Hello Everyone! 50 pounds to go!

Hi! I'm a college student, just trying to figure things out. I have had stress from college and personal things going on and managed to gain 35 pounds my last three and half years of college. I was a little overweight when I started anyway, but I was fine, and I've been fine until recently when I measured my blood pressure, it was much higher than expected or had ever been before. It was suggested that I lose weight and report back and see what my blood pressure is in six months. It may not work because high blood pressure runs in the family, but I feel like I should try before I'm saddled with drugs. I also have had some hormonal imbalance being overweight, though nothing extreme.

I have 50 pounds to lose to get into a healthy BMI, and I'm excited to do so! I'm starting out aiming for losing two pounds a week until I'm out of the obese range, which is about 13 pounds to go. After that, I'm planning on going for sustainability, though I eat pretty healthy normally. I just eat too much, and too many carbs between meals and at night! But my basic nutrition is solid.

I want to get more into exercise. I view my weight loss ultimately as a tool for health, and exercise is of course crucial for that. I live in a cold part of the country and don't have a gym membership, so my cardio has been entirely running in place inside, which I actually like because I can watch things on my computer (I'm a film nerd). But I'm looking forward to when I can jog outside. I love to do yoga when I can. I'm really interested in strength training but I don't really know where or how to start. I just do squats and bicycle crunches and struggle to do even one push-up (hoping this will get better when I lose weight!) and bicep curls with my little 6 pound weights but I don't really know how many reps to be doing or what the end game of all that is.

Anyway, that's what I'm up to! Hi!


  • watch75
    watch75 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! It sounds like you have a great attitude to start out with! That's a huge benefit!
    I have 65 to lose and I live in a cold area too so my outdoor activities have been limited
    However it's warming up so I can start getting outside soon.

    I look forward to following your journey and supporting you along the way!

  • etaylor137
    etaylor137 Posts: 6 Member
    Nice to hear from you! Yeah the cold weather has not helped anyone lose weight I'm sure. I just feel like staying in, gaining fat, and hibernating like a squirrel. And this winter's been awful!