Who has tried the shakeology cleanse? What's beachbody all a



  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Im a BB coach also. No spam here! Been drinking shakeolgy once a day, and I see a noticable difference in my sugar cravings. I have lost 5 lbs in about 2 weeks replacing one meal a day with the shakeology, and thats without working out (I do workout regularly, but work has been too busy these last couple weeks). Im excited to see my results over the next 2 weeks WITH my regular workouts. Good luck in your decision! I cut out coffe stands to account for the cost. Its more than worth it!

    No spam here?

    You posted in a thread that was over 3 years old.

    Cut the BS.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    people are so funny on here. I am not a fan of the Beach Body workouts but I truly believe in Shakeology. I tried multiple meal replacement shakes and this is the only one to help with energy, cravings, and mood. I crave their chocolate flavor. It seriously tastes like a chocolate brownie. Delicious with half a banana, almond milk, and PB2. Before you knock it, you should try it. I stopped purchasing it after the first month due to price and switched over to another meal replacement and I couldn't believe the difference I felt. I decided it is worth the price and purchased it again!! I will continue to buy it.

    2nd post to a thread that is 3 years old.

    Stop the sales.
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    The chocolate, and strawberry are good. After i used it for a solid week, i did not feel drained in the afternoons. It has seriously helped me so much with sugar cravings, and binges. I thought about getting it for a year before i did, because of the price. Even rhou it is expensive, for me it has made a huge difference, so i consider it worth it.