rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    "You're pretty small for a white girl."

    ....what? :huh:
  • AshwinA7
    AshwinA7 Posts: 102 Member
    The rudest thing anyone ever said came from my parents and extended family.

    They would just say, "Hey... you're fat! Go to the gym."

    Of course, diabetes also runs in the family so I suppose the rudeness stemmed from the fact that I was approaching morbid obesity.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Every time my great-uncle stops by, he calls me “gordo” (meaning fat) and my brother “flaco” (meaning skinny, and my bro's also sensitive about his weight). They were our nicknames. I don't know if it's just that Cuban people are blunt, but it's always pissed me off. One time I decided to tell him off, and he wondered if he should also call me flaco (he said this to be condescending, as I'm sure I was well over 50 pounds overweight). Now he's gotten old and my mom wonders why I just don't want to see him.
  • keithw1975
    keithw1975 Posts: 20 Member
    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.

    I know it's not really the same thing but I have been told I am fat by my mum for as long as I can remember. I genuinely don't remember a time when she didn't make comments about my weight.

    I have learnt over a good number of years to just let it go. I know that is easier said than done but she obviously has issues of her own and feels the need to point out what she percieves to be your 'flaws' rahter than focusing on her own.

    I'm so sorry she said that though, and I am equally sorry that your boyfriend didn't stand up for you. No one deserves that.

    You look great in your picture. I think some people are just hyper-sensitive about weight because they are insecure themselves. They look for anything they can to pick at.
  • GrokGranny
    GrokGranny Posts: 25 Member
    Here's a different one! When I was at my heaviest, I told my doctor at the time that I wanted to get serious about weight loss. She looked at me and scoffed (looking me up and down) and said, "Don't bother! People your size rarely lose the weight and don't keep it off either!" She was serious. I never did like her disposition, so I fired her. I then lost 110 pounds and have kept it off for 12 years. I just need to lose my last 20.
  • KRM51
    KRM51 Posts: 24
    1. A colleague at work - "You have such a beautiful face. Why don't you lose weight, you would look so good."
    2. Another colleague while I was eating at a work party, "Go on.. Keep eating."
    3. When a cousin was serving me icecream, another cousin said, "Don't give her icecream, she will get fatter"
    4. An intern, "You work so much, do you make time for your kids?" I was 30 and unmarried then.
    5. Someone, "I don't want you to marry her, she is fat." And she didn't speak to me for 2 years coz I was overweight and she was worried if she 'encouraged' me, I would think that she is okay with me marrying her son.
    6. Someone deliberately gifted me a top 2 sizes larger than I was, to indicate I look huge.
    7. An old 'friend' came to meet me just 'coz a cousin told him I was 4-6 times larger than I was.

    These are just from the top of my head. I have a million more. People staring at my plate to see what I eat. People asking me if I was ill when I lost a few pounds.
    And all this while (9 years) I was 30-35 lbs overweight. I still am, though I have lost 10-15 lbs twice and gained them back. Now, for the first time I want to lose these 35 lbs in a healthy way, permanently and for myself. After admitting that I just look fine as I do now. I know I have looked better in the past, but I shouldn't dwell there anymore. Plus I know I can look almost the same again with a healthy attitude and lifestyle.

    So, yes, I too wanted to lose weight as an answer to some people for their rude comments, but that will just be an extra bonus now. A really really good bonus, though ;)
  • KRM51
    KRM51 Posts: 24
    When I was 12 years old my mom put me in a weight loss group called TOPS. My mentor advised me to get a picture of a pig and put my face on it and put that on the fridge. This picture would then remind me when going to the fridge that I was a big fat pig and this would dissuade me from stuffing my fat face.

    Hate yourself thin was obviously a success!

    How do these people become mentors?? Imagine the number of miserable kids out there! :(
  • KRM51
    KRM51 Posts: 24
    In the lunch line in school when I was in 8th grade, a boy was telling me I was a fat cow. I told him to shut up or I would kick him in the face. He said "you're so fat you couldn't life your leg high enough to kick me in the..." before he could finish I had kicked him in the face....I kind of grazed his cheek. My intention was to swoosh my foot in front of his face not actually connect.....but I didn't gage the distance properly. He turned around in line and never said crap to me lesson was learned. :laugh:

    Awesome! I love this! :)
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    I live in Korea... and sadly this place can often be very rude... with that said:

    about 5 years ago.. while me and my baby were standing at a corner to cross the street this Korean guy (complete stranger) looked at me and said... You'r Fat.. as if he was telling me something i may not of noticed...
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Oh, and like someone else in this thread, I've been accused of eating an underweight person's food (in this case, it was my brother's). It was meant as a joke by a friend when she realized that my bro and I were in fact related. Another friend expressed that the comment was rude, which comforted me a little, but it still stung.
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    At first I thougnt it was about the place you live: in Asia mostly they just say to your face how fat you are (I have my sources) In Europe they are not as aggresive but still pretty straight foward and in the americas people is more secretive and is kind of taboo to talk about it :/
    the worst thing? I don't have a top ten list but I remember the "OH! but you'll look sOOOOOOO pretty if you just lose some weight" and "should you be really eating that?" kind of comments... oh no I have a top 1 actually! my "doctor: "GIRLY, COME BACK HERE WHEN YOU ACTUALLY LOSE SOME WEIGHT AND LOOK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, BEFORE THAT I CANT DO ANYTHING FOR YOU NOR YOUR HEALTH"... *kitten*...
    but getting back to you: what that woman did is just SO DISRESPECTFUL AND OFFENSIVE AND GIRL SRLY HOW DIDNT YOU JUMP AT HER WITH A FORK OR SOMETHING AND STAB HER IN HER HORRIBLE TONGUE!? or at least tell me you said something to the boyfriend afterwards on his lack of supportiveness! I'm horrified he didn't batter an eye!
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    When I was 12 years old my mom put me in a weight loss group called TOPS. My mentor advised me to get a picture of a pig and put my face on it and put that on the fridge. This picture would then remind me when going to the fridge that I was a big fat pig and this would dissuade me from stuffing my fat face.

    Hate yourself thin was obviously a success!

    How do these people become mentors?? Imagine the number of miserable kids out there! :(

    This was in the early 80s and it was just people from town in the group. If I remember this lady was 20 lbs overweight, but her family made fun of her so much. She had very poor self-esteem. She thought she was offering good advise. This is how she tried to motivate herself.

    At the time my weight didn't bother me, but it apparently bothered everyone else. I was 12 years old and 218 lbs. I was a very active fat kid. In the summer I would swim 3 or 4 hours and roller skate everywhere. There was nothing to watch on TV back then so you spent all your time outside. In the school year they would make us run a mile in recess and then I would have to run a mile after school. Honestly if they had just left me alone I probably would have still been fat, but at least I would have kept active instead of retreating from the world in shame and hating myself for 20 years.

    We need to teach kids that eating healthy and exercise is more important than body size.
  • KRM51
    KRM51 Posts: 24
    When I was 12 years old my mom put me in a weight loss group called TOPS. My mentor advised me to get a picture of a pig and put my face on it and put that on the fridge. This picture would then remind me when going to the fridge that I was a big fat pig and this would dissuade me from stuffing my fat face.

    Hate yourself thin was obviously a success!

    How do these people become mentors?? Imagine the number of miserable kids out there! :(

    This was in the early 80s and it was just people from town in the group. If I remember this lady was 20 lbs overweight, but her family made fun of her so much. She had very poor self-esteem. She thought she was offering good advise. This is how she tried to motivate herself.

    At the time my weight didn't bother me, but it apparently bothered everyone else. I was 12 years old and 218 lbs. I was a very active fat kid. In the summer I would swim 3 or 4 hours and roller skate everywhere. There was nothing to watch on TV back then so you spent all your time outside. In the school year they would make us run a mile in recess and then I would have to run a mile after school. Honestly if they had just left me alone I probably would have still been fat, but at least I would have kept active instead of retreating from the world in shame and hating myself for 20 years.

    We need to teach kids that eating healthy and exercise is more important than body size.

    Exactly. Just a change of perspective and kids can feel so much better and clearer about things.
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    I had one jaw dropping experience last year. I love scuba diving and I was at a boat with members of my dive club. At the end of the day one woman I never met came up to me and said: 'you know, I used to be 130kg like you and I got a gastric bypass. I dropped 50kg. Maybe you should try it.' I told her I was happy for her success but that I wasn't interested in going that route. She than kept going on and on about how it changed her life etc and I kept sounding like a broken record ' nice but not interested' finally I snapped and asked her why my appearance was such a big deal for her and walked away...she stayed behind muttering that she was trying to help me :noway:
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    I had one jaw dropping experience last year. I love scuba diving and I was at a boat with members of my dive club. At the end of the day one woman I never met came up to me and said: 'you know, I used to be 130kg like you and I got a gastric bypass. I dropped 50kg. Maybe you should try it.' I told her I was happy for her success but that I wasn't interested in going that route. She than kept going on and on about how it changed her life etc and I kept sounding like a broken record ' nice but not interested' finally I snapped and asked her why my appearance was such a big deal for her and walked away...she stayed behind muttering that she was trying to help me :noway:

    I don't know why it always comes as a suprise to me how incredibly cluessless and insenstive people can be. Was she from an older generation? I find older people love to give me dieting tips. Complete strangers in line at the market. They mean well, but it's annoying as well. They usually come up and put their hand on my arm and say something like "My niece,sister,mother etc was a big girl like you and you know what she did?" and I say no and then they tell me about some miracle weight loss crap.

    and I'm like "hmm that's nice"
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    A nurse asked me if I was expecting again!

    It was the wake up I needed to start addressing my growing waistline.

    Rude nonetheless
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Biggest lie: You look fine! (bodyfat was ~40%)
    Rudest thing: You're getting too skinny! (bodyfat was ~28%)
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    I had one jaw dropping experience last year. I love scuba diving and I was at a boat with members of my dive club. At the end of the day one woman I never met came up to me and said: 'you know, I used to be 130kg like you and I got a gastric bypass. I dropped 50kg. Maybe you should try it.' I told her I was happy for her success but that I wasn't interested in going that route. She than kept going on and on about how it changed her life etc and I kept sounding like a broken record ' nice but not interested' finally I snapped and asked her why my appearance was such a big deal for her and walked away...she stayed behind muttering that she was trying to help me :noway:

    I don't know why it always comes as a suprise to me how incredibly cluessless and insenstive people can be. Was she from an older generation? I find older people love to give me dieting tips. Complete strangers in line at the market. They mean well, but it's annoying as well. They usually come up and put their hand on my arm and say something like "My niece,sister,mother etc was a big girl like you and you know what she did?" and I say no and then they tell me about some miracle weight loss crap.

    and I'm like "hmm that's nice"

    No she only 5-10 years older...still flabbergasted when I think of it...
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    One of my moms male friends who is a known womanizer grabbed my gut, shook it and said "if you just lost this you could be really cute!"
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    My ex the firefighter said the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me, which is a pretty big accomplishment to win over the a-holes who tortured me in high school. I've never repeated it verbatim but the comment involved paramedics throwing their backs out / being unable to lift me to get me out of the house on a stretcher.

    It's cool now. He eats those words every time I run into him and his coworkers talk about how great I look.