Lose 5 Pounds in April 2014 Open Group



  • angelzxy321
    angelzxy321 Posts: 1,019 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 243
    CW: (Current weight) 221.4
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 215

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 221.4
    4/05 Sat: 221
    4/12 Sat: 219.4
    4/19 Sat: 219.2
    4/26 Sat: 214.6
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 6.8

    I never knew you could hold on to that much water weight. I did almost nothing different this week. I did eat a bit less because instead of working out 5-6 times (half hour) for the week I only did 3 total. Still in a bit of shock over the almost 5 pounds loss in 1 week.
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    SW: 271
    CW: 209.2
    GW: 199

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): N/A
    4/05 Sat: 209.2
    4/12 Sat: 208.4
    4/19 Sat: Skipped
    4/26 Sat: 204.6
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 4.6lbs
  • kmajaVCU
    kmajaVCU Posts: 33 Member
    SW: 198
    CW: 182.8
    GW: 182 (For the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 188.2
    4/05 Sat: 186.6
    4/12 Sat: 185.2
    4/19 Sat: 184.2
    4/26 Sat: 182.8
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    To think that my original goal for this month was to weigh in at 185 pounds. With some really hard work and watching what I eat, I was able to achieve my goals quicker than I had thought. Looks like next month I will be back in the 170's! I will not give up! Hopefully by Wednesday I will be a solid 182!

    And to everyone else who kept up with this all month, congrats! Sometimes you just need to be held accountable! Thanks for posting this, I can't wait until May's group starts up :)
  • SW: 151
    CW: 121
    GW: 117

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 121
    4/05 Sat: 121 again... looks like I will need to step up my work out game.
    4/12 Sat: 120!! I congratulated myself by buying 2 bottles of Essie nail polish!
    4/19 Sat: CHEAT - Easter
    4/26 Sat: 123 (cheating is never worth it... I just felt sick, and now I weight more than I did when I began the month! BOOO!!)

    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost:
  • jesstheturtle
    jesstheturtle Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 198.0
    CW: 185.2
    GW: 180.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/01: 185.2
    4/05: 187.0
    4/12: 184.2
    4/19: 183.4
    4/26: 181.0

    Total weight lost: 4.2

    My inspiration this week has been myself! I knew I wanted to give it 100% this week and I'm pretty proud of my accomplishments this week.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    SW: 192.2 (08/18/05)
    GW: 139.2 (08/18/06)
    CW: 133.8
    GW: 129.0

    Weigh in Dates:

    4/01 Tue: 133.8
    4/05 Sat: 131.4 (not believing it tho)
    4/12 Sat: 133.2
    4/19 Sat: 132.0
    4/26 Sat: 132.4
    4/30 Wed:

    Total weight lost: 1.4

    Goals: Workout 5-6 days a week. 15,000 min steps a day. No trigger foods.
  • MsD6206
    MsD6206 Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 203.2
    CW: 177.8
    GW: 172

    Weigh in Dates:
    04/01: 177.0
    04/05: 175.9
    04/12: 175.1
    04/19: 173.6
    04/26: 172.0 !!!!
  • melinda11587
    melinda11587 Posts: 16 Member
    I've met my goal but I'm over being skinny and I'm ready to gain some muscles!

  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    SW: 295.5
    CW: 201.2
    GW: 199.9

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/01 - 204.8
    4/05 - 205.8
    4/12 - 203
    4/19 - 204.2
    4/26 - 201.2
    4/30 -

    Total weight lost: 3.6
  • M3Kindschi
    M3Kindschi Posts: 72 Member
    Checking in:

    SW 146.7
    CW 138
    GW was 138.7 for the month and I'm already past it!!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!! We need to do another challenge for the month of May!!!
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    SW:(3/28/14) 186.6
    CW:(4/03/14) 181.6
    GW:(4/30/14) 175

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/05 Sat: 182.2 (missed going to the gym or exercising at all for the first time in a week last night)
    4/12 Sat: 181.2 (Friday - I was at 179.4 - I had some hiccups yesterday -oh well try again right?)
    4/19 Sat: 177.4
    4/26 Sat: 175.6 (Lets see if I can lose that last .6 by Wednesday - then I will have hit my goal for the month!!!!)
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 6.6 (for April) / 11 (Total)
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    SW: 220 lbs
    CW: 205 lbs
    GW: 200 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/01 Tue: 204.6 lbs
    4/05 Sat: 204.6 lbs
    4/12 Sat: 202.6 lbs
    4/19 Sat: 202.00 lbs
    4/26 Sat: 202.00 lbs
    4/30 Wed:

    Total weight lost: 3 lbs
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    SW: 369 lbs
    CW: 277.8 lbs
    GW: for month -- 270 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/01 Tue -- 277.8 lbs
    4/05 Sat --- 274.7 lbs
    4/12 Sat --- 274.0 lbs
    4/19 Sat --- 276.5 lbs (whoa, wrong way! Don't know where my head is at this past week, but it sure isn't here)
    4/26 Sat --- 275.8 lbs
    End of Month (4/30 Wed)--

    Total weight lost:
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Cracked the 130s the last two days finally!

    SW: (Starting weight): 142.6 lbs
    CW: (Current weight): 142.6 lbs
    GW: (Goal weight for the month): 137.6 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/01 Tue: 140.8 lbs
    4/05 Sat: 140.6 lbs
    4/12 Sat: 141.0 lbs
    4/19 Sat: 140.6 lbs
    4/26 Sat: 138.4
    4/30 Wed:

    Total weight lost: 4.2 lbs
  • mimithin007
    mimithin007 Posts: 46 Member
    For some reason this month has been really hard. I've been working out more than ever, but still.....
    SW: 92.5 Kgs
    CW: 79.5 Kgs
    GW: 78 Kgs
    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 79.5
    4/05 Sat: 79.8
    4/12 Sat: 79.3
    4/19 Sat: 79
    4/26 Sat: 78.5 Yes. Yes. Yes!!!!
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):
    After plateauing for so long, 1/2 kgs is great. The only thing is I seem to have lost all of it on my face.
    Good luck everyone.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    SW: 232.8
    CW: 202.5
    GW: 197.5 (by 4/30)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 202.5
    4/05 Sat: 202.8
    4/12 Sat: 201.8
    4/19 Sat: 197.2
    4/27 Sun: 199.8
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 2.7 lbs
  • redbreast
    redbreast Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 12st 1.1lbs (08/03/14)
    CW: 11st 9.4lbs (01/04/14)
    GW: 11st 3lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 11st 9.4lbs
    4/05 Sat: 11st 8.8lbs
    4/12 Sat: 11st 9.2lbs
    4/19 Sat: 11st 6.1lbs
    4/26 Sat: 11st 5.3lbs
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost:
  • tildastwistedlife
    tildastwistedlife Posts: 85 Member
    I haven't posted here in a while due to frustration, but I'm feeling better now!

    SW: 224
    CW: 207.2
    UltimateGW: 140
    GW for April: 206.4

    March 30: 211.4
    April 6: 209.8
    April 16:208.6
    April 20:208.4
    April 27: 207.2
    April 30:

    Weight loss thus far: 4.2 pounds
    Not sure I can do .8 in 3 days but I'm going to try! I'm really hoping this was just a struggle month. 5 pounds a month was not my ultimate goal. I know it's weight off, not on...but at this rate it will take me forever.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    SW 360.2
    CW 305.8
    GW 299
    4/26 305.0

    Total weight lost: -.8#
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    SW: 286.4
    GW: 281.4

    Weigh in Dates:

    4/05: 285.6
    4/12: 285.4
    4/19: 284.0
    4/26: 285.4

    Total Loss: 2.4 lbs

    Overate a little while before weighing in, so some water weight shenanigans are happening.