Separating Weight Gain from Water/Glycogen

So I have been having a lot of problems getting to weight maintenance (dropped 10lbs in 2 months while I was trying to hit my maintenance number). However, I think I am there now! The key has been adding back in things like dessert but eating them in ways that still fit in my calorie goals. Also, I have noticed that my lunch was a little lighter than it should be so I upped that. Now I am hitting approximately 2200 daily calories (not logging though because the logging was getting to be too controlling). This is my first week not logging and I have not dropped any weight at all. I still know I am eating around 2200 because I keep a tally in my head.

However, on the scale I am showing that I am up about 1.5lbs from last week (and up an entire pound from Tuesday's weigh in). Easter was last week and I didn't pay that close attention to what I ate that entire weekend (friday through monday) so could the gain be from that? I am just curious how to discern water weight/glycogen stores from actual weight gain. Assuming that this gain continues and next week I am somewhere at 140, do I assume that I am just putting on water weight/glycogen or really actually overeating?


  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I am interested in this as well. In to see what more knowledgeable people have to say. :)
  • CherrypieOmy
    I've been wondering that too.

    I've been tracking my weight nearly everyday for the last couple of months to learn if there is a pattern.

    I had a lot of water weight (which I knew about)...and my weight went down quite a bit after that and then it shot right back up and past my starting weight.

    I guess it's a matter of time before it goes back down.

    I've been using an app called Libra to track this as well as Myfitnesspal. All I'm seeing is a lot of up and down on the charts. :D

    If anyone knows more about the water/glycogen retention and why it happens, I'd be pleased as punch to know more about it.

    Other than the usual culprits of too much salt and/or carbs.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    That's the toughest question to answer.
    Fluctuations in weight are normal. In maintenance, it's not a "weight" you want to achieve but a "range" (ie 140 lbs, +/- 5 lbs). As long as you're within your determined range, you're fine.
    As for glycogen/water weight, I've heard a couple of things:
    1. you'll gain 5-10 lbs of glycogen weight
    2. you'll gain some glycogen/water weight but it'll drop off again after a few months(weeks?).
    Not sure about these but I did gain about 4 lbs when I first started to maintain and haven't dropped those pounds. However, I've maintained (within my range) since then.

    When I first started to maintain, I logged my food for a few months, paying real attention to what the amounts looked like in various cups, plates, bowls so that I could more easily "eyeball" my portions in the future. After 3-4 months of that, I stopped logging every day and weighed myself first every week or two, then slowly to once a month. I'm still weighing myself once a month and not logging my food. So far, so good. I'm staying within my range.

    That's how I did it but you've got to find what works for you. Maintenance can be harder than weight loss. It's easy to feel good when the scales go down; not so easy to feel good when the scales bounce around a little bit. But remember that it's a "range" that you are now aiming for.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal weight.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Do you weight yourself everyday? you're going to get fluctuations in the scale due to water, food, poop, etc.
    I would suggest limiting your weigh-ins to once a week, first thing in the morning.

    BUT you said you're not logging so it could also be that you are not tracking properly in your head, which is highly likely. I have been on this site for 2.5 years and I can't track accurately in my head.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Water/Gylcogen is usually a temporary gain. Weigh yourself again in a few days to a week and see if the weight is gone. If it is, then the gain was water and/or glycogen.

    It is normal for our weights to go up and down, or have a normal fluctuation, when we are trying to maintain. I'm not sure if you are a man or woman. Although weight fluctuations are normal for both sexes, they are especially relevant for woman, because we have our cycles. And we can gain 4-5 lbs of water weight overnight, or not lose any weight for a couple of weeks even on a deficit, because of our periods and hormones.

    I ate around 2100-2200 on Easter and got very bloated. I think my maintenance for most days is around 1900-2100, but can go under 1900 for lazier days or over 2100 for more active days. But I was also PMS'ing and I'm still bloated. It will go away in a few days.

    To track actual weight gain, it takes more than just a couple weeks. If you are worried, you can weigh in once a week or every two weeks, and see if there is a slow upwards trend of weight gain. If it is true weight gain, it will happen over the period of a month or more.
  • Sallybally55
    Sallybally55 Posts: 97 Member
    So I'm not in maintenance yet so feel free to disregard this but I also use the Libra app to track my dailty weigh-ins. It does an average and shows a red line average of where you are. I got the tip off of the maintenance boards and really like it. The red like (in my case) is going down (yay!). but you would want it to stay more or less flat. It helps me not to freak out if i'm up 2 pounds in a day.
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    Do you weight yourself everyday? you're going to get fluctuations in the scale due to water, food, poop, etc.
    I would suggest limiting your weigh-ins to once a week, first thing in the morning.

    BUT you said you're not logging so it could also be that you are not tracking properly in your head, which is highly likely. I have been on this site for 2.5 years and I can't track accurately in my head.

    I eat the exact same things I would if I logged. I have actually been putting my food in at the end of the day just to make sure I am right and every time I'm spot on. I know that I am hitting the same amount of food each day.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Do you weight yourself everyday? you're going to get fluctuations in the scale due to water, food, poop, etc.
    I would suggest limiting your weigh-ins to once a week, first thing in the morning.

    BUT you said you're not logging so it could also be that you are not tracking properly in your head, which is highly likely. I have been on this site for 2.5 years and I can't track accurately in my head.

    I eat the exact same things I would if I logged. I have actually been putting my food in at the end of the day just to make sure I am right and every time I'm spot on. I know that I am hitting the same amount of food each day.

    do you weigh your food?
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It is very common to gain water weight when you up your calories or start a new workout program. Same goes for when you eat a big meal. It is all temporary.
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    In for the experts. All I know is sometimes when I least expect it, weight drops off. when I expect it to drop, the scale goes higher.... Who can figure it out?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1 - when you transition to maintenance it is normal to gain between 3-5 Lbs...while you were dieting, you had chronically depleted glycogen stores...when you eat at maintenance you fill them. These are the same 3-5 Lbs you lose very quickly in the beginning of your diet...essentially water weight.

    2 - body weight isn't static...water retention/release, hormones, timing of food in/out, more or less waste in your system from last weigh in, etc. I've been maintaining for 12 12 month average is 183ish Lbs...but I generally fluctuate between 181 - 185 and have gone as high as 187 (high sodium...also airline travel) and as low as 178 (substantially dehydrated and depleted of glycogen stores after a long training ride).

    You have to get out of the day to day minutia here and start looking at things in terms of trends and averages or you're going to drive yourself bat **** crazy.
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    Do you weight yourself everyday? you're going to get fluctuations in the scale due to water, food, poop, etc.
    I would suggest limiting your weigh-ins to once a week, first thing in the morning.

    BUT you said you're not logging so it could also be that you are not tracking properly in your head, which is highly likely. I have been on this site for 2.5 years and I can't track accurately in my head.

    I eat the exact same things I would if I logged. I have actually been putting my food in at the end of the day just to make sure I am right and every time I'm spot on. I know that I am hitting the same amount of food each day.

    do you weigh your food?

    no but it doesn't matter because when I was losing weight I didn't weigh and I am eating a little more than last week (when I wasn't weighing but still losing)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member

    You have to get out of the day to day minutia here and start looking at things in terms of trends and averages or you're going to drive yourself bat **** crazy.

  • mkhan1288
    How did you lose 57 pounds?! My start weight was 128- I have been logging in for 20 days and I thought I lost 1.5 pounds (126.8) but I stepped on the scale today and I am 129!! I am devastated!
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    How did you lose 57 pounds?! My start weight was 128- I have been logging in for 20 days and I thought I lost 1.5 pounds (126.8) but I stepped on the scale today and I am 129!! I am devastated!

    I ate less and worked out. I don't know how else to explain it. I never missed a workout during the week (and if I did I would go on the weekend) and when I went out with friends I would make small adjustments to account. Overall, I just became more conscious but I don't see why you need to lose weight at 129? Are you really really short?
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    A pound is 3500 calories, more or less, so assuming you're not doing some serious pigging out any large fluctuations (up or down) in a matter of days are going to water weight and stuff / lack of stuff in the intestines.

    If you're eating anywhere close to maintenance, any "real" changes won't show except on a timescale of weeks.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Unless you're actually getting bigger--ie your clothes aren't fitting as well or you can see weight gain--I would assume it's just temporary.
  • NoLimitFemme
    NoLimitFemme Posts: 118 Member
    I gained 4 pounds from my weigh in last week to this week (every Tuesday). There's 2 reasons and I know that water retention is the issue.

    (1) I didn't watch "closely" what I ate and didn't log either over the holiday weekend (hey, hubby was home for a weekend R&R and we were busy ... lol). Had some really bad stuff that I don't generally have (like soda and things with hidden huge amounts of sodium).
    (2) With the business of my husband coming home, family, and Easter I skipped 3 days of working out (1 day of Zumba and two sweat producing weight lifting/cardio workouts).

    How did I know I had retained A LOT of water ... simple, my body told me. It started on Fri and continued until Monday morning, each of those days I woke up with my fingers swollen. My rings were really tight on my hand. That only happens if I eat a lot of sodium or I've not worked out. It's a pattern and one I have learned the solution. Back in the saddle, got my *kitten* in gear and hit the gym and drank lots of water to detox. It's been 3 days, I'm down 2 lbs from Tues and for the last 3 mornings my fingers haven't been swollen.