Gaining weight after stopping Nuvaring (Birth control)

Hey everyone, This is more of a question for the ladies.. but men feel free to offer any sound advice if you have knowledge in this area.

OK- try to follow me here. I'm a little scattered-brained this morning and there's a lot going on in my story. I'll sum it up in the end.

I started on the Nuvaring birth control method 1 year ago. While using the nuvaring, I gained 30 lbs. In the beginning of December 2012 , almost two months ago, I switched from Nuva ring to Ortho Evra ( the patch). I'd been on the patch before and never had any negative side effects. In fact it only caused weight gain in all the RIGHT places, if ya get what I mean haha. SO I figured I'd lose the weight, everything would be back to normal, bla bla bla... bottom line, I didn't! In fact, I gained another 10 lbs FAST. I also quit smoking at the very same time (another factor) but I started taking Wellbutrin (an antidepressant known for having the side effect of LOSING weight and I'm still gaining it!)

Up until now I thought this was all coincidence until I found this forum thread while searching on google for possible links between STOPPING nuva ring and gaining weight. It's worth checking out.

There have been so many women complaining of the same problem, yet the manufacturer doesn't list this issue in the fancy disclaimer paperwork they give us.

So in a nut shell:

-I started gaining the weight one year ago. At this time I STARTED on the Nuva ring for BC, I was a cigarette smoker.

-As of December 2012 I switched from the Nuva Ring to the Patch (ortho evra), I'm now taking wellbutrin (which SHOULD be helping shed pounds and isn't) and I'm now 40 days SMOKE FREE,

ALL of my weight gain happened slowly over one year, and as soon as I stopped using the nuva ring I gained 10 lbs in less than a week.

I'm convinced that stopping use of the Nuva Ring is the cause of this sudden weight gain. Especially after reading through the thread that I posed the link to above.

I'm just wondering, have any women on here had any similar issues with weight gain after STOPPING birth control? and if so, did the weight ever start to come off? Any input would be helpful. Thanks!


  • AngieCarcel
  • merbear12
    I gained weight going OFF of my nuvaring. I went off a couple weeks ago after being on it about three years. I have saw a significant increase in my weight. My face has gotten huge and my pants are a little tighter. I am also training for a half marathon, so this is very alarming to me. Does anyone have any advice on this?
  • jillgrand123
    Hey guys. I know this post is super old, but I'm having the same problems :(

    I was 115 lbs before I started the stupid nuvaring. After 4 months I went up to 140 lbs. I stopped using it and after a month I went up to 148 lbs :(

    I had gone off Wellbutrin around the same time I started the Nuvaring, so it could have definitely contributed to some of the weight gain, but certainly I think it is due more to the Nuvaring. 33 lbs and it feels like it climbs every day!

    I plan on starting Wellbutrin again, in the hopes that I will lose this weight.

    How did it work out for you guys? Were you able to lose the weight? How and how long did it take?

    Any feedback would be so so much appreciated!
  • rosemary98
    are you sure your diet didn't change while the switches were happening (going off nuvaring, stopping smoking, starting wellbutrin).

    While wellbutrin has been know to cause weight loss; it certainly isn't the case for all people. I was on topamax for some time (another drug know for weight loss) but never experienced any loss as a result. (note: topamax interacts with hormonal birth control).

    I was on nuvaring at my lowest weight, I never noticed a weight gain when going off (but i switched to another birth control simultaneously.)
  • kristygeee
    I was losing weight before I started Nuvaring - then when I went on it, it stopped and it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lose weight. I was on it for 2 years, this is my first week off of hormones and I've gained 10 pounds in 5 days and I have a killer headache. Luckily I actually haven't been that hungry, just incredibly thirsty so I'm not too worried. <3
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I had a different experience than you guys...

    I was on NR for a year recently and was on it before having kids 5 years ago and in both instances it didn't affect my weight when I went on it and when I went off of it. I developed an allergy to it so I had to stop taking it a 3 months ago. I miss it much better than taking a stupid pill everyday.
  • amers2489
    amers2489 Posts: 1 Member
    Well I have to start by saying seeing this makes me feel a bit better. I've been on the ring for a year plus and had an insurance snafoo and I went 1 week without the ring when it should have been in. I gained 7 pounds in a week!!!! AND I'm on weight watchers. No Bueno!
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I've been using Nuvaring on and off for many years and it's the only type of contraceptive I've been using.

    In short, I haven't seen enough of a tendency one way or another to say that it impacts weight gain or loss. If I'm committed to losing weight, I will, whether I'm using it or not. If I'm not committed, I won't lose weight. Simple as that. Same goes for my sister, who's been using it as well.

    Regardless of which contraceptive you look up online, you'll find someone writing negatively about it and claiming it's a cause for depression/weight gain or loss/acne etc. I'm not saying people are making everything up, I'm just saying that a lot of people will link every symptom or body change they have to a particular medication. I did Roaccutane for my acne a while back and even though only 1 in 10,000 have bad side effects, there is seemingly an endless list of people who prescribe all their problems to it.

    I know there is a bit of corruption within the medical industry - I've experienced more than one Doctor pushing me to choose a certain pill for no good reason. Nuvaring isn't very well promoted - I suppose they're not paying people enough to endorse it. But it's worked well for me.
  • sayalee85
    sayalee85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey folks, i agree to ur experience, i gained weight after stopping usage of nuva ring... And this is really depressing for me :-(
    But now is there anyone who lost tht excess wt easily or is it still constant.?
  • HelenTompkins
    HelenTompkins Posts: 1 Member
    I am very fit and watch my wieght closely I gained 10lbs going off Nuvaring
  • HealthyBP
    HealthyBP Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you, I was at a healthy weight my whole life. I was on the NR or some sort of BC for 12-15 years. After being off for exactly one year this month, I have gained 20 lbs and CANNOT lose! HELP,
  • geedus22
    geedus22 Posts: 1 Member
    I know these posts are old, but I’ve been off of the NR for two weeks now so that I can have testing done to freeze my eggs and I’m on the same rapid weight gain path. My eating habits haven’t changed. This is concerning to me because I’ve worked really hard over two years to lose 20 pounds and dropped a pants size and everything. Help!