Recent Struggles - How to Change Your Attitude



  • normacollazo
    I am happy I joined in this journey we will have together as a team! My second day at the gym it was slow start but I know I got this! I am totally committed to get this done. I know we all have a fight in front of us but as I team we will get it done, I am here to help anyone I can, don't worry it might be slow to start as I did in the gym last night but with time it will get better we will accomplish our goals! we have to take it one day at a time or sometimes one hour at a time. Thank you all I really needs this!
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    Today I'm having huge motivation issues. I feel like crap - either allergies or a head cold. I am still sore from my first weights session in God knows how long, so I am planning to walk 2.5 miles today after work. But frankly, I just want to curl up on my couch with a blanket and read. Can't do that while I'm at work!

    I also have a strange craving for a chicken sandwich from BK. I haven't had one of those in ages. I don't know why I think I want one now.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    If you still have room, I'd love to be a part of it!

    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Both being treated, but it is a constant struggle to just lose a pound. It might be good to network and diary stalk for food ideas!
  • glitterellabella
    I really understand what everyone is feeling. I have thyroid issues from birth and always had to do double everyone else just to maintain. I also have an overly curved spine which hurts a lot at times but I have found some exercises that help. This time of year is difficult because of severe allergies but I have felt better since eating healthy and exercising. I think some days we all just need a little extra motivation. So let's do this, it is possible. Yay. Lol
  • ScottG_9905
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Today had early meetings and escalation calls and then an appointment with the dentist! It is never a good start to the day when you have to see the dentist! LOL! So with my nutrition not stacking up yesterday my wife and daughter helped me today by prepping some turkey meatballs and brown rice for quick go to nutrition. So grateful that they are here to help with my very busy schedule. This will get me to the weekend where I will do a much larger prep and be super solid for next week.

    Like I mentioned earlier I have eliminated dairy this week and tell you the truth I don't miss it and it is one of those easy things I can do to help my body. Over the next few weeks I will be eliminating other foods that cause issues with my thyroid. So I will be posting those as I go along!

    Another thing that I am doing really well on is my hydration. I am getting more than my recommended hydration and I can already feel a difference in my skin and in other areas.. So if you are not hydrating people get on the ball it can help you with so many issues.

    glitterellable: That little bit of motivation and accountability is so important when we are struggling so I am so glad that you will be joining us! :smile:

    LFDbabs: We have tons of room and glad you will be joining us! It truly is a constant struggle with what we deal with so lets stick together and get this done. Next week I will start sharing my recipes that I will be following as I am eliminating certain foods that are known to cause issues with people suffering from thyroid disease.

    MichiganJen: congrats on getting your weight session in but sorry to hear you are not feeling well today. From time to time today get up and take a quick walk around work to keep your mind off those cravings and also drink lots of water today..

    normacollazo: I am super happy you joined! It is so much easier pushing through when there are others going through exactly what we are going through. So glad that it is motivating you and that in return is motivating me... WOOT!

    Well back to the grind.. Will be back later today to check in. I am hoping to get a 30 minute walk in at lunch and keep my nutrition in check!

    No Excuses Team... We got this thing!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Tough couple of days here. 10 mile ride yesterday was tough. 30 minute walk on the treadmill today was tougher. While I know that each is a step forward, and I should be happy, I'm not. I just want to feel like myself again, and everyday I feel like I lose a little piece of me.
    Drowned my sorrows in a bag of popcorn the other day. Then a chocolate bar yesterday. Then the jar of peanut butter and a spoon.
    So I guess tomorrow is a new day, another chance to start again. I've got a swim and weights planned for tomorrow, so hopefully that will help!
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    Feeling a ton better today, but still not 100%. I'll take it though!

    Today's plan is to hit the gym for weights after work. I am hoping that it will be nice and quiet because it's Friday. We shall see.

    I'm trying to psyc myself up for it becasue I dread doing weights - because I'm really awkward not sure of myself. I know the only way to get there is to keep doing it, though!

    Ka...Hope that your day goes better today. Good job getting out there. It ain't easy when you're not feeling it, that's for sure.

    Scott, good for you for not missing dairy! I am a cheese nut. I eat a string cheese every day as a snack. I also do a lot of yogurt. I could probably give up cheese before I gave up coffee, though!

    Welcome Glitterellabe and LFDBabs!

    Hello to everyone else!
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I also have thyroid issues which have not been helpful in the old weight issue so I empathise. My exercise regime is much less challenging than yours and involves dog walking 3 times a day! I was sorry to read about your accident and sincerely hope that you make a full recovery which enables you to get back to good physical strength.
  • ScottG_9905
    Hey Everyone,

    Sorry didn't post earlier but work just didn't allow it today! Been fighting fires since 7:30 this morning.. Glad it is Friday because this week has been super crazy and I need some downtime! My wife and daughter are heading out of state for a soccer so it will be me the boy and the dogs. Not going to lie when the wife is away I tend to struggle a bit more than normal so I really need you guys to keep me in line.... :happy:

    I got 30 minutes in with the dogs at lunch today and going to get another 30 minutes on my bike (if it doesn't hurt to much). I am really looking forward to getting on my bike it has been to long. I used to take my kids to the trails and we would ride for hours and hit a few trees here and there but just pure fun outdoors!

    Nutrition has been on point today and my hydration is good as well! I have my daily nutrition shake that really helps me get a lot of the nutrients I need without having to eat a ton of veggies so that helps out a lot!! This weekend I am going to prepare a lot of my protein and chop and store lots of veggies so I have them ready to go when I need them throughout the week. I think this was one of my keys to success when I lost my original 40+ lbs so making this a priority for the next couple months.

    sa11yjane: There are lots of us that are impacted by this pesky thyroid crud! Thanks for encouraging me to make a full recovery. Unfortunately right now walking dogs 2 times a day is a big challenge for me.. BOO! But you know the only thing I can do is find ways to get something in and not stress about the rest. Sometimes that is a challenge in itself but I am doing much better now that I started this group! So many people jumping on and cheering each other on makes me feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you continue to post and join our little group..

    MichiganJen: I am sure you will do great with your workout! I personally gave up the gyms a few years ago due to them be over crowded and never felt comfortable there. So when I decided to get back into shape a few years ago I did everything at home and had great success without all the hassle.. I can share what I did with you if you want..

    Ka: Nice job on the 10 mile ride.. I know how you feel and we will get back to that place it is just going to take a bit more time and some hard work and probably a few break downs. The good news is we will be here for each other so when it does get to be to much we have that outlet to release and let the team build us back up! Looking forward to hearing about your next workout session goes!

    I will be checking in all weekend team! Lets stay the course and don't fall of the wagon this weekend!

  • wseakell
    wseakell Posts: 11 Member
    I'd love to join this thread! I don't have any injuries or medical issues that have caused my weight gain it is simply me. I struggled last year with a job that I absolutely hated (after leaving a job I loved) and gained 15 pounds in four months, which was depressing to me, so I piled on another 5. I don't have any excuses any more as I'm out of that job and into one I love, so now I just need to get my head in the right place and stay motivated. I have to say I really need motivation to go to the gym - it WAS such an integral part of my life, but just hasn't been for the last six months. I have one small goal to go to a Zumba class this weekend and then a bigger goal to go to the gym at least three times within a week. So here I go - small steps will hopefully one day add up to a big success! :-)
  • ScottG_9905
    wseakell: Thanks for joining the group! That stress of a job that you hate is brutal and it does take its toll on you for sure. I have been there to and man am I glad that I don't have to deal with that anymore. Not saying my job isn't stressful but at least I like it.. :wink: It is so easy to get out of a healthy lifestyle but not as easy to get back into it for sure. But we will help you get there!

    Good night everyone.. Remember to stand your ground this weeked!

  • TabithaRyan68
    TabithaRyan68 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all,
    I too have hypothyroidism. For those of you that seem to still be symptomatic, have your doctors test your T3s and T4s, sometimes testing TSH isn't enough.
    I also have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue so the doctors have tested me for a lot in the last 2 years and we noticed my T4s were low and needed an adjustment on my medication.
    I am a great motivator... even when I don't feel it myself so consider me included!
    I have a daily struggle to even get out of bed due to the fibro and CFS but somehow I do it. And I have started to do some very mild exercise as well, as much as this painful old body will allow.
    Together we can do this!!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Swim yesterday, weights today = feeling better :smile:
    Resisted lots of food challenges today - really wanted a beer but I know that is the start of a slippery slope that results in eating too much crap food that I wouldn't normally eat.
    One day at a time right now.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Yes add me!
    I'm trying to get back in racing shape after an injury as well. I too have Thyroid disease which really slows the weight loss.
    OP-It sounds like you did the Tuffer mudder.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Also are you creating an actual group or doing a sub group with the a thyroid group?
  • ScottG_9905
    Good morning everyone. I ended not being able to log in yesterday as me and my son spent the day out and about and then didn't return home until late last night. I was able to get my walk instead of a bike ride due to my tire being flat so got a new tube while we were out last night and will get that in today.

    Today I am preparing my menu for next week and will go shopping in just a few to get all the items I need to begin my prep work this evening. Tomorrow I will start updating my food diary with what I am eating so you will be able to see what I am focusing on nutrition wise. Again I will be eliminating foods that are known to cause issues with those that suffer from thyroid disease and I will hopefully be able to pass along some useful information to the team that will allow you to tweak your nutrition over the next few months.

    Tabitha: That is a good point for sure! Making sure your doctor is looking at all aspects is critical to get the correct dosage of medication. However even with the correct dosage and my numbers falling in what they call normal ranges I still suffer from side effects if I do not eat right and get some exercise. Glad you will be joining us because we can always us another team mate to help push us along!

    Ka97: Awesome! Glad you are feeling better and way to resist the foods! Super proud of you for holding your ground! :smile:

    chiccam: Welcome to the group! Looking forward to seeing you get back into race shape! I am hoping that I will one day be able to get back to that level as well. My injury happened doing the 13.8 Spartan Beast when I fell from a 12" obstacle and landed on my hip! Although the true injury didn't rear its head until months later that is the source of my current issues!

    Have a great day team! Time for me to go get my plan put into place!

  • ScottG_9905
    Well I just finished up prepping what I could for my weekly nutrition plan. I made sure the foods that I am going to eat are both healthy and foods that won't cause issues with my body. I drink a supplement that gives me a ton of nutrients so I don't have to stress out a lot about getting all my veggies in because the shake I drink contains over 70 super foods.

    Today I prepared the following:

    Turkey Bolognese
    Turkey Meatballs
    Brown Rice
    22 Hard Boiled Eggs
    Baked Red Potatoes
    Diced onion and bell pepper to add to dishes as needed

    Tomorrow I will grill 10 chicken breast

    I try to do my best and eat my veggies like a good boy but I have to say I have always been very picky with my veggies. My favorite unfortunately cause issues and are not recommended to eat. Here is a list that can cause issues with those of us that suffer from thyroid disease.

    What is Goitrogens? These are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake, which can, as a result, cause an enlargement of the thyroid. This kind of imbalance throws your system off and can cause other issues as well. Now that being said some of these vegetables include way to many nutrients to eliminate them all together so I eat them in moderation and I make sure they are cooked. The cooking process deactivates the goitrogen compounds. But still I would keep these foods limited.

    African Cassava (used in tapioca)
    Bamboo Shoots
    Brussel Sprouts
    Cabbage (including Kimchi and Sauerkraut)
    Leafy Greens (Turnip Greens, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, Spinach)
    Sweet Potatoes

    Over the next couple days I will also be posting more information about foods that cause issues and some of the recipes that I am using to prepare my meals.

    Looking forward to seeing how everyone did this weekend.

  • ScottG_9905
    Good morning team!

    This morning I am starting off with a morning smoothie and walking my son to school with the dogs. I find that drinking a nutrient dense smoothie in the morning or for lunch really helps me keep my nutrition on track and they taste good so it is a win win in my book! Today is when I start updating my food diary so the recipes for what I am doing will be available for you to view. I am also looking forward to looking at the teams diary so I can get more ideas to add to my cook book! So if you have a good recipe that you use make sure you share it with us! :smile:

    So Sunday's are my official weigh in days and I actually gained a pound last week. Not sure how that happened when I had a pretty good calorie deficit last week. More than likely all the stress at work and working long hours caused this. So not going to stress out on it just going to move forward! I also don't take much stock in the scale as it is not the true judge of my progress. I use how things are fitting and how I am feeling to truly judge my success!

    Well have a great day team and lets see some posting going on!

  • Kleiopatra
    A coworker was joking with me last week about the amount of liquid that I consume ... and I felt half-embarrassed for a minute (because I do drink A LOT, but I'm also diabetic and sometimes thirstier than the average person) ... but then I remembered that there's absolutely nothing wrong with drinking a lot of water!
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend - no gym on Saturday but I went to two spring festivals so there was a lot of walking involved. The weather here was beautiful so that was good. Sunday I went to the gym to do some work (did I mention I work at a gym? Part of why this weight gain thing has to reverse!) and lifted weights for an hour while I was there too. Movie with the kids then park because the weather was so nice again. My food choices were kind of mediocre but I did stay within my calories so it was ok.

    No gym for me today. This is my one day off during the week so I try not to go in on Mondays. I am volunteering at the food bank today though (I go most Mondays). I generally walk there - about a 15 minute walk each way. And then, of course, there is lots of lifting and moving things around while I am there. Then it is off to my daughters school to volunteer in her Green Thumb elective. As long as I keep my eating in check today, it should be a good day.

    I am sore from lifting yesterday. A sign of hard work though, right?