Just curious.....why not?

Just curious why most ppl dont let their food and exercise diaries be viewable?

Is it so they dont get criticized for what they eat?

I have mine public, and I dont eat perfect.

Share your thoughts if you have it viewable and if not why?


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    When I was on the losing end mine was public. Most people congratulated me on my work, but there were a few that would peek at my diary and criticize me. Either way, for me this is a lifestyle change and pizza is a part of my lifestyle, so my diary wasn't always pretty...but it's all about moderation and making it work for you!

    Now my diary is private...I'm pregnant and have really weird eating habits and to be honest, I'm eating a lot more calorie wise than I used to when trying to lose and even though it's appropriate I'm embarrassed about it!

    I think more people should go public. I love seeing what others eat and getting ideas!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I hold myself accountable, I don't need other people to do it for me. I hate it when my husband gets on my case about whether or not I'm going to the gym or if I'm over my daily calories.

    This is my journey, my struggle. General support is great, but I'm really the only one who needs to know all the details of what I go through daily.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I feel that if I felt like other people could see it-I may not be honest on it. Also, I keep track of it for myself and guess I don't know why others would need to know this information about me. I enjoy having support here-but I want to be as honest as possible-and will not be if I have to open that up. If I want to splurge and have an ice cream-I don't want someone to notice it.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Mine is the same reason as everyone elses, I dont want to be critized for my food choices. If I want to eat a sodium filled lean cuisine, I'm gonna do it. lol! Now, If I stop losing and ask for advice, I will probably make it public to get some ideas.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I keep mine open.....if people try to criticize then that's on them ;)
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    If mine was private, I do not think I would be as honest or consistent with my journaling. I am very skilled at lying to myself and justifying my reasons for eating crap. Although I cringe at the fact that others can read what I eat, I keeps me in check. No one has openly criticized me for what I eat. Even when I go over calories. LOL My husband coulc care less if I exercise or went over calories. I don't have anyone that peeks over my shoulder, I beat myself up enough. I'm glad that there are some who have complete and total accountability with themselves. That is awesome. I'm not there yet.
  • lilmama1223
    I have mine private just because I'm not sure how to change the setting. I really don't care what people think about my eating habits. We're all here for one main goal and that is to be healthier. Everybody is different. Some can lose weight while making only modest changes to their diet while others may need more discipline. We are here to uplift one another and encourage. While we may offer suggestions, we should be careful not to criticize. All that to say....I'll play around with my settings and stuff and see if I can figure it out! :) Hope everyone has a great New Year!! We're all starting it off right by deciding to take the step to become healthier!
  • heatypablo
    I decided to make mine private after seeing some criticism on other people's diaries. Encouragement and support are fine but some people were out of line, in my opinion.

    I think it's a bit much to have my daily foods monitored by others... even though I'm sure their intentions are meant well, they don't always come across that way and you feel like you've got your mother online watching you. Hahaha.

    To add: Yellowfairy also made a good point, I would probably be more tempted to not log something "bad" if I knew others would see it.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    there r some ppl that criticize unfortunately. i don't eat perfect & i have mine public. altho 4 the past month i haven't logged in anythin until this past wednesday when i started jenny craig.

    i also have mine as public. but i think it's just a matter of what that person is comfortable with. they may have it so that certain ppl r only able 2 view it or even unviewable at all. some ppl may not log their foods at all also.

    but u hafta remember that the food diary is there 4 that person 2 b aware of what is goin in2 their stomache. it's not 4 us 2 view what they put in their mouths.

    some ppl don't like being watched on their foods. again. it's a matter of public comfort level.

    mine has always been public but that's b/c i don't care what ppl think of what i'm eatin/exercisin. i know y i didn't lose as much weight as i could have. but i'm changin that. i'm startin off my new yr w/a 4lb lost & yes i knew it was my eatin habits. thankfully i haven't had any1 criticize me. i think i'm 1 of the lucky few.

    i don't think we should criticize each other on our eatin habits. we should encourage & if asked we should suggest a healthy just as scrumptiously tasting alternative. :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker: <--water
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    I initially had it private, mainly out of embarrassment, not wanting the criticism, or (FOR ME) it just seemed so personal, but as a big step for myself, made it public. For my own journey, it helps me with accountability, I actually find that I like the feedback.
  • CarolHudson11
    Mine is public. Some days I do well and others not so much. But, I think it's a personal choice either way. I do love the public ones since it gives a newbie like me ideas that I wouldn't normally think of without others' input. :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I have mine private just because I'm not sure how to change the setting. I really don't care what people think about my eating habits. We're all here for one main goal and that is to be healthier. Everybody is different. Some can lose weight while making only modest changes to their diet while others may need more discipline. We are here to uplift one another and encourage. While we may offer suggestions, we should be careful not to criticize. All that to say....I'll play around with my settings and stuff and see if I can figure it out! :) Hope everyone has a great New Year!! We're all starting it off right by deciding to take the step to become healthier!

    Go to 'Settings' and then 'Diary Settings'. You'll have the option to make it public in there.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I hold myself accountable, I don't need other people to do it for me. I hate it when my husband gets on my case about whether or not I'm going to the gym or if I'm over my daily calories.

    This is my journey, my struggle. General support is great, but I'm really the only one who needs to know all the details of what I go through daily.

    I agree
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I have mine private because quite frankly sometimes I'm embarrassed to show what I eat, but I've still been losing. I guess I don't want to be criticized like most other people.
  • spinndrift
    Mine was private but isn't anymore - I look forward to being criticized now lol.
  • reese1206
    Because I hold myself accountable.....I wouldn't really care what someone said if they saw it but I don't see the need to have it public. I have made a change in my life and am sticking to it.......I don't see my diary not being public affecting my Food choices.
  • Floricienta
    Mine is public also. Any constructive comments/suggestions are very welcomed. :blushing:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Mine is public because I like being able to get feedback from others and it helps me stay accountable if I know someone else is looking at what I eat (even when I eat 500 calories after supper like last night -- yikes!). I have found that my friends are very encouraging -- I think their tendency is to encourage when I am doing well and not say anything on the bad days though! :)

    I like it when friend's have open diaries because it gives me more ideas -- I am always looking for ways to switch up what I am eating or get new yummy recipes! Plus, it helps me see how others fit in "treats" into a healthy lifestyle, and I am completely going for something I can maintain long-term.
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't want people to think they can eat like me to look like I do. This morning I had Toaster Strudel and beef jerky. I consider food to be fuel and nothing more. I don't get religious about whole wheat versus white and I don't buy into the whole earthy-crunchy, all natural, unprocessed lifestyle people are trying to shove down our throats.

    Usually I eat healthy but if I want a McRib, I'll have a McRib. Guilt is not allowed in my eating decisions.

    The only problem is that what works for me might not work for others. For most people, it may be the right idea to follow the advice and avoid processed foods. I don't want someone to see McRibs in my diet and look at me and think they can eat McRibs everyday. Even if I did that I would get fat.
  • Floricienta

    I like it when friend's have open diaries because it gives me more ideas -- I am always looking for ways to switch up what I am eating or get new yummy recipes! Plus, it helps me see how others fit in "treats" into a healthy lifestyle, and I am completely going for something I can maintain long-term.

    I second this!