanut butter.

    Low fat chocolate snacks

    Its so hard & rubbish I hate it, But its once a month. I am trying to get some workouts in too as that always makes me feel better + hot soaks in bubble baths : )
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    this is me today

    have a hot drink (black unsweetened tea or coffee, fruit tea, green tea, or plain hot water) before you snack
    drink the whole hot drink and you may find the craving's gone

    start your meals with a whole pile of green veggies (I snack on 100g of sugarsnap peas, just raw) it's only a few calories, sweet in the mouth and really quite satisfying and filling

    and then if you still crave the sweet/fatty stuff

    eat it > log it > and move on
    don't force yourself not to have it, but do force yourself to be really accountable for it

    i always stop losing or gain during my period, but i find the weight comes off quite suddently afterwards
    try not to stress the scale
    I'm not too worried about the scales, as I always gain 2lb of water weight and then lose it after period is over. But I was thinking I can't keep eating like this. it won't do my weight loss any favours.
    I'll try having some green tea and see if that helps. I've tried diet coke and that is helping somewhat.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Yesss i totally agree i have a sugar addiction and the only thing getting me through it is unsweetened tea! Im in my 6th cup this morning but im not craving sugar xxxxx
    Oh wow, 6 cups of tea is a lot!! But whatever works for you and keeps you off the sugar and deep fried stuff.
    I'm going to give green tea a go as it low calories.
    And isn't green tea good for weight loss?
  • youngestadult
    Re: diet coke
    Last time I checked, the artificial sweeteners in Diet Coke trigger an insulin response that in turn leads to a lowered blood sugar level and increased hunger. Though I bought some Coke Zero yesterday and didn't really have any hunger even long after I'd had my meals.

    What I've heard helps with hunger in general is upping protein intake. I've recently managed to get way over 100 grams of protein a day (must be the oats, chicken and quark) and I'm virtually never hungry, not even when I wake up.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    green tea is *good* for weight loss compared to other sweeter fattier drinks as it tends not to have sugar or cream in it >> displacement

    if green tea doesn work for you try fruit teas

    i get a mixed box of fruit teas and pick at random, they smell lovely and i find chanign it up helps
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    This used to be me but over the 2 1/2 years I've been here and concentrating on macros it doesn't seem to affect me any more. On the days I know it's about to happen I try to increase my protein and water so I feel fuller and fit a sweet treat into my day. I'm guessing that you would have still been under your TDEE for the day at 2000 calories so apart from the usual bloat it shouldn't really affect your weight loss. Maybe as you're nearer to your goal you could allow yourself extra calories so that when these days happen you don't feel like you are over eating so much :flowerforyou:
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    I don't have a sweet tooth..expect at that time of the month, where I can eat a 500g bar of chocolate in less than 5 mins..(obviously I try not too) but I listen to what my body wants and if it wants chocolate at that time of the month I'll give it to it. (lucky it doesn't crave it the rest of the month I suppose)
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    I switched from milk/white to dark chocolate, from regular crisps (chips if you're American) to Popchips, and I have air-popped popcorn instead of the greasier stuff. Those are my three big cravings! I find that dark chocolate is so rich, I can't eat as much as I would milk or white chocolate, also I think it's lower calorie. Popchips have less calories than regular crisps, but they are on an equal plane of delicious! And same with the air-popped popcorn. If I have a craving for fruity sweets, I have a high sugar fruit, like grapes or blueberries. It actually works. I can be about 100-200 calories over on my worse days, but I don't kick myself too hard for that. I also make sure to stay hydrated because dehydration can cause them hunger pangs!
  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    It sucks.

    I crave chocolate, so I swap my nightly yougurt with a cup of soya chocolate dessert. A little bit more caloric but it doesn't hurt my diet. And it's delicious. The idea that this dessert is waiting for me at the end of the day, helps me to resist other cravings.
  • moviestarsara
    I eat a portion of what I'm craving and follow that with a cup of tea (chamomile is my current fav) I'm usually good after that.
  • phlolo
    phlolo Posts: 11
    Water Water Water
    Try to drink lots of water to keep you hydrated .. and drink green tea . About my work out !!! I just read articles that say walking is the best thing to do & avoid heavy training becouse it increase blood flow .

  • Mummysskinnymission
    Yess hahha i drink a lot of tea why im coming off this drug! As i dont tealky eat i need the milk for extra cals but it will take me a week or 2 to cure it and then ill be onto water only then i cant drink green tea but its suppose to be good for u x
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    What's your daily deficit? 600 over your goal is probably close to your maintenance. It's definitely okay to eat at maintenance two days a month. Remember this is about sustainability and not a race to lose weight the fastest.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have the same issue. x10, because I binge when I eat junk.

    At the moment I'm doing intermittent fasting and have arranged to have my biggest craving day be a no food day. If I make it through and I don't kill anyone out of hunger and PMS-induced rage, I'll keep doing it.
  • bunnypanther
    I find low cal hot chocolate helps with the chocolate cravings. I'm a savoury person normally but all bets are off when its that time! And I can gain 7lb or more so I dont weigh during that week (actually this week - I feel your pain sweetie!!).

    I also have a major cold right now so feel particularly pooey!!

  • Jinxy23
    Jinxy23 Posts: 33 Member
    Just finished my glorious time. I couldn't even find the strength to exercise for several days but I continued to count my calories, making a little space for a sweet treat every evening when I knew the cravings would kick in.
    Having just jumped on the scales this morning I realised that I somehow lost 2lbs.

    In short don't beat yourself up, make time and space for a few things you fancy and then when it's over hop back to it.

    (I also thought I heard someone once tell me that we burn more calories that time of month just existing because of what our bodies are going through. Although if that is true or not, i'm not sure)