Back Again :-)

So in 2012-2013 I lost 3 stone, which was great, I suffer polysistic ovary syndrome so losing weight was a mission that ive fort for year, it kick started my system and I fell pregnant WOW dream come true,,, shes 4months old and perfect,,, me well im back at square one fat n hating myself so here for another try, ive put on 2stone so not far off my orginal starting weight but this time I no I can do it as ive done it before :-)

all my old friends have gone now hopefully reachin there goals so feel free to add me so we can support one another on our journeys xx


  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Glad youre back. Congrats on your baby.
  • sarahmartin2011
    sarahmartin2011 Posts: 25 Member
    thanks you, glad to be back just need to make lots of friends again and stick with it x