Why am I gaining weight?

I started 40 or so days ago. I started out eating all fatty foods. So I started making better choices about fat and carb content. I also went from starving at around 800 with no exercise to eating back some of my calories and leaving myself at a net of 900. Gained weight. So I just stayed busy and went back to the 800. Lost weight. Now I am exercising and eating a total of 1000 calories or so.. and since I have started exercising again I have gained weight. Why? And what am I doing wrong? I have never really been the exercise kind, and I do have a tendancy to watch TV. This is my first time giving it my all dieting and trying to lose weight. I'll take all the help I can get.


  • DeadKoala
    DeadKoala Posts: 13
    1000 calories are too little to eat, whether you are exercising or not. Often, when you deplete your body of these nutrients, it will try and put on weight at any time possible, because it thinks you are going to starve.

    Most people suggest eating at least 1200 calories a day (basal metabolic rate). Personally, I would say putting it between 1200 and 1600 per day (closer to 1600), and continue with your exercise.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
    Now, dont be too touhg. Maybe they are living in the bizarro world!!!

    Caloris stack up and when one starts out it really is a slap in the face with calories, serving size and portion size!

    The break could be 100 calories for two slices. Locally there is a break that is 35 a slice
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
    Now, dont be too touhg. Maybe they are living in the bizarro world!!!

    Caloris stack up and when one starts out it really is a slap in the face with calories, serving size and portion size!

    The break could be 100 calories for two slices. Locally there is a break that is 35 a slice

    Agreed and normally the OP's bread is 40 calorie a slice bread...but this wasn't...but the 4 eggs...wow..that is 210 calories right there...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
    Now, dont be too touhg. Maybe they are living in the bizarro world!!!

    Caloris stack up and when one starts out it really is a slap in the face with calories, serving size and portion size!

    The break could be 100 calories for two slices. Locally there is a break that is 35 a slice

    Agreed and normally the OP's bread is 40 calorie a slice bread...but this wasn't...but the 4 eggs...wow..that is 210 calories right there...
    Yeah, I got a chuckle out of the egg count. That is an easy one as I eat hard boiled often. Plus....one has to think the scrambled also has other ingredients in it...milk, cheese, etc. At leas that is how i prepare scrambled eggs
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey guys, egg white. Not whole eggs.

    Anyway, OP should read:


    Lots of good info.

    ah you are correct my bad...makes more sense...

    I still stand by the rest tho...but agreed the post above is a good one.
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    Her diary says 4 egg whites not whole eggs. And the honey ham is the 90 calorie packs that you can buy at the grocery store. It is really thin sliced ham. I don't weigh my food and usually just measure it out in measuring cups. I have lost 25 pounds so far. Just saying...
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
  • Telomin
    Telomin Posts: 45 Member
    Firstly, how tall are you? I'm 164 cm and I have like 3 kg I want to get rid of (or just replace fat with muscles), but anyways, I set my goal to loose 0.5kg a week, so my kcal is 1200.. However, I always interpret this is the calories one SHOULD eat. If you get a lower net calories because you've been working out and logging it, dont worry. THAT won't kill you (I hope not anyways) as long as you don't do super tough work outs. When I lost a lot of weight my net calories was around like 800-1300/day. I was walking a lot, at least 3km a day and 1-3 times a week I walked for 12 km, in one hour. Having a good pace while you walk is crucial to burning calories.

    And then it also depends on what time you step on the scale. Weight fluctuates, mine like 2 kg from morning to night, or day to day. (but the weight I log is only the one in the morning).Also, if you happen to work out very well and doing weight lifting (I did a little, little when I lost most of my weight) you might gain muscles, and that weights more than fat. so..

    However, I recommend you not to worry too much.. See how things are after 3 months of this. Good luck!
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    Woah so I just reviewed your food journal. You are eating WAY too much sodium. SODIUM = WATER RETENTION and can take days to get rid of. The "negative" number in the color red means you have exceeded your goal. On Tuesday you exceeded sodium by 749 (with 558 calories remaining) and exceeded protein by 17 grams. Wednesday you exceeded sodium by 1,724 (with 733 calories remaining) and today you exceeded by 692 sodium (with 648 calories remaining). You also exceeded your protein intake by 30 grams today.

    So first of all, don't underestimate the power of sodium and don't overestimate the power of protein.

    You don't need that much protein especially if you're a woman, even if you' are exercising. I feel worse on days where I eat a lot of protein and salt, very bulky and bloated, and that's not at all what I'm going for. I tend to overdo it in sodium because I use a lot of condiments like store bought salad dressing. The serving of mashed cauliflower was decent except for the 874 mg of salt...that's like half your daily value. In my opinion you are holding onto a ton of water weight. Your calories are deficient and you should technically be losing, but all the protein your eating is turning into heavier mass because you're most likely building muscle (which is easier to get rid of than fat, but still, it's heavier and you won't see a loss in weight if that is what you are going for.)

    Please take my advice and cut your sodium and lower your protein. In both college and nursing school we learned about how people think they need more protein than they really do, and women only need about 35 grams or so, unless pregnant/breastfeeding. More if you exercise, but def not the 70-90 or so grams that even this website suggests! Additional protein is stored in your body as fat, because there is nothing else to do with it (assuming you aren't doing an extreme low carb diet and getting more than 100 grams of carbs a day, where your body goes into gluconeogenesis, but that's a whole other story.)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...
    Now, dont be too touhg. Maybe they are living in the bizarro world!!!

    Caloris stack up and when one starts out it really is a slap in the face with calories, serving size and portion size!

    The break could be 100 calories for two slices. Locally there is a break that is 35 a slice

    Agreed and normally the OP's bread is 40 calorie a slice bread...but this wasn't...but the 4 eggs...wow..that is 210 calories right there...

    It says 4 egg white not 4 whole eggs. One large egg white is 17 calories so 4 would be 68 calories which is what OP recorded.
  • Ok thank you all! I don't weigh my food but I do go off of barcodes and measure everything in cups and oz. the eggs are egg whites with nothing added except a quick spray on the skillet of no cook spray. The bread is 40 calorie bread. I know I am awful on the sodium, but didn't realize it could have such a negitive effect (except of course for my blood pressure but it is usually on the very low end of normal). I was clueless as far as the protien. I thought protien was good. All good. I am 5'3". My goal weight is 145. I don't know what you can see on my profile, right now I am at 170 at the lowest but slowly climbing.... for the last two days I have gained .5 lb a day. so right now I am at 172. I only weigh at night, but I could start weighing in the morning if its better. I do make sure to weigh at the same time every day. I think that covered everyone. I truly appreciate ALL of the input. (Even the tough ones) This is the first time I have tried to lose weight. So really I am clueless... lost in a world of info that most of the time is contradicting.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I started 40 or so days ago. I started out eating all fatty foods. So I started making better choices about fat and carb content. I also went from starving at around 800 with no exercise to eating back some of my calories and leaving myself at a net of 900. Gained weight. So I just stayed busy and went back to the 800. Lost weight. Now I am exercising and eating a total of 1000 calories or so.. and since I have started exercising again I have gained weight. Why? And what am I doing wrong? I have never really been the exercise kind, and I do have a tendancy to watch TV. This is my first time giving it my all dieting and trying to lose weight. I'll take all the help I can get.

    You should be eating at least 1,200 calories daily. MFP has the calorie deficit built in so if you eat 1,200 calories you will still lose weight without exercising. If you exercise, you can eat those calories as well. Some eat them all back while others eat a portion of them. I will echo the concern over your sodium intake. It is way too high! Aside of the cauliflower, I'm not seeing much in the way of fruits and vegetables. Many vegetables are very low calorie. I don't see anything in the way of beverages. You don't have to log your water but any beverage with calories should be logged. You might also want to check your micro nutrients like Vitamin C as they may be deficient with what you are eating.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    why are you gaining weight? because you are eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary.

    You don't weight your portions...
    Some of your entries are just so off it's not even funny...4 large eggs scrambled 68 calories??? 1 egg has 70 calories.
    10 slices of honey ham 90 calories???? 1 serving of 50g has 70
    your fish per the website (walmart tilapia) 12oz is 400 calories not 300
    2 slices of bread 100 calories.

    I wont go further...

    It was egg WHITES. Lighten up!
  • I try to make sure to at least eat vegtables with supper, but I know I should add more, honestly its a matter of them being expensive and going bad before they get eaten. :blushing:
  • Muscle weighs more. If you are lifting weights, expect to gain weight
  • Muscle weighs more. If you are lifting weights, expect to gain weight
    I don't lift weights, I mostly do cardio. I do zumba, or dance fitness on youtube, and just started doing les mills bodycombat.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    1000 calories are too little to eat, whether you are exercising or not. Often, when you deplete your body of these nutrients, it will try and put on weight at any time possible, because it thinks you are going to starve.

    Most people suggest eating at least 1200 calories a day (basal metabolic rate). Personally, I would say putting it between 1200 and 1600 per day (closer to 1600), and continue with your exercise.

    NOT TRUE..sorry, if it was then anorexic people would not be so darn skinny, and I wouldn't have lost 214 lbs.
    I think you are not calculating your food intake correctly. Invest in a good scale and figure out what your maintenance calories are and eat below that. Once you start weighing your food out you will see how much you really are eating and how little 800 and 900 calories really are and you will not want to eat that little, trust me on this I know.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    Ok thank you all! I don't weigh my food but I do go off of barcodes and measure everything in cups and oz. the eggs are egg whites with nothing added except a quick spray on the skillet of no cook spray. The bread is 40 calorie bread. I know I am awful on the sodium, but didn't realize it could have such a negitive effect (except of course for my blood pressure but it is usually on the very low end of normal). I was clueless as far as the protien. I thought protien was good. All good. I am 5'3". My goal weight is 145. I don't know what you can see on my profile, right now I am at 170 at the lowest but slowly climbing.... for the last two days I have gained .5 lb a day. so right now I am at 172. I only weigh at night, but I could start weighing in the morning if its better. I do make sure to weigh at the same time every day. I think that covered everyone. I truly appreciate ALL of the input. (Even the tough ones) This is the first time I have tried to lose weight. So really I am clueless... lost in a world of info that most of the time is contradicting.

    I would recommend weighing yourself first thing in the morning since your food intake, exercise (or lack of), water intake, etc etc can make your weight fluctuate throughout the day.

    And take measurements. Measurements and the way your clothes are fitting are the best way to track your progress so you're not only relying on the scale. Don't be discouraged. It's a journey! Take care
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I try to make sure to at least eat vegtables with supper, but I know I should add more, honestly its a matter of them being expensive and going bad before they get eaten. :blushing:

    Do you have a decent sized freezer? Frozen veggies keep for pretty much as long as you want (eventually they may get freezer burned, but that takes a long time).

    When you start an exercise program, you may retain some water. People tend to hang on to a bit of extra water for muscle repair.

    Also, weigh in the morning, after you pee, either naked or in the same clothing each time. At night, there are way too many variables. I can drink a large coffee, weighing myself immediately before and then sometime after, and have a pound difference just from that.