cut out all bad things at once struggling!!



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Thankyou all for your suggestions opinions and ideas

    Although cutting everything out is probably not the best idea for me it feels best because I have a condition called pcos and carbs and sugar basically turn into fat for me whenever eaten even good sugar and this is very upsetting for me as you may understand

    It's also having a parent who when sees me eating a pudding or a piece of chocolate says I'll never lose weight and I won't ever be thin because a diet means cutting out all bad things so that is how I've grown up to think just that and no matter how hard I work and go to gym or eat well it all comes down to the pressure living with a family who are like that

    I do not want to fail this diet I am 100% committed to losing weight and becoming healthy

    So you ask for advice, you got good advice. Now it's your way or the highway?

    Read the sexy pant link, that has tons of info.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    You're allowed to eat the "bad" foods as long as it is in moderation. Otherwise you will go insane
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    <scratches head>

    Unless you're never planning on eating those things again, figure out how to incorporate them into a reasonable weight-loss program -- that will make it far easier once you get to the maintenance phase. Going cold turkey on the foods you like just leads to cravings, binging, and weight gain once you're done "dieting".

    In general, there are no bad foods, there are simply some foods that should not be eaten in large quantities.

    it might be easier to learn self control by allowing a few of thise things IN your diet, diet coke and chocolate for example
    diet coke, while not great is probobly better in the long run than the choices you might make if you feel deprived.and SMALL amounts of chocolate should be allowed all the time!!!
    just log it , and count the calories, if self control is the issue, get the smallest packet you can buy,
    picking up a small single lindt truffle and enjoying it is better than "sneak and guilt" which is what is going to result if you deny yourself

    ::::150 Calorie snacks::::

    2 boiled eggs
    a sandwich thin and half oz of cheddar melted to it
    1Tbsp peanut butter on 5 saltines
    30 baby carrots and 2 Tbsp ranch dip or sour cream dip
    2 cups raw broccoli and dip
    3 cups steamed broccoli tossed with 4T parmesean and a bit of rosemary and garlic
    1 egg and an everything bagel thin
    2 sliced apples
    2 oranges
    a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and 40 baby carrots
    15 black jelly beans
    10 peanut m&ms
    2 lindor truffle balls
    3 squares of lindt dark chocolate
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Thankyou all for your suggestions opinions and ideas

    Although cutting everything out is probably not the best idea for me it feels best because I have a condition called pcos and carbs and sugar basically turn into fat for me whenever eaten even good sugar and this is very upsetting for me as you may understand

    It's also having a parent who when sees me eating a pudding or a piece of chocolate says I'll never lose weight and I won't ever be thin because a diet means cutting out all bad things so that is how I've grown up to think just that and no matter how hard I work and go to gym or eat well it all comes down to the pressure living with a family who are like that

    I do not want to fail this diet I am 100% committed to losing weight and becoming healthy

    Having medical issues that require you to eat certain things is absolutely a reason to remove the offensive items, but even with PCOS you can still have moderate amounts of those 'bad things' as long as your diet overall is balanced and you are in a calorie deficit.

    More importantly, don't let family dictate how you feel about yourself and your dietary habits. You can absolutely have pudding or a piece of chocolate and still lose weight and get healthy. The ignorance of your parent shouldn't force you to deprive yourself of things you enjoy. Perhaps you can be the one to educate them on what a balanced and sustainable diet really looks like.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    I have nothing to add in terms of advice, everything's pretty much covered.

    I will say, though, that it would be really sensible to listen to persons who are telling you that they have been in your shoes, have struggled and failed using your current weight loss method, and have found success doing the things they are advising you to do.

    *I will also add that being healthier doesn't have to be the worst thing in the world. You don't have to feel like the only way to get there is to nail yourself to a cauliflower cross. You can still eat things that you enjoy and lose weight. Other people with PCOS are doing it, your body isn't built differently from theirs.*
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    All the advice on this thread is very helpful. However, what the people that fail do not realize, is that you HAVE to deal with all the stuff in your head that makes you eat the way you do and use food the way you do.

    The most important thing is to teach yourself to delay gratification and to eat things you love in moderation. It's a process. It goes hand in hand with portion control/calorie counting/weighing/measuring, etc. Once you are on the road to doing these things - the losing part is pretty simple.

    edited for spelling
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Buy the book "Beck Diet Solution." It helps you use cognitive behavioral therapy to change your relationship to food (i.e. it isn't really a diet). You change the way you think about food, and diets, by changing the way you talk to yourself.
  • sophiemarie987
    sophiemarie987 Posts: 20 Member
    Some people on here have offended me a lot . The reason i feel cutting out is right is that if i eat one bad thing I will go back to my old habbits you have no authority to tell me i will fail when you could be wrong diets have not worked for me in the past because i am addicted to chocolate i get addicted so much i used to eat it for my main three meals once i have had bulimia in the past and still struggle with it its not something i can just think oh ill stop now ive struggled with this since i was about 13 when i lost a relative yeah okay it might be hard but i cannot carry on like i am sugar controls my life and binging does too and the things i binge on are the things i cut out

    i cut everything out about years ago when i did slimming world and i lost over 1/2 stone in 2 1/2 weeks and i carried on and lost a stone in 1 month but then i had a piece of chocolate...and boom old habits back. it does work for me it makes me feel i have a life back...maybe i would prefer to be thin then enjoy have no right to judge if im going to fail or not

    and about the pcos i have a very extreme version of the condition i had to be on very strong BC pills to start forced periods because i had 1 at 14 then went 3 years without one..and people saying others have lost weight with this condition yeah ok some do but i know another relative who finds it very hard like me.

    thanks to all the people who have upset me cheers. hope you feel supportive i came on here for support on good foods i can replace with the ones that ruined my life so

    all the people that gave great suggestions on snacks thankyou i have gone through them all