=( Help.....Oh the horror!!! >__<

Hello! I have been trying to lose 20 lbs for the past 4 years. I always hear, "You really don't look like you weigh that much at all!!!". Well, I am flattered but numbers(scale) don't lie. I have tried Paleo (OMG I felt like I was going to starve to death!) while doing crossfit for 2 years and all I did was gain muscle (which I am all for but it was on top of fat!); I felt a little too bulky. I feel as if I eat clean (my diary is open PLEASE feel free to critic..I have tough skin). I have tried weight loss pills, I have tried body wraps, I have tried nothing but cardio, I have tried cardio and weights, and I just can't seem to break 183 lbs!!! I have been this weight for over 3 months now. I have also tried changing what I eat as well as how much I eat. I am trying my hardest to not give up but it's seriously getting frustrating. I have more info about my situation below:

Height: 64"
Weight: 183 lbs
RMI: 1656
Caloric intake: 1856
Exercise: I am military so....I workout 5-6 days a week. I do mostly cardio. I am unable to run due to an ankle and knee injury.
Elliptical: 30 mins or Zumba for 30-60 min. Normal weight lifting to tone.

Genetics: Mother has Hypothyroid. I get checked every 2 months and levels are normal.

I try to set small goals to keep myself from getting discouraged but I am getting upset because I can't even meet my small goals which is 2 lbs! -_-

I have tried eating less calories but I do not have a desk job so I am constantly walking and as I stated before, I workout 5-6 times a week, so I always feel weak/lightheaded while doing so. So I am stuck at 1856 calories.

Sorry this seems so blotchy, but I wanted to get to the point. If anyone has any suggestions please......I would love your two cents.

I just want to fit my clothes again


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Weigh your food. This is actually quite common. If you are not weighing your food, more often than not, you're eating more than you think.

    Invest in a food scale, weigh your food, log it.

    And also read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    My first suggestion would be to get a food scale and measure your food if you don't already.
  • Gwennie9476
    Gwennie9476 Posts: 45 Member
    Try cutting your carbs and keep a watch on your sodium. I am no expert by any means, but carbs are quick, fast energy true, but they tend to "stick" around if you get my drift and sodium will make you retain water.

    Try that and see if it works. It might be just that easy or that hard considering how much you really like bread and I know it is hard because I love, love, love breads, but I can't have too many of them myself.

    I wish you good luck...I know you can do it and thank you so much for serving our country and helping to keep us free! :flowerforyou:
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    What was your TSH, Free T4, Free T3? Sometimes normal is not optimal. Read everything you can on thyroid disease, you will be surprised as some doctors are still using the old scale. Also visit the thread on this site.
  • candacedarnell
    Thanks for replying everyone! I have a food scale and I use it faithfully! I do feel as if I may need to slow down on the sodium but I honestly don't know what a good "daily" sodium intake would be. I also don't know alot of "low-sodium" foods that are still low calorie and filling. I have also tried eating more fiber and that results in me being extremely gassy lol I am a computer technician and nothing is worse than going to help a customer gassy lol.
  • candacedarnell
    Try cutting your carbs and keep a watch on your sodium. I am no expert by any means, but carbs are quick, fast energy true, but they tend to "stick" around if you get my drift and sodium will make you retain water.

    Try that and see if it works. It might be just that easy or that hard considering how much you really like bread and I know it is hard because I love, love, love breads, but I can't have too many of them myself.

    I wish you good luck...I know you can do it and thank you so much for serving our country and helping to keep us free! :flowerforyou:

    I shall try that! Also, thank you for your support!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I took a peak at your diary.

    It doesn't appear that you weight your portions. That helps a lot.

    Choosing entries wisely is important as well...

    If you think you are eating 1800 without weighing your food you are possibly under estimating your intake...which makes a big difference. For me it was the difference between 1/2lb a week or 1lb...
  • candacedarnell
    What was your TSH, Free T4, Free T3? Sometimes normal is not optimal. Read everything you can on thyroid disease, you will be surprised as some doctors are still using the old scale. Also visit the thread on this site.

    I am going to have them check those three. We usually get a call from the doctor and they say "normal" or "ab-normal", not really in depth results via phone, so I have no Idea what the exact levels of each are. I will have them check all next week.
  • candacedarnell
    I took a peak at your diary.

    It doesn't appear that you weight your portions. That helps a lot.

    Choosing entries wisely is important as well...

    If you think you are eating 1800 without weighing your food you are possibly under estimating your intake...which makes a big difference. For me it was the difference between 1/2lb a week or 1lb...

    The only time I don't weigh my portions is when I eat subway and Chick-Fil-A. Other than that, I weigh all my food. I am used to using "grams" form Calorie King. I try to do the "Eat like a King for breakfast, like a queen for lunch, and like a peasant for dinner." I have been trying that for a few weeks now and still nothing =(
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone! I have a food scale and I use it faithfully! I do feel as if I may need to slow down on the sodium but I honestly don't know what a good "daily" sodium intake would be. I also don't know alot of "low-sodium" foods that are still low calorie and filling. I have also tried eating more fiber and that results in me being extremely gassy lol I am a computer technician and nothing is worse than going to help a customer gassy lol.

    Most likely your sodium is fine. The limit MFP gives is the medical recommendation (and the general RDA unfortunately) for patients on kidney dialysis - so - yeah. Ignore it. Also, since you sound like you work out a lot your sodium needs are going to be higher.
  • melissadid2002
    melissadid2002 Posts: 7 Member
    I am wondering if you were to eat more food that is not packaged if that would help you out more. I know it is not always easy to do but when I stay away from the packaged stuff than it would help. I also took a peek at your diary too and so that is why I was thinking that trying to get away from prepackaged stuff would help it would get you away from stuff that isn't very good for your body (like the Jimmy Dean--- last time I had that kind of food it gave me the worst tummy ache) I heard that as for Luna bars to try to have too much or too often. I don't recall seeing many vegetables or fruits (which I myself need lots more of too).
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I took a peak at your diary.

    It doesn't appear that you weight your portions. That helps a lot.

    Choosing entries wisely is important as well...

    If you think you are eating 1800 without weighing your food you are possibly under estimating your intake...which makes a big difference. For me it was the difference between 1/2lb a week or 1lb...

    The only time I don't weigh my portions is when I eat subway and Chick-Fil-A. Other than that, I weigh all my food. I am used to using "grams" form Calorie King. I try to do the "Eat like a King for breakfast, like a queen for lunch, and like a peasant for dinner." I have been trying that for a few weeks now and still nothing =(

    It's hard to tell sometimes with the entries use...after I posted I saw you said you use a scale...

    I agree with quietbloom about sodium and stuff as well. If you are hitting protien goals and keeping calories in check that's what is important. It's not the food you eat it's the quantity....speaking to the post just above mine...

    The only other thing I can think of is if you have recently started exercise or new exercise.? That can cause water retention for up to 6 weeks...

    and here is an article to reference...


    barring a medical thing...which you say you get checked regularly...

    ETA: the only thing I will say is perhaps you should consider heavy lifting, you wont bulk from it just maintain the muscle you have...as for perspective I am ex military (so I know the workouts) but I am 5 ft 7...41....157lbs and wear a size 5/6
  • candacedarnell
    I am definitely going to try heavier weights. I noticed the lighter I went the more I felt as if I weren't doing anything. When I lost the first 10 pounds in Afghanistan, I did less than my crossfit weight but more than "toning weight". seemed to work for a few. I'll try that again. Good to know about the new exercise water retention! Thanks for your help!
  • candacedarnell
    Thanks for replying everyone! I have a food scale and I use it faithfully! I do feel as if I may need to slow down on the sodium but I honestly don't know what a good "daily" sodium intake would be. I also don't know alot of "low-sodium" foods that are still low calorie and filling. I have also tried eating more fiber and that results in me being extremely gassy lol I am a computer technician and nothing is worse than going to help a customer gassy lol.

    Most likely your sodium is fine. The limit MFP gives is the medical recommendation (and the general RDA unfortunately) for patients on kidney dialysis - so - yeah. Ignore it. Also, since you sound like you work out a lot your sodium needs are going to be higher.

    Phewww!!! Thanks for the sodium info! I was worried I would have to cut back on everything I just bough from the store!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Lower your carbs...raise your protein....
  • candacedarnell
    Lower your carbs...raise your protein....

    What are some good low carb snacks? I am walking around different buildings everyday and can't take perishable items with me in my pocket.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    You seem to have skipped around from fad diet to fad diet...but how long have you just picked something and stuck with it? Two, three, or even four weeks isn't enough time. Weigh your food, lift heavy weights (check out stronglifts or starting strength), stay in a deficit. And then just have patience. A lot of patience.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Lower your carbs...raise your protein....

    What are some good low carb snacks? I am walking around different buildings everyday and can't take perishable items with me in my pocket.

    Nuts or individually wrapped string cheese
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    What was your TSH, Free T4, Free T3? Sometimes normal is not optimal. Read everything you can on thyroid disease, you will be surprised as some doctors are still using the old scale. Also visit the thread on this site.

    I am going to have them check those three. We usually get a call from the doctor and they say "normal" or "ab-normal", not really in depth results via phone, so I have no Idea what the exact levels of each are. I will have them check all next week.

    Also, ask for your Thyroid anti-bodies to be checked. If you have other symptoms of Thyroid issues (there are a million, but Google is your friend here, or talk to mom), and your labs are "normal" you can still have problems ... a lot of old school doctors and Endocrinologists follow the "manage to the lab results" motto and you need to find a doctor who manages to the symptoms.

    Of course, the rest of the advice given so far is good about weighing and whatnot.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Lower your carbs...raise your protein....

    What are some good low carb snacks? I am walking around different buildings everyday and can't take perishable items with me in my pocket.

    Nuts and roasted chickpeas are a couple things you can portion out and have with you. I've recently fallen in love with roasted chickpeas. :smile: