Low Carber not losing-switch to weight loss shakes?

Hi Everyone!

I've been loving low carb but I can't get rid of the last 10lb. I have been able to previously, 1-2 years ago but the scale now is not moving and it's been like that since January. I am 42 for what it's worth. I've checked and tracked my calories and they are good and low (1400). The only thing I can think it could be (other than a horrible long plateau) is my splenda use? But it never prevented me before from losing weight so I don't know. Anyway, I am very frustrated and want to switch to meal replacement shakes for a month or so. But the low carb is so ingrained I am so confused how to switch over. I've been using cream in my coffee for years, do I need to go back to milk?

Any help or advice I would love to hear it. I have never done a meal replacement shake thing. My thought is that I do this shake thing until I lose the weight and go back to my wonderful low carb ways, which is very stable weight wise. And I feel better eating that way too.

I bought the costco kirkland chocolate weight loss shakes.

this is my current plan idea-what do you think?
brunch: (I don't get hungry for a few hours after I wake up, please don't suggest I eat any earlier. I am 42 and this is how I am)
dinner: reasonable dinner, lots of veg. My usual dinner is lean meat and roasted veg. Or some variation.
atkins bar for snack after dinner

Atkins worked so great years ago-I know only 10lb isn't much but I really want it gone. 15 would be better, but 10 would make me happy.

thanks in advance for your thoughts and experience!


  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Or...you could count calories and eat real food.


    Why I think that is all that needed saying, I'm going to elaborate. Weight loss is about eating a deficit, while you can accomplish this through shakes, you will find you will probably enjoy life more just eating real food. It is really easy to do to be honest, weighing food should take a grand minute of your day if you have a scale with a tare feature. You cannot accurately guess how many calories you are eating every day without weighing your food.

    Also, if you only have 10 to 15 pounds to lose, you should really only be shooting for 1/2 pound a week weight loss.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Or...you could count calories and eat real food.


    Is there a medical reason you need to do low carb? Could you open your diary?

    What is your height and current weight? Do you weigh your food with food scale?
  • motor58
    motor58 Posts: 4 Member
    oh dear!

    I do eat real food! Every day, fresh and real. I eat low carb because sugar isn't good for me. I love it and I don't see that changing. Plenty of fresh veg, and lots of fat, ha!

    That said, I think I may have to take my question to a low carb forum.

    if anyone has anything helpful to say, I would love to hear it!

    I am 5'9. 42 female. I tracked everything with MFP for a while to make sure I wasn't eating too much. I ruled out consuming too many calories when I did that.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    That said, I think I may have to take my question to a low carb forum.
    Okay. Best of luck :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    So people telling you that shakes is a bad idea is not helpful? Even if it is a bad idea? I'm 46 and peri - menopousal, and I don't drink shakes or eat low carb and I still lose weight...Very slowly, but I do...And I eat around 1600 to 1800 and do weights and hiit cardio....

    I do eat lower carb - try to keep carbs below 120 and protein above 140....But I only drink protein shakes as a protein supplement....Drinking shakes is not sustainable - if it causes you to be in a calorie deficit and you lose the weight, how are you going to keep it off once you eat "normal" food again? Or are you going to drink shakes for the rest of your life?
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    I eat low carb because sugar isn't good for me

    Please elaborate on why sugar isn't good for you.

    Is it because you have an actual condition? Or because you've been brainwashed into believing sugar is horrible?

    While I wait for your response, I'm going to go eat a few Sweet Tarts and have a Fudgesicle.

  • lotr4000
    lotr4000 Posts: 25 Member
    Maybe try staying below 20g of carbs per day.
    A lot of plain meats, veggies with butter, cheeses, bacon, broth, and stay away from sauces, fruits, and grains.
    If you're only a little bit away from your goal, it's bound to be slower going than the rest of time that you were in nutritional ketosis.

    Aspartame stalls me, so it very well could be the Splenda.

    A great recipe for bulletproof, Atkins/Keto friendly coffee is: Black coffee, Butter, Coconut Oil, and Heavy Whipping Cream. It'll keep you full and energized for hours. :)

    At any rate, you could try it for a few days, and see if it works for your body.
    If not, you might have to either A: Bite the bullet with exercise and calories in/ out for a larger deficit. Or B: Get happy with the weight you're at, simply maintain and call it good. ;)

    Weight loss shakes will certainly do the trick after a few months, but unless you're exercising as well, you'll probably lose muscle.
    Ever seen an elderly person who only gets to eat Ensure because of medical reasons like a severe stroke? Unhealthy-thin.

    At any rate, good luck~! Those last ten pounds can be pesky! (Or so I hear. lol)


    After going back and double-checking your post:

    Try the bulletproof coffee (or tea) in place of the shake for a few days.
    But you can always TRY it out!
    No one should be able to tell you not to at least TRY. (Even with the shakes!)
    Because hey, if it works, it works. :)

    ( I thought you were ONLY going to be drinking shakes. Like, for every meal. lol (Good thing I read it again!)
    If your plan works, great! If the scale goes uuuuup, re-strategize. Easy peasy. :3 )
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Not a fan of low carbs or shakes. Find a plan that you can live with. Can you live off shakes for the rest of your life? If Atkins worked so well, why are you not following it now? Probably due to the food restrictions. Eat in moderation - yes, even sugar.

    Set MFP to determine your calorie limit and stick to that! Adjust as needed as the weight comes off. Keep it simple - eat less, move more.

    Good luck!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    So you will eat one meal and one shake a day????
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I've been loving low carb but I can't get rid of the last 10lb. I have been able to previously, 1-2 years ago but the scale now is not moving and it's been like that since January. I am 42 for what it's worth. I've checked and tracked my calories and they are good and low (1400).

    You don't give enough data but 1400 could be a little high to drive weight loss. The traditional Atkins response to a prolonged plateaus is a "fat fast" with 80% calories from fats & oils and 1000 calories total for 5 days.

    I would also try 2 weeks without the Atkins bars or other things with polyols in them as many people report issues with those.

    I wouldn't advocate switching to higher carbs as you'll take on a few pounds of water weight doing so and not be happy.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    oh dear!

    I do eat real food! Every day, fresh and real. I eat low carb because sugar isn't good for me. I love it and I don't see that changing. Plenty of fresh veg, and lots of fat, ha!

    That said, I think I may have to take my question to a low carb forum.

    if anyone has anything helpful to say, I would love to hear it!

    I am 5'9. 42 female. I tracked everything with MFP for a while to make sure I wasn't eating too much. I ruled out consuming too many calories when I did that.


    Search groups, there are low carb forums here on MFP where you can get help and advice.

    Since you bought the shakes already you might as well try them. What I had to do with low carb was count calories to lose because I could still maintain a higher than desired body weight eating just about nothing but meat.

    Speaking of, that is what I did, while some people load up on the Atkins bars and such. Artificial sugar can stall weight loss. Lots of people on low carb forums have found that out. So if the shakes don't work, perhaps try cutting out all artificial sweeteners and just eat meat and veggies and count the calories to be sure you're in a deficit.

    Best of luck.
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    You just need patience and eat 3 meals a day etc and exercise then by the end of the week the weight will slowly come off.