Today I increased my intake from 1200 to 1640 & I'm scared!

I've been logging for 58 days and started 58 days ago at 1200 calories. I've done some reading and I believe that my intake was too low and I started to think that while I'm losing now, I may be sabotaging my metabolism. My loss has slowed to maybe .2 or so lost per week now. This is my info in case you're wondering:

Age: 35
Height: 5' 7.5"
SW: 187
CW: 172.4
Goal: Range 155-160
Previous intake: 1200
Current intake: 1640

I've been eating back exercise calories, but I will likely start eating back maybe 70% of the exercise calories since I've increased my daily amount.

How long should I wait to weigh myself? I expect it to be annoying and hop up the first week or so, but I don't know when I should start seeing the correct progress again. I'm scared of gaining back what I've lost, but I'm also not wanting to lose muscle mass by not having enough fuel. This should not be so complicated feeling...:frown:


  • EllenTebbits
    EllenTebbits Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations on your loss! I don't know the answer, but I am glad you posted the question-what made you increase your calories? Was it only because the weight loss had slowed to .2 per week? How did you arrive at your new calorie intake? May I ask what your exercise regime is?

  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    ignore the scale and set some fitness goals instead.. then once you notice some NSV's step on the scale to prove to yourself that hard work is it's own reward... I recently (this morning) noticed that while I have only lost maybe 2-3 lbs... I have lost about 2 inches (moved the belt 2 holes tighter). Since I first logged into MFP... remember this is NOT about loosing.. it's about gaining a healthy sustainable lifestyle.. so enjoy the higher caloric intake... LIFE and success is not about deprivation it's about creating balance... just try to stick to the macros and keep up the exercise... and before yo know it... you will love the person in the mirror
  • tudazies
    tudazies Posts: 50 Member
    I am currently doing the same thing. Increasing from 1200 to 1400 about 100 a week til I reach new target. I've read lots on increasing gradually. You can do this! I am horribly scared also. It will definately pay off for you in the long run. Congrates on you loss so far!
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Have you seen the Eat more to weigh less group?

    I've just increased my cals - definitely a good thing, I added a bit of water weight but it came straight back off. As in it went up and back down in the space of just over a week.

    OP I am similar to you - 32, 5'7" and started at 182, now at 169 and aim to eat 1600. I'm not planning on eating back all of my exercise calories but will try to never net below my BMR.

    P.s. You won't gain back what you have lost as you will still be eating at a deficit, just a slightly smaller one, so don't worry! Just make sure you are weighing everything carefully as there is less room for error.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    don't be! you'll do fine, just don't weigh yourself everyday since your body will be adjusting first. I'm 5'3 at 113lbs, though I don't log my food, my rough estimate of my daily calorie intake doesn't go below 1800 net per day. just do your workout, I love doing cardio so I can eat more, and strength training to gain muscle too! :)
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    It will be OK!!!

    I did the same thing. I'm focused on losing fat so while it is hard to see the numbers go down a little slower it is a great peace of mind to know I'm doing it smarter so hopefully more successfully and it is much easier to live off 1700 calories that is for sure!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Thanks for your support, everyone! To answer a few questions/comments:

    EllenTebbits: The reason I decided to bump them up is not as much that the loss slowed down, but more about knowledge gained. I am not as concerned with the weight as I am with the health of it all. Of course I don't want to re-gain pounds, but I really want to be doing what's right and best for my body. I've been researching and reading a lot in the last few weeks and I really think even initially I should not have set my intake that low. The intake I am at now (1640) is a pre-programmed number through MFP. I adjusted my rate of lost to 1 pound per week (down from 2 per week). I changed my activity level to light instead of sedentary because I am not sedentary by definition. I have a desk job, but I have an active life filled with children and their activities (and all those mom-duties that come with kids). For exercise right now it's mostly long walks. In a week I probably walk a total of 8-11 miles. I want to add in some strength training more and more - and that's also a good reason to re-evaluate what I'm eating ;-)

    RavenLibra: I LOVE your comment : LIFE and success is not about deprivation it's about creating balance. Such a perfect thing to say and very encouraging. I am looking forward to less deprivation to be honest - and as I said to Ellen, my goal really is health, not pounds. My scale is nice in that it calculates weight, body fat percent, and water percent. I have seen my body fat percent drop from 28 to 21.9 currently. The pounds don't come off as fast, but I know I'm creating muscle and losing fat, and that makes me super happy :) Thank you for your support!

    tudazies: "We" can do this - you're in the same boat. We'll work it out, though, these people seem confident that we can do it LOL

    kuolo: I haven't seen the Eat more to weigh less group...I'll look around, though. I'm pretty new to the forums although I've been using the journal on MFP for more than a year off and on. I'll give it a week before I mess with the scale and let everything sort of level out. I intend to add strength training in this coming week, so that will also have a bearing on the scale I'm sure. Thank you for your encouragement and telling me how it is (that I won't gain it all back because it's still a deficit).

    alechua: Thanks, I am hopeful - I'll continue my walking and add in my strength training a little and just keep plugging away. It's a journey, really, not a destination :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    I was similar to your story! :) You can check my profile for my cal goals along with my monthly weight loss to give you an estimated timeline :) To sum it up, after going from 1200-1700 I lost 7lbs that month! :) This might not be the same for you (everyone is different) but it definitely put my mind at ease! :P
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    The only reason to be "scared" is if you don't know how many calories you're consuming. As long as you're tracking and have a plan, the worst case scenario is you don't lose for a week or two or even gain a pound. You then readjust and take it from there.
  • vanillaminus
    vanillaminus Posts: 11 Member
    I upped to 1500 two weeks ago! I feel so much better and I'm actually losing cm after a big plateau (I'm going to the gym a lot but I eat back the calories too!). Best choice!
  • rachel_vegan
    rachel_vegan Posts: 8 Member
    1200 is pretty low. There are days where I eat 1700 calories, but I am very active throughout the day. Be sure to nourish your body with healthy foods it will use and eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. I think 1400 calories per day would be reasonable. You could just be on a nasty plateau though. I seem to hit a wall every 10lbs or so, but I just keep pushing no matter what and you'll get past it eventually. Good luck!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    1200 is pretty low, I agree! I have made the decision to make the change because I think it's a healthy choice - my fear is not my lack of knowing what I'm eating, it's my lack of knowledge of numbers. I'm understanding more each day what my body needs, I just have to believe that it's going to do what it's supposed to. I'm also one of the lucky ladies to have polycycstic adds to the difficulty of losing and keeping weight off. That aside, I still think this is probably the best approach. It's hard to predict that with the PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), but time will tell!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    It's about learning what is right for you and your body and its needs. It is also about what your ultimate goal is. If it is just a number on a scale (which it sounds like it is not :smile: ) then it wouldn't matter so much. You didn't have much to lose to begin with so setting it to 2 pounds per week was aggressive. It's good that you corrected that. 1 pound may also still be aggressive. With only 15 pounds to go, the key with this will be weighing everything because the less you have to lose the more accurate you need to be in your calorie consumption.

    I am 5'7, 45 and my CW is 170. I am only looking to lose 10 more pounds though so I will end up somewhere around 160 (I think) however, I am not really focused on the scale number, my main focus is body composition (I want to be in the 22-24% BF area). I do minimal cardio and lift heavy things. .:wink: .

    Anyway- Congrats to you on your loss thus far, don't be afraid of increasing your calories and don't think you have to do crazy amounts of cardio to make up for it. Be patient and consistent and if you don't already have one invest in a food scale. Good luck in your goals!

    Edited cuz spelling....
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I'm trying to be patient with it...I have a little space to experiment and I'm trying to just find that 'sweet spot' where I'm not hungry for no reason and not going crazy with the workouts to compensate for eating some cashews lol. I have to admit, though, it's been really weird for the last couple of days. I feel like I'm "cheating" because I have been eating at or close to 1200 for a couple of months. 1640 feels like I'm chowing down like a piggy :) Yesterday I didn't eat the full 1640, but I wasn't hungry so that was weird too. I'll give it a little time...also been avoiding the scale during this so I don't freak myself out or anything. I do need to buy a nice scale at some point I guess. I used to have one, but over time I got really good at the portions and stopped using it. Now I don't know where it is! Anyhow, thanks for your comments, they help keep me going in the right direction :drinker: