1lb gain and I am spiralling out of control - AGAIN!



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Freaking out over 1 pound is...... well...... ridiculous.

    Weight fluctuates all of the time, every day, especially for women. Water weight. You shouldn't freak out over a 5 pound fluctuation either, when you know you haven't been eating in excess of your maintenance regularly enough to cause that gain.
    1000x this. Get used to seeing a gain. Happens ALL the time.
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    Congrats on losing 34 pounds! Try not to freak out over a pound. Easier said than done, I know! I weigh daily to keep myself in check, and I can fluctuate 3 or 4 pounds easy. I take an OTC water pill the evening before I weigh myself for my so called official weigh in of the week, just to kind of see where I'm at without the crazy fluctuations.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I wouldn't call 1 lb spiraling out of control. Move on and keep going
  • bethcondon
    bethcondon Posts: 12 Member
    Some people recommend weighing once a week, but I like to weigh myself daily precisely because my weight fluctuates so much, then it allows me to see the long-term trends. There is definitely a monthly trend (arc) with a sudden jump up the week before my period, then a slow decrease again, with daily fluctuations between .5-1 lb. At first this made me so mad, but now I can see that the long-term trend is DOWN! Each minimum is lower than the previous month's minimum. You might want to try weighing yourself more often to get a sense of what your body does, so you can get it all in perspective. 34 lbs down though - you know what you're doing, so just keep at it! Best wishes.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I gained approx. 1lb (I talk in kilos) in the week of my birthday.
    I didn't really over eat but at a lot of highly refined carbs - junk food.
    My calorie intake wasn't really that over but within several days I had lost it again.
    Don't fret its probably fluid.
    Get over it and move on.
    Thats in the past, think about today.
    Get back on track.
  • leesyc81
    leesyc81 Posts: 52 Member
    Christ, I gained 3lb from yesterday's Chinese plus 1lb from the Easter eggs n sausage sarnies the day before. If your spiraling out of control over 1lb then god knows what I am doing!! A pound is seriously nothing, my 4lb is nothing too...up the training and try to be good with controlling food intake and will be gone again in a few days or so! It's a marathon not a sprint and a lifestyle change not a diet, so yes we sometimes eat too much and of the wrong things occasionally, but then u carry on and think of it as a little blip. These little blips do slow down your progress, but I see it as boosting your metabolism ;-) that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! Get over it and move on. We can't be good all the time!
  • negator5543
    I weighed myself this morning when I first woke up and everything was great...then I drank 2lbs of water( 1 liter) and sure enough I had gained 2 pounds!!! All my hard work ruined ????.

    I'm obviously being overly dramatic here to illustrate a point and not trying to pick on you.

    You have to realize that everything you put into your body has weight. I for example drink 2-3 liters of water per day, that's an extra 4-6 points the scale WILL read.

    It doesn't mean I've gotten fatter.

    Additionally all the food you eat in the course of the day also has weight, until you use it all up and dispose of the waste it's all there adding to the number on the scale.

    Why freak out over what could easily be explained as "I retained some water." For all you know you actually lost another 2lbs of fat that if were still there would have shown plus 3lbs on the scale instead of plus one.

    This is why your weight is largely useless, your percent body fat and the changes you see in the mirror are what really matter.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Have you used the progress graphs that MyFitnessPal creates for you? That way you can see trends to see real losses (and gains), vs noise.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Freaking out over 1 pound is...... well...... ridiculous.

    Weight fluctuates all of the time, every day, especially for women. Water weight. You shouldn't freak out over a 5 pound fluctuation either, when you know you haven't been eating in excess of your maintenance regularly enough to cause that gain.

    I was thinking the same thing...just silly....1lb...16oz....cripes I eat apples that weight more than that.

    if I freaked over every pound I fluctuated and started to give up...well lets just say after the 4lb vacation gain I would have just been done....

    you should see how my friends "cry" over 2 oz jump on the scale every morning...
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    So I've been sick since last Wed, no exercise since then until a dog walk today ... and that was all the energy I could muster. I know I gained a lb or two (mostly been op eating except for last Thurs (oink, oink) and going over cal budget by about 400 Sat night.) It's annoying as hell but ...whacchagonnado? Feeling better today, still no energy to put into really exercising so a dog walk was it. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Signed up for a May running challenge here and for a May fat-burning challenge on another forum. Giving up because the scale goes up a few pounds? Not no way, not no how!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Stop the mind games!!!!
    Stop -- get back to Healthy eating. The pound is a fluctuation... I Never count an add or subtract unless it sticks around a week... I Always fluctuate 3 pounds!

    You've done Great. This is a Lifestyle change.

    If you make one mistake at work will you get fired? NO! If you have one bad week at a new lifestyle it doesn't put you out of control !